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Component 1: Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.

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1 Component 1: Introduction to Health Care and Public Health in the U.S.
Unit 6: Regulating Health Care Lecture 5 This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC

2 Objectives of This Lecture
Explain important issues in the physician-patient relationship Communication Integration Decision-making Review legal considerations in establishing and ending a physician-patient relationship When does the physician have a right to refuse patients? The concept of abandonment Describe physician rights and responsibilities Describe patient rights and responsibilities Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

3 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011
Communication Physician duties Attention Respect Concern Patient duties Questions Accurate medical history Designate advocate or family member Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

4 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011
Integration Facilitation/navigation Clinicians should help patient understand the health care system Information sharing All treatment team members get copies of reports Patient informs treatment team about other appointments, tests, and procedures Health plan information Patient should be knowledgeable about coverage Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011
Decision-Making Physicians Consider individual patient characteristics Make sure patients have enough information Reveal any actual or potential conflicts Patients Accurately report adherence to treatment Execute advance directives, if desired Reveal preferences about options and risks Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

6 Establishment of the Relationship
Contract-based approach A patient seeks treatment The physician accepts the patient by acts such as performing an examination, giving a medical opinion, or treating the patient Recently, judges have accepted more limited contact as evidence of a physician-patient relationship Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

7 Limits on Physician’s Right to Refuse Patients
Medical emergencies No right to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, HIV status Cannot refuse to treat someone they have a contractual obligation to treat Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

8 Physician’s Right of Conscience
The patient’s right to competent, accessible care sometimes sets up a conflict with the moral convictions of individual physicians Many physicians believe they are not obligated to provide services Physicians have an obligation to refer the patient to someone who will provide the services Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

9 Ending the Relationship
Notice Certified mail, return receipt requested Explanation For example, repeated missed appointments Transition time Resources or recommendations Transfer of records Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

10 Elements of Abandonment
Terminating the physician-patient relationship in such a way that the patient does not receive needed care Examples Relationship was ended by the physician without the patient’s agreement Relationship was ended without reasonable notice Relationship was ended while there was a need for continuing patient care Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

11 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011
Kinds of Abandonment Intentional Inadvertent Mix-up about who is on call Scheduling problem Refusal of office staff to allow patient in crisis to talk with medical staff Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

12 Abandonment and End-of Life Care
Absence of continuity in physician-patient relationship Lack of closure for family and friends Scarce physician resources Drain on physician emotional resources Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

13 Declaration of Professional Responsibility
“Respect human life and the dignity of every individual” “Refrain from supporting or committing crimes against humanity and condemn all such acts” “Treat the sick and injured with competence and compassion and without prejudice” “Apply our knowledge and skills when needed, though doing so may put us at risk” Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

14 Declaration of Professional Responsibility (cont’d)
“Protect the privacy and confidentiality of those for we care and breach that confidence only when keeping it would seriously threaten their health and safety or that of others” “Work freely with colleagues to discover, develop, and promote advances in medicine and public health that ameliorate suffering and contribute to human well-being” Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

15 Declaration of Professional Responsibility (cont’d)
“Educate the public and polity about present and future threats to the health of humanity” “Advocate for social, economic, educational, and political changes that ameliorate suffering and contribute to human well-being” “Teach and mentor those who follow us for they are the future of our caring profession” Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

16 Goals of Patient’s Bill of Rights
Strengthen consumer confidence Emphasize the importance of a solid relationship between patients and their health care professionals Highlight the essential part that individuals have in protecting their own health Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

17 Elements of Patient’s Bill of Rights
Accurate, understandable information Help for person with disability Language barrier Choice of providers and plans Access to emergency services Participation in treatment decisions Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

18 Elements of Patient’s Bill of Rights (cont’d)
Respect and nondiscrimination Confidentiality of health information Procedure for complaints and appeal Patient assumes reasonable responsibility Refrain from activities that damage health Treat health care providers with respect Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

19 Other Patient Bills of Rights
American Hospital Association Adopted by member hospitals State governments State medical boards Agencies of federal government Affordable Care Act (health care reform law) Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

20 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011
Summary The physician-patient relationship is the foundation of the health care delivery system There are legal implications in establishing and ending a physician-patient relationship Once the relationship is established, both the physician and the patient have many rights and responsibilities Good communication and mutual respect are important factors in creating an effective physician-patient relationship Component 1/Unit 6-5 Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 2.0/Spring 2011

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