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Aims of Punishment Recap

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1 Aims of Punishment Recap
Match the aim of punishment to the correct definition. a) This is about ‘getting your own back’/revenge on the criminal and is linked to the teaching ‘an eye for an eye’. The punishment should be proportionate to the crime committed. b) When someone is punished to stop the criminal from hurting anyone else in society. c) Where punishment aims to change the criminals behaviour for the better. d) Punishments are there to put people off committing crimes.  1. Reformation 2. Deterrence 3. Protection 4. Retribution Challenge – get students to think of a quote to match some of the aims of punishment.

2 Judge Judy Learning Objective: To creatively evaluate the types and aims of punishment.

3 You be the Judge As a class, you are going to watch the case of Robert J, a 15 year old who has been found guilty of robbing a mobile phone and money off a smaller boy. As a group, you are going to role play the sentencing of this crime. You will need: An account from the victim to say how the crime affected them An account from the criminal that explains why he did it and how he understands the seriousness of what he has done The prosecuting lawyer – what they think the criminal should be given The Judges verdict – what sentence they judge has given and why Watch the Teen Crime case on You Be the Judge – watch up to where it explains the sentencing options. Students can either role play this in front of the class or they can film it on phones/equipment and send it to you.

4 What do you think of the sentencing in this country?
Evaluate What do you think of the sentencing in this country? It is too lenient It is about right It is too harsh

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