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A. Hi-II A B. Hi-II B C. Hi-II (A x B) D. WCIC1 E. WCIC2 B73

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Presentation on theme: "A. Hi-II A B. Hi-II B C. Hi-II (A x B) D. WCIC1 E. WCIC2 B73"— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Hi-II A B. Hi-II B C. Hi-II (A x B) D. WCIC1 E. WCIC2 B73 Heterozygous A188

2 Coleoptile removed and callus transferred to IM for 14 days
25 50 zygotic embryos per plant placed on 2 tissue culture plates containing initiation/maintenance (IM) medium for 10 days Coleoptile removed and callus transferred to IM for 14 days 10 Early measurements and selection: Number of zygotic embryos displaying somatic embryogenesis was counted and average callus diameter of callus from three embryos measured per plate. Ten best embryos chosen by visual selection and kept on IM for 14 days 24 38 Late measurements and selection: Number of zygotic embryos displaying somatic embryogenesis was counted and average callus diameter of three callus measured per plate. Callus was transferred to IM for 14 days 52 Callus was transferred to RM1 for 10 days Days in culture 62 Callus was transferred to RM2 for 14 days Number of embryos per plate per plant Description of protocol steps


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