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(With an emphasis on teaching)

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2 (With an emphasis on teaching)
1 Timothy (With an emphasis on teaching) 1 Timothy 5

3 What & How To Teach I. Sound Doctrine (1) II. Public Worship (2)
III. Church Officers (3) IV. False Teachers (4) V. Care Of Members Of The Church (5:1-6:2) VI. The Minister Himself (6:3-21) - Don Dewelt

4 1 Timothy (With an emphasis on teaching) Overview of the Chapter

5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups”
1 Timothy 5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups” Treatment of Younger & Older (vv. 1-2) Widows (vv. 3-16) Elders (vv ) Personal Instructions (vv )

6 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups”
1 Timothy 5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups” Treatment of Younger & Older (vv. 1-2) Older men – as fathers (v. 1) Younger men – as brethren (v.2) Older women – as mothers (v. 2) Younger women – as sisters (v. 2)

7 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups”
1 Timothy 5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups” Treatment of Younger & Older (vv. 1-2) Widows (vv. 3-16) Older widows (vv. 3-10) Widows indeed (vv. 3-8) Honor (v. 3) Should be care for by family (vv. 4, 8) Qualities of a widow indeed (vv. 5-7) Widows take into the number (vv. 9-10)

8 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups”
1 Timothy 5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups” Treatment of Younger & Older (vv. 1-2) Widows (vv. 3-16) Older widows (vv. 3-10) Younger widows (vv ) Refuse from number (vv ) Should: (v. 14) Marry Bear Children Guide the house Give no occasion to adversary Some have turned aside (v. 15)

9 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups”
1 Timothy 5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups” Treatment of Younger & Older (vv. 1-2) Widows (vv. 3-16) Older widows (vv. 3-10) Younger widows (vv ) Who is to care for widows (v. 16)

10 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups”
1 Timothy 5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups” Treatment of Younger & Older (vv. 1-2) Widows (vv. 3-16) Elders (vv Counted worthy of double honor (vv ) Accusing the elders (vv ) Don’t receive an accusation without two or three witnesses (v. 19) Them that sin – rebuke before all (v. 20)

11 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups”
1 Timothy 5 “Instructions Regarding Various Groups” Treatment of Younger & Older (vv. 1-2) Widows (vv. 3-16) Elders (vv ) Personal Instructions (vv ) Observe these things without partiality (v. 21) Lay hands suddenly on no man (v. 22) Keep self pure (v. 22) Drink wine for stomach (v. 23) Actions of some are manifest – good and bad (vv )

12 1 Timothy (With an emphasis on teaching) Overview of the Chapter
Instructions on Teaching

13 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2)

14 Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2)
Subject: rebuke or reprimand (v. 1) Some will need rebuke, condemnation “Rebuke” – (#1969) used only here – means to strike upon, beat upon, used “in a figurative sense with words rather than with fists” (Robertson) Rather “exhort” – (#3870) “to call to one's side, call for, summon. to address, speak to ….to admonish, exhort… to beg, entreat, beseech…to console, to encourage and strengthen by consolation, to comfort,…to encourage, (Thayer) Point is: treat them with respect!

15 Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2)
Subject: rebuke or reprimand (v. 1) Those to be treat with respect (vv. 1-2) Older men – treat as would your father Younger men – treat as would your brother Older women – treat as would your mother Younger women – treat as would your sister “Purity” – conduct – contract: above board! Don’t put self in tempting situations “Preachers, especially young preachers, need to guard themselves carefully against any indiscretion that might reflect on their purity or proper conduct. Not one word, look, or action should ever suggest improper feelings on their part. Their character and usefulness depend so much upon their observance of this precept.” (M.E. Patton, Commentary on Timothy)

16 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2) Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16)

17 Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16)
First responsibility is on family (vv. 4, 8, 16) Church is limited in benev. care to saints (1 Cor. 16:1-2) But not all needy saints should be helped by church!

18 Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16)
First responsibility is on family (vv. 4, 8, 16) Church is responsible to care for widows indeed (v. 16) Truly in need – destitute – desolate Has no one to care for her (vv. 3, 4, 5, 9)

19 Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16)
First responsibility is on family (vv. 4, 8, 16) Church is responsible to care for widows indeed (v. 16) Difference in individual and church responsibility (v. 16) See the principle – not just application here Basic principle see in institutional controversy Basic principle in social gospel controversy Drive home principle of need for authority

20 Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16)
First responsibility is on family (vv. 4, 8, 16) Church is responsible to care for widows indeed (v. 16) Difference in individual and church responsibility (v. 16) Difference in temporary benevolence & regular care (vv. 3-16) Temporary / Emergency benevolence – included many saints in Jerusalem (Acts 2, 4, 11; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 8-9) “Number” – “enrolled in the body of widows who are to receive church support” (Vincent) – [ongoing, permanent help] “This verse shows that while any indigent saint may receive temporary relief from the church, those enrolled as a permanent charge must have qualifications given here.” (M.E. Patton, Commentary on Timothy)

