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Writing Skills TEK 29(G): The student will identify and support with historical evidence a point of view on a social studies issue or event.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Skills TEK 29(G): The student will identify and support with historical evidence a point of view on a social studies issue or event."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Skills TEK 29(G): The student will identify and support with historical evidence a point of view on a social studies issue or event.

2 What question do you need to answer?
Prompt: From 1898 to 1914, did the US act more as an internationalist nation, advancing it’s own self- interest while protecting weaker nations, or as an imperialist nation, advancing its own self-interest while exploiting weaker nations?

3 Step 1: Organized brainstorming
Look back at each foreign policy country and cartoon. Decide if the United States was protecting this country or exploiting it. Cuba Hawaii Puerto Rico China Dominican Republic Mexico Panama

4 Step 2: Pick your topics Choose the three countries you want to write about in your paragraph

5 Step 3: Write your thesis
From the years , the United States acted more like an __________________ country because…. It was ___________ the nations of _______, _______, and _______ OR Even though it __________ the nation of _______, it ________ the nation of _______.

6 Write your supporting details
Include specific key terms and support your point of view (protecting/exploiting)

7 20 minutes Follow your rubric Raise your hand if you have a question
No discussion at this time. Room should be nearly silent (part of grade) This response will count as part of your imperialism quiz grade. Turn in your response with you rubric stapled to the front when time is up.

8 Foreign Policy Spectrum

9 Isolationism?

10 Collective Security?

11 Internationalism?

12 Imperialism?


14 President McKinley Lady Justice

15 Sanford Dole (Business Owners) President McKinley





20 President Wilson (USA) Pancho Villa (Mexico)

21 Critical Thinking Question:
During the time period 1898 to 1914, the US increased its influence in world affairs and emerged as a world power. Historians have debated, however, whether the United States acted as an internationalist nation, advancing its own self interest while protecting weaker nations, or if the United States acted as an imperialist nation, advancing its own self interest at the expense of weaker nations. Evaluate U.S. foreign policy from 1898 to 1914 to determine where you stand in this historical debate. Be sure to use at least THREE examples of U.S. foreign policy in Asia or Central and South America.

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