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Time with Office of Sponsored Programs August 2, 2011 Topic: Usage Fees.

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Presentation on theme: "Time with Office of Sponsored Programs August 2, 2011 Topic: Usage Fees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time with Office of Sponsored Programs August 2, 2011 Topic: Usage Fees

2 What Are They Usage Fees– Fees charged for the use of University equipment.

3 Regulations 2 CFR Part 215-formerly A-110 –215.34 (d) Federally owned equipment may be used if does not interfere with project work Equipment may be used on other federally sponsored projects User charges are treated as program income 2 CFR Part 220-formerly A-21 –220 J(14) Use allowance Institutions may be compensated for the use of buildings and equipment provided they are used in the institutions activities and properly allocable to sponsored agreements – 220 J(14)(a) Either depreciation or use allowance will be used to determine compensation rates

4 Determining Rates Allowance Method –Rates to be used in establishing costs are as follows: External Customers--- Equipment use is to be charged at an hourly rate equal to 6 2/3 x acquisition cost with a $5.00 per hour minimum. Space use is to be charged at a rate of $1.00 per square foot per day for periods of use less than one week. Longer term charges are established by the Administrative Services Office. University service unit charge: This is for goods/services provided by service operation, such as glassblowing and computer services. Support staff assistance charge: 2.5 times the individuals actual hourly rate. This provides for fringe benefits, overhead, and overtime. Policy Memorandum lll-51 Internal Customers--- Equipment portion of calculation may based on depreciation or use allowance method. DepreciationAcquisition cost spread out over the length of useful life of the equipment item Use allowance

5 Service Agreements and Distribution of Fees Policy memo lll-58 –Service Agreements will be entered into when using University facilities or equipment for non-university work. Policy memo lll-51 –Allocation of 50/50 split between department and campus miscellaneous sources income account Accounting Process –Preparation of Invoice Original to Purchaser Copy to Office of Sponsored Programs –Payment Purchaser sends payment to Office of Sponsored Programs or lockbox Payments will be credited to department account and campus miscellaneous sources income account –When sending Service Agreement to OSP for approval, send chartfield string to ensure proper recording of payments.

6 Compliance Rate Sheets –Develop and implement Usage Fees –Calculate rate based upon Policy Memorandum lll-51(external rates) and depreciation or use allowance method (internal rates) Office of Sponsored Programs –Submit rate sheets annually for approval –Submit Service Agreements for approval –Submit copy of invoice when billing customers to ensure proper recording of revenue distribution

7 Questions for OSP

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