21 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2) Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16) Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6)

22 Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6)
One that trusts in God – prays – Lives (v. 5) “Trust” – “has her hope set on God” (ASV) – settled Continues to pray Lives (contrast to v. 6)

23 Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6)
One that trusts in God – prays – Lives (v. 5) One lives in pleasure – dead (v. 6) “she giveth herself to pleasure” (ASV) Contrast to trusting in God – prayer (lives for self) Dead (separated from God) while she lives

24 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2) Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16) Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6) Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13)

25 Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13)
“Gossipers” / “Tattlers” KJV (v. 13) “Literally, ‘overflowing;’ then overflowing with talk; praters, triflers. They would learn all the news; become acquainted with the secrets of families, and of course indulge in much idle and improper conversation. Our word ‘gossippers’ would accurately express the meaning here. The noun does not occur elsewhere in the New Testament. The verb occurs in John 3:10; rendered, ‘prating against.’” (Barnes)

26 Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13)
“Gossipers” / “Tattlers” KJV (v. 13) “Busybodies” (v. 13) “The word means, probably, ‘working all round, overdoing,’ and then ‘an intermeddler.’ Persons who have nothing to do of their own, commonly find employment by interesting themselves in the affairs of their neighbors. No one likes to be wholly idle, and if anyone is not found doing what he ought to do, he will commonly be found engaged in doing what he ought not.” (Barnes)

27 Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13)
“Gossipers” / “Tattlers” KJV (v. 13) “Busybodies” (v. 13) Ought mind our own business (1 Thess. 4:11) Solve a lot of relationship problems Solve a lot of church problems

28 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2) Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16) Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6) Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13) Teach about family responsibilities (v. 14)

29 Teach about family responsibilities (v. 14)
Marry (v. 14) Instruction for younger widows Answer to the problem of v. 13 Instead of being taken into the number – husband to take care of her.

30 Teach about family responsibilities (v. 14)
Marry (v. 14) Bear children (v. 14) Busy herself with children – rearing responsibilities – contrast to v. 13 One of her primary roles – raising her children No place she can better serve than in the home When she is absent, “there is a silent evil reigning, which can be removed only by her return” (Barnes)

31 Teach about family responsibilities (v. 14)
Marry (v. 14) Bear children (v. 14) Guide the house (v. 14) Home – domestic responsibilities Parallel: “keeper at home” (Tit. 2:5)

32 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2) Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16) Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6) Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13) Teach about family responsibilities (v. 14) Teach about role & responsibility toward elders (vv )

33 Teach about role & responsibility toward elders (vv. 17-20)
Role (v. 17) Rule – “to be over, to superintend, preside over” (Wuest) Leadership Oversight (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-2) Labor in word & doctrine - teaching Able to teach (1 Tim. 3:1-7) Able to convict the gainsayer (Tit. 1:9)

34 Teach about role & responsibility toward elders (vv. 17-20)
Role (v. 17) Support (vv ) Time and place for “full time” elders – supported for their work V. 18 – same argument for support of preacher (1 Cor. 9)

35 Teach about role & responsibility toward elders (vv. 17-20)
Role (v. 17) Support (vv ) Respect (vv ) Respect due – because of the office they hold Don’t listen to charges – without strong evidence When established – elders are to be rebuked!

36 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2) Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16) Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6) Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13) Teach about family responsibilities (v. 14) Teach about role & responsibility toward elders (vv ) Don’t be prejudice & partial (v. 21)

37 Don’t be prejudice & partial (v. 21)
Without prejudice (v. 21) “Without preferring one before another” (KJV) Without judging beforehand without due consideration of the facts – before all the evidence is in Prov. 18:13 – don’t answer a matter before you hear Don’t allow friendship, position, money, emotions cloud your view of others.

38 Don’t be prejudice & partial (v. 21)
Without prejudice (v. 21) Without partiality (v. 21) Unequal treatment of people Don’t have rules for one – that don’t apply to another “Prejudice is preference by pre-judgment; partiality is choice made because of personal advantage” (DeWelt)

39 Instructions on Teaching
Treat others with respect (vv. 1-2) Teach about benevolence (vv. 3-16) Teach about contrasting lifestyles (vv. 5-6) Warn about gossip and busybodies (v. 13) Teach about family responsibilities (v. 14) Teach about role & responsibility toward elders (vv ) Don’t be prejudice & partial (v. 21) Don’t be hasty (v. 22)

40 Don’t be hasty (v. 22) Lay hands on… (v. 22)
Used in the appointment to a work (cf. Acts 13:1) Some think – appointment of elders (cf. 3:1-7) Some think – encouraging others to preach / teach

41 Don’t be hasty (v. 22) Lay hands on… (v. 22) Suddenly (v. 22)
NRV: “Do not approach hastily” When do – share in others sins (v. 22b) Time to use wisdom, judgment & take time

42 1 Timothy (With an emphasis on teaching) Overview of the Chapter
Instructions on Teaching


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