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Malay Traditional Clothes

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1 Malay Traditional Clothes
Nur ‘Aqilah Binte Roslan Siti Nur Afiqah Binte Hamim 3N1 / 3N2

2 Malay Dressing - Women Tudung/Selendang
Among the Muslims, another mandatory piece of clothing is the scarf called either the tudung or selendang. This should cover the hair and the ears, in accordance with the Islamic dress. The selendang has been part of the Malay women's wardrobe for ages, though with greater understanding of Islam a stricter observance of what should be concealed and what can be exposed is now practiced. When a Muslim girl reaches puberty, she should be encouraged to cover her whole body except her face and hands. At this point, she may decide to don a piece of head scarf.

3 Malay Dressing - Women Baju Kurung
The baju kurung looks quite like men’s wear. It is a simple knee-length blouse worn over a long skirt pleated at the side.The outfit is completed with a selendang or tudung around the shoulders or on the head . Baju kurung too can be matched with "kain songket", "batik" or even "pelikat". The baju kurung is more liked by people because it covers the whole body except for the palms and the face which is considered to be polite. The baju kurung is more suitable with the teachings of Islam as it is not exposing the whole body except for the palms and the face. Nowadays, baju kurung can be found in different styles. These clothes are being tailored so that they suit the person wearing it. Among the baju kurungs that have been tailored are "baju kurung labuh", "baju kurung moden", "baju kurung cekak", "baju kurung Kedah" and others.

4 Malay Dressing - Women Baju Kebaya
It is one of the clothes that is liked by the Malay community especially during the year of the 1960s. The Baju Kebaya is a bit like baju kurung except that it is much more fitter than baju kurung. The Baju kebaya is usually matched with "kain songket" or "batik".

5 Malay Dressing - Women Baju Kebarung
It is said that the baju kebarung is a combination of the baju kebaya and the baju kurung. Baju kebarung is like the kebaya but it is loose like baju kurung, which is why it is called baju kebarung. The Baju kebarung is actually not one of the traditional clothes of the Malay community but it is being produced presently to satisfy the Malay community. The designs and the choice of colours show the identity of the person. Colours that are bright like yellow, light blue, red and etc and designed with big flowers have become favourites.

6 Malay Dressing - Men Baju Melayu
Baju Melayu are worn by Malay men. It is worn especially on Fridays for the Friday prayers. It is also worn for wedding ceremonies and other occasions. Other than being matched with the "seluar"(trousers), the baju Melayu can also be worn with "kain pelikat". These kinds of clothes can be seen worn during wedding ceremonies and also Hari Raya.

7 Malay Dressing - Men Tanjak/Tengkolok
A tanjak, which is also known as the tengkolok, is a four-sided cloth which was folded expertly into a head-kerchief. It used to be worn by the ‘sultan’ but now it is worn by the bridegroom during his wedding day. The bridegroom who is wearing the tanjak is regarded as the king for the day as he looks like one. The tanjak he is wearing is usually matched with the wedding suit.The tanjak/tengkolok worn by the bridegroom nowadays has intricate gold designs on it. It is also decorated with matching jewellery to make the bridegroom more good-looking.

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