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Western Orbital: M11 J11 Park and Ride Provision
Business Case Development 2018
Strategic Outline Business Case Access / Egress Concepts
Content Outline Programme Strategic Outline Business Case Access / Egress Concepts Multi Criteria Assessment Next Steps - Consultation 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
1. Outline Programme
Outline Programme Dates Stage March 2018
Strategic Outline Business Case complete (option short list will be identified) March – April 2018 Design development for short list options April – mid-May 2018 Detailed appraisal of short list options (modelling, economic, environmental, social impacts, costs) June – early Aug 2018 Public consultation End September 2018 Draft Outline Business Case complete (covers all short list options, indicates preferred option) End October 2018 Outline Business Case complete December 2018 Approval to progress preferred option to Full Business Case 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
Business Case stages March 2018 End Sept 2018 2019 Strategic Strategic
Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC) Outline Business Case (OBC) Full Business Case (FBC) Preferred option selection Decision to commence detailed design / statutory procedures Option short list Commence more detailed appraisal Public consultation Strategic Strategic Economic Financial Commercial Management Strategic Economic Financial Commercial Management Economic Financial Commercial Management 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
2. Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC)
SOBC Scope WebTAG: The Transport Appraisal Process (DfT, 2014)
13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
SOBC Development Use previous work (issues well documented) Context
Objectives Context Issues / need for intervention Concepts, packaging & option sifting Option Short List (for detailed appraisal / consultation) Use previous work (issues well documented) But must provide rationale for this specific P&R scheme Objectives need to be specific to area of focus Existing Policy / Strategy SEP LDPs LTP TSCSC Previous Western Orbital development work SOBC complete OBC commences 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
Objectives – must be linked to identified issues
To reduce general traffic levels and congestion 1.1: Congestion Hauxton Rd / Addenbrooke’s Rd / Trumpington [TrafficMaster evidence]. 1.2: Congestion M11 J11, AM peak worse [TrafficMaster evidence] To maximise the potential for journeys to be undertaken by sustainable modes of transport 2.1: Journey to work in Cambridge, high % by car from M11(S) and A10 [Census data] 2.2: Trumpington P&R insufficient for forecast employment growth at Cambridge Biomedical Campus [previous transport modelling] 2.3: P&R buses caught in congestion on Trumpington Rd – reduces advantage over car 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
Objectives (draft wording)
To reduce general traffic levels and congestion 1.1: Reduce traffic NE of M11 J11 (Hauxton Road and Trumpington), by encouraging trips headed for the city centre and Cambridge Biomedical Campus to transfer to another mode. 1.2: Reduce traffic flow and delay at M11 J11, particularly in the AM peak, including flows associated with non-motorway traffic (A10-A1309). To maximise the potential for journeys to be undertaken by sustainable modes of transport 2.1: Increase sustainable transport mode share for trips into the city centre and Cambridge Biomedical Campus, focused on trips originating from the south and SW (M11 and A10). 2.2: Increase Park and Ride parking capacity to serve forecast growth at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus key employment area, with delivery aligned to overall Campus development timescales. 2.3: Reduce bus journey times between Trumpington and the city centre, enabling bus / Park and Ride journeys to compete more effectively with the private car. 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
Multi Criteria Assessment
B D J11 E C Sifting P&R Site Location Sift Tier 1 Locations for major expansion Assess against objectives Remove locations that would not be able to address objectives Develop long list of concepts for remaining area(s) – create option packages Obj. A B C D E 1.1 Retained - compare with new site 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Complementary bus priority measures required Environmental constraints under review ‘Do Nothing’ retained throughout Trumpington expansion (A) retained Sift Tier 2 Option long list Multi Criteria Assessment Short list (for more detailed appraisal & public consultation) 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
Sifting At Sift Tier 2 (Multi Criteria Assessment) also need to:
Assess options and identify short list for Park and Ride bus service – for example, should Trumpington Rd and Busway corridors be served from both existing and new sites? Assess Park and Ride traffic signing options where more than one site – by traffic origin, or by ultimate destination? Consider bus priority options for Trumpington Road 13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
3. Access / Egress Concepts
Red Bus lane General traffic route Mott MacDonald | Presentation
13/02/2018 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
Blue Bus lane General traffic route 13/02/2018
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Purple Bus lane General traffic route 13/02/2018
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White Bus lane General traffic route 13/02/2018
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Yellow Bus lane General traffic route 13/02/2018
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Black Bus lane General traffic route 13/02/2018
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Orange Bus lane General traffic route 13/02/2018
Mott MacDonald | Presentation
4. Multi-Criteria Assessment
Multi Criteria Assessment – Proposed criteria
Selection Theme 1 Reducing traffic levels & congestion (linked to first set of objectives) Traffic flows on J11 circulatory Traffic flows on A1309 Hauxton Rd arm Change in overall delay at J11 Change in delay on A10 between Harston and J11 Selection Theme 2 Maximising potential for journeys to be undertaken by sustainable modes (linked to second set of objectives) P&R bus journey time reliability Car access time to P&R from M11 northbound Car access time to P&R from A10 northbound Potential to link with wider Western Orbital proposals Potential to link with existing public transport services Mott MacDonald | Presentation 13/02/2018
Multi Criteria Assessment – Proposed criteria
Selection Theme 3 Quality of life & environment (WebTAG Appraisal Summary Table) Change in number and severity of road accidents (conflict points) Noise Air quality Landscape / visual impact Historic environment Biodiversity Water environment Selection Theme 4 Scheme deliverability (financial & management sections of business case) Engineering feasibility (construction risk) Impact of construction on existing network Land acquisition requirement Complexity of statutory processes Ability to maintain and renew new infrastructure Ongoing cost implications Mott MacDonald | Presentation 13/02/2018
High level cost estimate
Multi Criteria Assessment – Proposed approach Selection Theme 1 Reducing traffic levels & congestion Normalise theme score Weighting: 25% Selection Theme 2 Maximising potential for journeys to be undertaken by sustainable modes Normalise theme score Weighting: 25% Selection Theme 3 Quality of life & environment Normalise theme score Weighting: 25% Discard any option where a Large Adverse impact is expected for any criteria in this theme Selection Theme 4 Scheme deliverability Normalise theme score Weighting: 25% Total Score / Rank High level cost estimate Mott MacDonald | Presentation 13/02/2018
5. Next Steps - Consultation
Next Steps – Engagement & Consultation
P&R option short listing workshop: Early March 2018 Trumpington Rd bus priority consultation: Late March 2018 Public consultation on short list options: June – Early August 2018 Stakeholder discussion sessions: July – Oct (if required) 14/09/2019 Mott MacDonald | Presentation
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