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2 Changes in Higher Education and TVET courses to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

3 Critical new courses that you would introduce in higher educ/TVET
Revise the mechanical engineering programs -robotics, mechatronics need to be introduced and there will be need to put in place infrastructure to accommodate those changes; Course in artificial intelligence to be introduced, with an embedded system (advanced). Need to review the curriculum for an embedded system (hard ware) so that students from the mechanical engineering can benefit; Courses on Big data and analytics and Cloud computing; Integrate 21st century skills (digital literacy, critical thinking, problem- solving,…) in the programs of univ/TVET often called golden threads – vertical themes passing through horizontal curricula, four Cs Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication Collaboration.

4 What changes need to be introduced in how univ/TVET are taught and assessed
In terms of T&L methodology, introduce CBC at advanced level in TVET; much more critical is CBA – competency-based assessment. Without this, CBC is simply a way to orient learning outcomes so that they seem like practical skills though CBC is only a reality once assessment is taken by students at different times depending on their different rates of knowledge acquisition; In HLIs, moodle -an open learning platform needs to be streamlined; there is need for interactive content and integrate media. We still use it in a very rudimentary way as a repository. There is little that is interactive; However TVET is yet to start utilizing one. Include data analytics supported by psychometricians; For assessment, reinforce capstone (project-based problem-based learning). There is a risk that these become poorly supervised and badly flawed ‘research’ books; Conduct Assessment for learning rather than to test.

5 What steps to improve the collection of information
Work closely with professional bodies –PSF; RMI; Align supply and demand matching approach based on inputs of private sector; Ensure frequency in reviewing programs and introduction of new courses.

6 Is there any other approach that you have learnt?
Capstone project; Optimizing the number of courses; Need much greater flexibility in learning – in time but also in course selection so that the name of the final degree is determined by the courses you take rather than dictating what you take. Greater interdisciplinarity is needed in course delivery; Ensure Industry and partners commitment in development of curricula; Regulation should be an enabler for innovation in education rather than a deterrent; Case study/adaptive approaches

7 ICT Connectivity for Higher Education and TVET Systems

8 How to improve existing plan for connectivity
Improving intra campus network/upgraded to address the bottleneck of lack of strong wifi on the local area network -national cloud Need to manage use of bandwidth on campus. Plan for strengthening National Research and Education Network Using existing fibre optics under RWEDNET will provide high speed internet at affordable prices to both Universities and TVET Institutions both private and public; Linking the regional and international networks through Ubuntunet and GEANT.

9 Steps to increase connectivity
RWEDNET is proposed to be established as a virtual private network linking all Higher Academic and Research Campuses in Rwanda, both public and private, leasing existing installed fibre optic lines. This will greatly reduce bandwidth cost whilst also providing significant increased bandwidth. Lessons learned Adaptive regulatory frameworks to match with adaptive curriculum/processes that are meant to match with adaptive technologies.

10 Technical capacity needs
System administration including LINUX and computer networking; Strengthen data base administration; Computer data applications; Need instructional technologists and ‘directors of open learning’. How to meet these needs? Invest in open window for certification; Connect the curriculum with the new direction and demands; Encourage individual empowerment through modern learning technologies.

11 Using Technology to Transform Higher Education and TVET

12 What technologies could you immediately implement to improve access and quality in Higher Education and TVET? Access to internet connectivity and on campus local area networks i.e. RWEDNET plus Improving intra campus network; Create online programmes to increase affordable access to courses for students; Use Adaptive technologies.

13 What technologies could you plan to deploy in the next 3-5 years
What technologies could you plan to deploy in the next 3-5 years? For what purpose? On line repository of ‘soft’ skills; Digitize all instructional resources to provide student access any time anywhere. How would you incentivize and help teachers / faculty to adopt technologies? Training; embed it in performance evaluation; embed it in promotion; orient mandatory PGCE. Create posts such as professor in engineering education; Include the requirement for demonstration of use of technology in teaching portfolio as part of requirement for promotion/performance evaluation.

