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Year 12 BTEC National Extended Certificate - Information Technology

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1 Year 12 BTEC National Extended Certificate - Information Technology
Curriculum Map Year 12 BTEC National Extended Certificate - Information Technology

2 Statement of intent Key Stage: 5 Subject: BTEC IT Academic Year: BTEC Information Technology is about professionalism and real world experiences. It builds on prior learning in Computer Science at GCSE and Key Stage 3, it enables learners to understand how social media is beneficial to businesses in the real world including the differences and similarities to using social media for personal use. Students learn how to create relational databases, to store information about their clients/customers/products removing data redundancy from the data to keep it consistent. The learners need to know the pros and cons of different social media for business use. The students need to be able to understand that it is possible to create an interface using a database for the user to input data and then how its stored in a table. By the end of the unit, students are able to understand how all businesses can use a database to store information and be able to create a database for a given scenario with correct data types and validations. Students will need to know how to gather, interpret and show data. This is important so they are able to create graphs and analyse statistics they have gathered from doing research such as using questionnaires. For the databases unit they will learn the importance of Primary and Foreign keys in tables and understand how information is not duplicated. Students build on what they know about databases, by being able to create a system under a fixed time limit they will be assessed. Simply knowing how the database works is learnt at key stage 4, but this is taken an extra step further by actually implementing a working system within a time limit at key stage 5. This is so students can see more closely how they would be expected to make a project in a working environment. For the social media unit the curriculum is designed for students to not only be able to use the technology for their own use, but to see how this technology can be used by others and how they benefit from it compared to their own experiences. There will be many features of social media that they are not aware of as the typical person only uses a limited amount of features, but the business version of the same social media site has a lot more functionality to enhance the experience of a business user.

3 Curriculum Overview Key Stage:5 Subject: BTEC IT Academic Year 2019-20
Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 12 Unit 2: Create systems to manage information (Databases) Unit 3: Social media In business Understanding what databases are and how they work. Learning the key terms of databases Students will understand how using social media could benefit a company Learning key terms of databases and putting them into practice. Students will learn how to create their own strategy to implement social media for a business. Students given example scenario's to work on for each task Students will learn about internet safety and online security concerns Students will learn how using different types of technology such as emerging technology can be beneficial or detrimental to a business without planning in advance. Past papers and practice tasks given so student knew what to expect in the exam. Students will learn about windows, icons menus and pointers make navigating user interfaces a lot more easily Students will learn how the different types of network such as WAN LAN PAN and VPN are used in businesses. Assessment Unit 3: Social media in business Coursework on the pros and cons of using social media in business Coursework on how to make using social media in business profitable. Students to hand in task as they would to the examiner and then marked according to mark scheme Case studies of technology in businesses assessed 10 hours exam in a classroom under exam conditions with an external invigilator. Scenario based on how different networks would be used for different users with different jobs within a business.

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