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G. Ray Bodley High School Guidance Office

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1 G. Ray Bodley High School Guidance Office
Senior Year Transcript Review and Orientation

2 Transcripts Check it for accuracy including name, address, all courses and exams, summer school and exam retakes, if applicable. If correct, keep it for your personal files as an unofficial copy If you believe there is an error, fill out the change form detailing the error and return it together with the transcript.

3 College Entrance Exams
Register for the SAT and ACT exams early. You can link through our web site. You must have your registration post-marked by the regular deadline date or pay an additional late fee. Most colleges accept the scores from both the SAT and the ACT so we recommend taking both.

4 ACT and SAT Exams at GRB Next ACT Exam is Saturday, Oct 22 – only late registration until Sept 30. Dec 10 also at GRB, register by Nov 4. Cost is $49.50 including Writing, $34 without Writing, add $21 for late reg. Next SAT Exam is Saturday, Dec 3 – deadline to register on time is Nov 8. Cost is $49 (Writing included, not optional) , $75 for late registration

5 Transcripts and SATs/ACTs
When you register for either the SAT or ACT, you should indicate that G. Ray Bodley is the school you attend. Doing this will insure that your scores will be sent to our guidance office and they will be included on your transcript. Including them may save you money. If you do not want them included on your transcript, you need to inform the guidance office.

6 Student Activity Record
List all of your activities, both in school and out of school, during all four years of high school. Include all special awards and honors you have received, or offices you have held. Be neat and precise - a copy is sent with every college application in exactly the way you provide it to our office.

7 Personal Profile/Resume
greater impact, enhances your activity record more individualized and may include your photo. see your counselor for examples and help. flexible - your Personal Profile can, and should be, updated as needed.

8 Letters of Recommendation
Give plenty of advanced notice when requesting letters of recommendation from teachers and others. Bring completed letters to the Guidance Office to place on file, copy and send with college applications or scholarships.

9 College Applications Deadlines! Some colleges list a deadline for admissions, so please pay careful attention to the deadlines. Rolling Admissions! Some colleges process applications as soon as they receive them, so earlier is better. A fee will be required with most applications.

10 Applications with No Fee
Cayuga Community College Jefferson Community College Onondaga Community College Herkimer Community College Finger Lakes Community College Mohawk Valley Community College Tompkins-Cortland Community College (online no fee)

11 Paper Applications All paper applications should be routed through the Guidance Office so your counselor can attach all official records - an officially sealed transcript and personal profile. Submit paper applications well in advance of their deadlines. Remember to provide a stamped, addressed envelope for all college applications, scholarships and transcripts.

12 Online Applications You must inform your counselor when you apply online. Some applications will direct you to print out a page for your counselor to complete. Remember to provide a stamped, addressed envelope to send out your transcript and personal profile when you apply online. You may save money by applying online.

13 Mailing Apps and Transcripts
Please provide postage-paid, addressed envelopes for your applications and transcripts as needed Postage-paid – you can bring stamps to the guidance office to leave for your mailings; leftovers will be returned Addressed envelopes – please address to the intended destination

14 SUNY and Private Colleges
SUNY Colleges and Universities are publicly funded by NYS taxpayers and offer lower tuition than private colleges. Room and board costs are similar to private colleges. Private colleges charge higher tuitions but are often able to provide more financial assistance (scholarships and financial aid) to help offset the cost.

15 College Day and Rep Visits
Annual College Day event at Mexico BOCES – Thursday, October 27 Transportation from GRB provided Parental permission required College representatives will visit the guidance office to meet with interested students – dates are available online

16 Scholarships… DEADLINES! Every scholarship will have a deadline that must be met. Be sure you complete the application and request any required transcripts, references, etc in a timely fashion. With over 250 seniors, a large volume of documents will be generated and sent out from the Guidance Office. Please do not wait until the last minute!

17 Scholarships To view scholarships currently available, go to our web site or stop by the Guidance Office. Check in frequently as new scholarships are received regularly throughout the year.

18 Graduation Checklist Make an appointment with your counselor to review your academic record. Items to look for are the type of Diploma, course and exam requirements. Following your appointment, you will receive a copy of your individual “Graduation Checklist” for your records.

19 Career Information You can access information about careers through our web site, using “Choices” software in the guidance Office or computer lab, or by using printed materials in the guidance Office. Not sure what you want to do for a living? Complete an interest inventory using “Choices”, then print and review the results with your counselor.

20 Military Information Information about all branches of the military is available in the Guidance Office. If you are interested in the military, we recommend that you, together with your parents, make an appointment to speak to a recruiter in your home. If you decide to enlist, you will need to arrange a time with your recruiter to take the ASVAB test. Through the G.I. Bill you can earn money for college. See a recruiter for details.

21 Get Organized Make copies of college applications, financial aid forms, and scholarship applications and keep them on file. You can begin s filing system using a few folders and cardboard box. Eventually, you can expand your system to include one folder for admissions, one for scholarships and financial aid, one for housing etc.

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