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Click to edit Master subtitle style EPO- Staff Committee European Patent Office The European Patent Office Serving industry and the public.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style EPO- Staff Committee European Patent Office The European Patent Office Serving industry and the public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style EPO- Staff Committee European Patent Office The European Patent Office Serving industry and the public

2 Click to edit Master subtitle style EPO- Staff Committee Long Term Care Insurance b_05/03_1 European patent Office

3 EPO – Staff Committee Overview 1.Compulsory or voluntary basis? 2.Procedure for determining the level of care 3.Benefits 4.Contributions 5.Conclusion

4 EPO – Staff Committee 1.Compulsory or voluntary basis? 1.Persons covered by COMPULSORY insurance: permanent employees contract staff members (covered by the EPO social security) former permanent employees receiving – an invalidity pension or – an outright retirement pension dependent children dependent children (orphan's)

5 EPO – Staff Committee 1.Compulsory or voluntary basis? 2.Persons covered by VOLUNTARY insurance ( two categories): 1.Persons eligible for insurance by virtue of a decision of an insured employee (active or retired): spouses, former spouses entitled to personal maintenance, other persons entitled to maintenance.

6 EPO – Staff Committee 1.Compulsory or voluntary basis? 2.Persons insured voluntarily on an individual basis: are those who wish to maintain insurance cover which may terminate (death of the insured person, resignation, etc..)

7 EPO – Staff Committee 2. Level of care The degree of reliance on long-term care is assessed by examining the ability of the insured person to take care of himself independently and to perform certain everyday and housekeeping activities, with or without assistance, help or care provided by a third person.

8 EPO – Staff Committee 2.Level of care Procedure: Criteria for assessing reliance on long-term care Definition of activities and ability to perform them Time allocation for activities in each category Overall assessment and final recommendation

9 EPO – Staff Committee 2.Level of care Criteria for assessing reliance

10 EPO – Staff Committee 2.Level of care The 11 physical and mental activities as defined are divided into three categories: Basic activities of everyday life (mobility, dressing, washing, eating and drinking, use of WC) Cognitive capacity (daily life without supervision, communication) Basic housekeeping activities (preparing meals, cleaning, washing/ironing, shopping)

11 EPO – Staff Committee 2.Level of care Time allocation for activities in each Category (example): Category 1ABCD Mobility-10 mins. 20 mins 40 mins. Dressing-5 mins.10 mins. 20 mins.

12 EPO – Staff Committee 2.Level of care Overall assessment and final recommendation: High : help in at least 3 of the 7 activities mentioned in Categories 1-2 Very High : help in at least 4 of the 7 activities mentioned in Categories 1-2 Total : help in at least 5 of the 7 activities mentioned in Categories 1-2

13 EPO – Staff Committee 3.Benefits Summary of the benefits Level of relianceAmounts High 50% of basic salary (C1/3) Example Germany : 1 109.94 Very High 75% of basic salary (C1/3) Example Germany: 1 664.92 Total 100% of basic salary (C1/3) Example Germany: 2 219.89

14 EPO – Staff Committee 4.Contributions apportionment ratio of OfficeEmployee 2/3 : 1/3 The total contribution rate has been set at 1.2% of basic salaries and pensions, ie 0.4% for the employees Based on a reserve fund

15 EPO – Staff Committee 4.Contributions : Examples Permanent employee : basic salary : 4 600.31 Contribution = 1/3 of 1.2% of 4 600.31 = 18.40 Contract employee : basic salary : 4 600.31 Contribution = 1/3 of 0.4% of 4 600.31 = 6.13

16 EPO – Staff Committee 5.Conclusion 1.Relatively new scheme introduced in July 2001 2.Positive experience till now: Budgetarily balanced Managed within a paritary joint consultative committee (management/staff representation) Requests treated rapidly Currently 70 persons have benefited from it Covers approximately 16.600 persons

17 Click to edit Master subtitle style EPO- Staff Committee European Patent Office Thank you for your attention European Patent Office Bayerstr. 34 / Zi. 4424 80335 Munich, Germany Tel. +49-89-2399-0

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