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Citing Sources in APA Style

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1 Citing Sources in APA Style
Gloria Colvin Research Librarian Format used in Social and Behavioral Sciences References help reader locate source of information Important to cite research Author-Date Format

2 Reasons for Citing Sources
Using research to back up your arguments, adds credibility to your work Gives credit to author and avoids plagiarism Allows readers to find your sources easily Citation style provides consistency across the discipline

3 When to Cite Sources Paraphrasing from another work
Direct quotation from another work Data or facts that are not common knowledge References to ideas that have influenced your work 2 Places to Cite Sources: In the text of the paper Reference list at end of paper

4 In-Text Citations Help readers locate a source in the Reference list Author-Date Format Whenever you use a source, include author’s last name and date of publication (Garcia, 2008) For quotations, also include a page number “as in all other human endeavors, the desire to look good trumps the need to be accountable” (Bracey, 2004, p. 100). At end of quote include author, date, and page number in parentheses and put the period after the parentheses If the quote ends in a question mark or exclamation point, put that punctuation before the quotation marks. A period should follow the parentheses with the author, date, and page number.

5 Citing Quotations Use quotation marks around exact quote
Include author’s last name, year of publication, and page number in parenthesis following the quote It [self-efficacy] is defined as, “Beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments’’ (Bandura, 1997, p. 3). Or if author’s name is used in the text, indicate date and page number as follows: Bandura (1997) defines self-efficacy as “Beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to product given attainments “ (p.3). If there’s no page number, indicate paragraph number (Payne, 2010, para. 4) or the section heading and paragraph number (Payne, 2010, Conclusion, para. 2)

6 Block Quotes Better to paraphrase than to use a lengthy quotation
If quote is 40 words or more, use a block quote. Indent quote ½” Do not include quotation marks For perceived control, students at the highest level of this construct preferred to choose their own books, valued such choices highly, and had elaborate strategies for selecting books. Students for whom choice was important had ways of ensuring they had opportunities to make choices. Interestingly, however, we found that many of the students thought others, like parents and teachers, made better reading choices for them, and so they did not have a strong desire to choose what they read. Moreover, some students expressed that they like both making their own book choices, as well as having close, trusted others choose books for them. (Guthrie, Hoa, Wigfield, Tonks, Humenick, & Littles, 2007, p. 306)

7 In-Text Citations for Paraphrase
After a summary or paraphrase, include the author’s last name and date of publication in parentheses In fact, researchers in Spain, Portugal, The United States, France, Argentina, Korea, and other countries study numerous aspects of self- efficacy (Pajares, 2002) . If author’s name is included in the text, include the date of publication following the author’s name Bandura (1994) believes mastery experiences are the most effective way to create a high sense of self-efficacy. If same source is referenced in same paragraph, do not include date in subsequent references in that paragraph If same source is used in other paragraphs, include author’s last name and date of publication If citing same work in same paragraph, only include author’s last name after 1st reference If citing again in new paragraph, need to include author & year of publication

8 In-Text Citations with Multiple Authors
When the parenthetical citation includes two or more works, order them alphabetically by the author’s last name, list date of publication and separate by a semi-colon This is true of student teaching experiences, such as those used in standard teacher training practices in the United States (Fives, Hamman, & Olivarez, 2007; Knoblauch, & Hoy, 2008). If more than one author, list authors separated by commas If more than one source, separate sources by semi-colon If 6 or more authors, use first author, followed by et al

9 Indirect References If you use a source that was cited in another source (a secondary source), name the original source in the text. List the secondary source in your reference list and include it in your parenthetical citation, preceded by the words “as cited in.” As John Dewey said, “Action is the test of comprehension. This is simply another way of saying that learning by doing is a better way to learn than by listening” (as cited in Waks, 2011, p.194).

10 Citing Personal Communication
, interviews, letters, and similar unpublished communication should be cited in the text, but not in the reference list. Include the first initial and last name of the author, followed by the date in parenthesis. The comments from students indicated that the project had been successful in reaching its goals (T. Smith, personal communication, January 3, 2011).

11 Reference List Only include items in Reference List that have been cited in paper Citations are double spaced with hanging indent Order by author’s last name Use initials for first or middle names

12 Citing Books in Reference List
Carlson, J. S., & Levin, J. R. (2012). Instructional strategies for improving students’ learning: Focus on early reading and mathematics. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub. Book Chapter Block, C. C. (2012). Proving and promising reading instruction: What we know and what works. In J. S. Carlson & J. R. Levin (Eds.), Instructional strategies for improving students’ learning: Focus on early reading and mathematics (pp. 3-42). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub.

13 Citing Journal Articles in Reference List
Mcgeown, S. P., Duncan, L. G., Griffiths, Y. M., & Stothard, S. E. (2015). Exploring the relationship between adolescent's reading skills, reading motivation and reading habits. Reading and Writing, 28(4), doi: For electronic sources, include DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if available If no DOI is available, either use website for journal or cite as print No period after URL or DOI DOI is stable URL; when put in a link resolver (, it will lead to the full text of the article No punctuation after DOI or URL because if copied and pasted into web browser, it wouldn’t give correct address

14 Citing a Website Yancey, K. B. (2009, February). Writing in the 21st century. Retrieved from Only include a retrieved by date if site is likely to change If no date of publication is available, use (n.d.) after author’s last name If no author is listed, begin with title of web page

15 Citing PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint slides with date Colvin, G.P. (2011, September). Citing sources in APA style. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from PowerPoint slides without date Colvin, G.P. (n.d.). Citing sources in APA style. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

16 Resources on APA Style Learning APA Style (APA)
Basics of APA Tutorial (APA) APA Formatting & Style Tutorial (Purdue University Online Writing Lab)

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