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Reports on incomes and expenditures in election campaigns 2012

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1 Reports on incomes and expenditures in election campaigns 2012
Transparency Serbia 10 July 2012

2 Stated oppinions do not neccesarly represent donor’s oppinions.
About project Transparency – Serbia, as part of project “Monitoring of election campaign“, monitors important aspects of political subjects’ and state organs’ proceedings in campaign for parliamentary, provincial, local and presidential elections in 2012 Monitoring begun on 26 March Sample of monitoring comprehends events in Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and in 20 smaller cities and municipalities Monitoring also comrehends media with national broadcasting and proceeding of public insitutions nation-wide Created as part of the project of Transparency Serbia Monitoring of election campaign financing supported by Internationa Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and USAID. Project activities are partially financed from regional research of Transparency International on role of money in politics – thankfully to donation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. Stated oppinions do not neccesarly represent donor’s oppinions.

3 Incomes and expenditures in republic elections
Lists/candidate proposers Total incomes in republic elections Total expenditures in republic elections Pokrenimo Srbiju 560,004,134 562,877,916 Izbor za bolji život 861,030,354 820,787,910 SPS-PUPS-JS 228,862,581 229,153,178 DSS 117,515,593 107,212,394 Preokret 121,091,049 289,954,758 URS 189,485,738 513,761,487 SRS 125,515,385 146,880,972 Dveri 50,980,710 51,780,787 SVM 34,427,664 24,070,151 PRS 48,248,885 96,249,355 Socijaldemokratski savez 49,368,293 11,924,217 Total 2,386,530,386 2,854,653,125

4 Structure of incomes and expenditures in republic elections
Blue: Total incomes in republic elections Red: Total expenditures in republic elections

5 Expenditures in republic elections
Lists/candidate proposers Expenditures in parliamentary elections Expenditures in presidential elections Pokrenimo Srbiju 309,069,090 253,808,826 Izbor za bolji život 467,878,306 352,909,604 SPS-PUPS-JS 187,045,290 42,107,888 DSS 66,612,689 40,599,705 Preokret 230,620,369 59,334,389 URS 466,339,813 47,421,674 SRS 89,450,683 57,430,289 Dveri 11,810,339 39,970,448 SVM 23,350,161 719,990 PRS 25,516,169 70,733,186 Socijaldemokratski savez 1,160,013 10,764,204 Total 1,878,852,922 975,800,203

6 Paralel presentation of expenditures in republic elections
Blue: Expenditures in parliamentary elections Red: Expenditures in presidential elections

7 Share in total expenditures in republic elections

8 Structure of incomes in parliamentary elections

9 Structure of incomes in presidential elections

10 Structure of expenditures in parliamentary elections
Blue: Public events Red: Bilboards Green: TV Purple: Press Light blue: other

11 Structure of expenditures in presidential elections
Blue: Public events Red: Bilboards Green: TV Purple: Press Light blue: “expenses of hiring marketing agency” Orange: Other

12 Uncovered expenditures
Parliamentary elections – sources of incomes and uncovered expenditures Lists Budget Private sources Credits Uncovered expenditures Pokrenimo Srbiju 212,691,910 43,397,886 48,096,000 4,883,294 Izbor za bolji život 196,025,753 31,999,000 260,000,000 SPS-PUPS-JS 132,138,617 55,135,410 DSS 68,239,939 8,175,600 Preokret 62,696,495 15,996,000 151,927,874 URS 54,363,417 33,695,287 62,426,470 315,854,639 SRS 9,920,331 18,261,500 53,000,000 8,268,852 Dveri 1,090,000 800,008 SVM 23,808,796 8,898,868 PRS 15,595,838 SDS 9,920,332 278,407 SZ 12,698,024 782,000 NOPO 2,777,692 125 Total 805,121,968 208,811,215 432,421,338 497,330,505

13 Parliamentary elections – sources of incomes and uncovered expenditures
Blue: Budget Red: Private sources Orange: Credit Light blue: Uncovered expenses

14 Structure of incomes in parliamentary elections
Blue: Budget Red: Private sources Green: Credits Violet: Uncovered expenses

15 Incomes-presidential elections 2012
Candidates Budget Private sources Credits Uncovered Tomislav Nikolić 249,135,601 176,137 6,506,600 Boris Tadić 23,870,000 100,000,000 Ivica Dačić 38,328,554 3,260,000 519,334 Vojislav Koštunica 2,771,500 Zoran Stanković 672,010 16,935,835 Čedomir Jovanović 4,070,000 8,421,110 Jadranka Šešelj 1,005,000 5,000,000 13,096,735 Vladan Glišić 1,641,825 69 Ištvan Pastor 720,000 1,000,000 Zoran Dragišić 32,404,632 Danica Grujičić 841,000 Total 804,899,634 39,027,472 112,506,600 71,377,715

16 Incomes-presidential elections 2012
Light blue: Uncovered Orange: Credits Red: Private sources Blue: Budget

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