14 How would you assess whether the technology is helping to improve student learning?
Data analytics like ASU presented which is why we need pedagogical analytics and psychometricians. What reforms could be introduced to improve procurement of technologies, ensure local content, and address the other challenges outlined in your questionnaire etc? Need to be able to single source open and distance learning technologies and content; Use consortium of HLIs/TVET to procure the technologies. What kind of technical assistance do you need? In what specific areas? How will you get them? Capacity development for staff who run our education management systems.

15 Planning Ahead

16 What government policies or regulations need to change in order to enable higher education/ TVET institutions to be better prepared, better connected, and able to deploy technology? Be as specific as possible. Regulation should be an enabler for innovation in education rather than a deterrent Need to discuss standards such as SSRs, books on shelves; Integration of digital skills, including coding to be introduced at an early age; Probable changes to procurement such as single sourcing.

17 What are the most critical investments? How would you sequence them?
Infrastructure (internet connectivity, bandwidth, speed, video conferencing, multimedia, virtual labs, etc.); Instructional process including change management, and then learning platforms and virtual labs as well as simulations tools (e.g. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality); Investment in data analytics to inform monitoring and evaluation for continuous improvement and upgrade;

18 What are the most critical investments. How would you sequence them
What are the most critical investments? How would you sequence them? (Cont’d) Making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning: Increase connectivity in schools; Teaching, Learning and Assessment using ICT; To provide access to open education resources; To enhance ICT capacity and awareness in the education system in partnership with industry; To Develop new and advanced digital competences and skills: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security. Instructional design, process, training of lecturers, etc. This needs to start well ahead of time so should run in parallel with any other investments; Experts - instructional technologists, psychometricians; Creating interfaces between different EBMIS; Awareness campaign for change and adaptation.

19 How would you go about preparing a costed action plan, with prioritized investments to improve university and TVET courses, improving connectivity, and using technology in education? Conduct a stakeholders consultations and benchmarking with best practices; Carry out a comprehensive need assessment and feasibility study and identify risks with their mitigation plan. A supply and demand matching approach will be adopted; Need a theory of change; Design a strategic framework for the Higher Education and TVET sectors and its implementation plan. This includes a roadmap for adaptive curriculum review with focus on competence-based education adapted to the needs and imperatives of the 4th industrial revolution and digital economy. Intensive engagement of the industry will be adopted as requirement; Use data analytics and benchmarking for M&E to assess the impact of Higher Education and TVET outputs and optimize impact; Design strategy and implementation plan for enhanced broadband connectivity and deployment of robust learning management platforms in Higher Education and TVET; Elaboration of comprehensive capacity building plan for academic staff with a clear change management strategy; Develop new and advanced digital competences and skills: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security; For detailed Action Plan: For a particular Action, implementation milestones, link of the action with target result, responsibility for implementation, Duration of Action, Financial implication, etc. can be prepared. Priority Rank of the Action can also be indicated.

20 Which other Ministries do you need to work with?
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Ministry of Public Service and Labor, Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of ICT and Innovation, Rwanda Development Board, Ministry of Youth, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture.

21 How should we improve knowledge sharing between countries in this area?
Leverage regional platforms/bodies such as AVU, RUFORUM, PASET, RSIF under PASET; Specialized workshops and forums like the PASET Forum; Create and operationalize thematic online communities using social media discussion groups; Online digital library of research and information for the region; Strengthening African Journal Online (AJOL) or similar to it; Regular peer-review and benchmarking exercises; Cross-pollination through joint capacity building initiatives, including webinars; Participate in appropriate Conferences, Workshops; Regional training programs can be encouraged; HLI Knowledge Network in EAC region, using good internet connectivity- some modules, seminars, conferences can be shared online among universities of the region; PASOL or equivalent leading to shared public repository of African Universities’ courses rather like Udemy. Sharing of very costly equipment and labs;

22 How will you / should we monitor progress in implementation?
Elaborate a result-based M&E framework of monitor and evaluate achievement; Real-time monitoring of results. Use modern technologies such as expert systems and AI-enabled data analytics tools; Develop an online repository to capture progress and M&E reports; For monitoring progress in implementation, peer assessment in the region can be used. A regional body, such as IUCEA may assist in the assessment based on Action Plan, milestones, etc.


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