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Berkeley Housing Element

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1 2009-2014 Berkeley Housing Element
February 25, 2009 Status update: Public outreach process Community Profile Highlights Site inventory survey for RHNA

2 The Housing Element Required element of the General Plan
Updated generally every five years Establishes they City’s policy strategy to meeting regional housing need at various income levels Statewide housing goal: to encourage attainment of “decent housing and suitable living environment” for all Californians

3 Public Participation Process: Six meetings by subject area
Introduction to HE law and the HE update process Overview of the Berkeley community profile Review of the HE policies and programs Special needs housing Land inventory and capacity for RHNA Constraints on housing production

4 Population Profile After growth in the 1950s, Berkeley’s population was steady from 1980 to 2000 Current data for 2007 suggests an increase of 4.4% over the 2000 population

5 Age Distribution The population of Berkeley is aging, with a doubling of the age group from 1990 to 2007 both in size and as a proportion of the total population.

6 Regional Housing Need Assessment

7 RHNA and the site inventory
Three main areas for remaining unit capacity: Downtown Southside Commercial corridors Corridors: identified underutilized sites with FAR data and field survey Capacity assumptions based on averages for development in the zoning districts

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