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Word of the Day Set 7 Water for Elephants.

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Presentation on theme: "Word of the Day Set 7 Water for Elephants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of the Day Set 7 Water for Elephants

2 Menagerie (Noun) Definition: A place where animals are kept and trained especially for exhibition Sentence: The zoo has a menagerie of exotic animals.

3 Oblivious (Adjective)
Sentence: The couple acted oblivious to the mess their child made in the restaurant. Definition: Not conscious of something, especially what is happening around you

4 Querulous (Adjective)
Definition: Often complaining, especially in a weak high voice. Sentence: During the plane trip, a querulous lady did nothing but criticize the flight attendants.

5 Scrutiny (Adjective) Sentence: Because politicians represent the people, they are always under a lot of scrutiny. Definition: The careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it

6 Surreptitious (Adjective)
Definition: Done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing. Sentence: The dog has his surreptitious ways of stealing table scraps.

7 Sentence: The decrepit car refused to start.
Decrepit (Adjective) Sentence: The decrepit car refused to start. Definition: In very bad condition because of being old, or not having been cared for, or having been used a lot.

8 Conspicuous (Adjective)
Definition: Very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that is not wanted. Sentence: When Mark wore jeans to the formal party, he was very conspicuous.

9 Desultory (Adjective)
Sentence: After losing the big game, they could only give their opponents a desultory cheer. Definition: Without a clear plan or purpose and showing little effort or interest.

10 Providence (Noun) Definition: An influence that is not human in origin and is thought to control people's lives.

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