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Enhanced retinal ganglion cell production in Smo mutant retinas.

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1 Enhanced retinal ganglion cell production in Smo mutant retinas.
Enhanced retinal ganglion cell production in Smo mutant retinas. A–M, Immunofluorescent labeling of E14.5 (A–C), E15.5 (D–I), and P0 (J–M) retinas. Sections of control (+/+) (A, J, K), Smo heterozygous (+/−) (B, D–F), and Smo cKO mutant retinas (−/−) (C, G–I, L, M) were labeled for βTub (A–C), colabeled for DAPI, Brn3a and GFP (D–F; and G–I), and colabeled for DAPI and Brn3a (J, K; and J, M). gcl, Ganglion cell layer; le, lens; ret, retina; vz, ventricular zone. Scale bars: A (for A–C), D (for D–I), J (for J–M), 100 μm. N–P, Quantification of RGCs by flow cytometry. Percentages of marker positive cells among total cells at E15.5 (N), E17.5 (O), and P0 (P) are shown. Genotypes (+/+, Smoflox/flox with no cre; +/−, Smoflox/+ with Chx10-cre; −/−, Smoflox/flox with Chx10-cre), and numbers (n) of individual retinas analyzed are indicated below the bar graphs. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < Error bars indicate SEM. Kiyo Sakagami et al. J. Neurosci. 2009;29: ©2009 by Society for Neuroscience

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