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Greek & Latin 5 sat, scope, test, tox, turb.

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1 Greek & Latin 5 sat, scope, test, tox, turb

2 enough sat (Latin) ACT Focus Word: insatiable (adj.) satiety (n.)
unable to get enough, never satisfied Teenage boys often have insatiable appetites. satiety (n.) the state of being satisfied to the point of boredom saturate (v.) to soak or imbue thoroughly or completely Other words: satisfy, sate, satiate satiety—suh-tie-uh-tee

3 see, view, look Scope (Greek) ACT Focus Word: colonoscopy (n.)
visual inspection of the interior of the colon Context: Having a yearly colonoscopy makes it much likelier that cancer will be detected in its early stages. microscope (n.) an optical instrument for viewing objects too small to be seen with the naked eye kaleidoscope (n.) an optical instrument displaying changing patterns of colors and shapes Other words: telescope, scope, periscope

4 a witness; one who stands by test (Latin) ACT Focus Word: attest (v.)
to bear witness to; to certify Context: My former employer can attest to my hardworking nature. testimony (n.) a solemn statement of a witness contestable (adj.) can be argued against Other words: testament, intestate, detest

5 poison tox (Greek) ACT Focus Word: detoxify (v.)—to rid of poison or its effects Context: Some people occasionally fast in order to detoxify their bodies. intoxicate (v.)—to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcohol, drugs, etc. antitoxin (n.)—a substance, formed in the body, that counteracts a specific poison Other words: toxicologist, toxic

6 agitation, confusion turb: (Latin) ACT Focus Word: perturb (v.)
cause mental disquiet or agitation Context: My friends’ conversation about their weight perturbed me. turbid (adj.) cloudy or thick with suspended matter disturb (v.) interfere; interrupt; disarrange Other words: turbulent, turbine

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