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Linking data: Unleash the potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking data: Unleash the potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking data: Unleash the potential

What information are we currently connecting at the Fiscal Transparency Portal? FEDERAL BUDGET Programs (cash-transfers, subsidies, etc.) Investment projects INFORMATION ON BUDGETARY PERFORMANCE FOR ALL FEDERAL PROGRAMS Indicators Independent Evaluations and their follow-up mechanism INFORMATION ABOUT FEDERAL TRANSFERS TO THE SUB-NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS Investment projects Performance Indicators Budget Execution 2,457 municipalities 32 States OPEN FISCAL DATA PACKAGE … ALL IN #OPENDATA

3 How does this information look like:

4 Finding and understanding the users

5 Small Private Online Course SPOC
And if our user is not so technical? Why not creating the capacities? In late 2016 we opened up our public officials courses on performance evaluation to the public…. Small Private Online Course SPOC

6 In 2017 we partnered up with civil society

7 More than 17,500 people subscribed.
Finding THE users More than 17,500 people subscribed.

8 And finally... Transparency is not the news

9 Let’s take it to the next level…
International Comparability Providing citizens with tangible information about hot topics - such as extractive industries or contract’s procurement- by linking them to the budget Unleash the power of data by linking standards

10 OFDP OCDS EITI Current situation:
Mexico has successfully implemented the Open Fiscal Data Package (OFDP), and is currently in the process of implementing the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). 100% OFDP 80% OCDS Encontrar imagen para el fondo 60% EITI

11 Pivot entries By using Open Contracting Data Standard extensions we are able to make the link: Who spends? Ministry +id Responsible unit +id Program +id In what? Most disaggregated spending level (Economic classification): line item Important! Budget breakdown extension allows you to link several pivot entries and express their value using different spending measures: it is key to involve Ministries of Finance to achieve the link. +

12 Identify sources of information
Planning Tender Open Fiscal Data Package SICOP-available budget Award CompraNet Implemen-tation CompraNet Auditing Open Fiscal Data Package SICOP (Accounting) SIAFF (Transactional) Indicators API (Performance) MIPPI (Infrastructure)… including … Public-Private Partnerships Investment projects binnacle

13 Modeling information

14 Publish!

15 Publish!

16 + + Publish! Federal Budget Investment projects Contracts Contracts

17 7.1 RICHTER And we had all these plans…


19 Budget is also contemplated in emergencies






25 TransparenciaPresupuestaria

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