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Tanja Susa Kreso Kadija Tome Anticic Vedran Nikolic

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1 Tanja Susa Kreso Kadija Tome Anticic Vedran Nikolic
Production of hyperon and hyperon resonances in p+p collisions (and status of pA analysis) Tanja Susa Kreso Kadija Tome Anticic Vedran Nikolic Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb, Croatia NA49 collaboration meeting, CERN, 2008

2 Inclusive cross section
But Nbeam hard to determine Instead, use ratio N trigger/Nbeam and N trigger ≈1% difference Used before Use exact formula

3 Negligible difference
Trigger cross section From full and empty data sample Take into account beam attenuation Before ≈2% difference Negligible difference p+p pion paper

4 Ntrigger sF sE s2 s1 x2 x1 l Very complicated…
From full and empty data sample Take into account beam attenuation Very complicated… ≈1% difference sF sE s1 s2 x1 x2 l

5 nx nx = nxdet CF VENUS . nx number of particles x produced in hydrogen
nxdet number of detected particles x (xi/v0) after vertex cuts CF ... correction factor: branching ratio acceptance and efficiency v0/xi cuts trigger loss correction vertex cuts losses VENUS .

6 Data sets All p+p data sets Changes with respect to old analysis
Improve geometry and correct residual distortions 1996 1999 2000 2001 2002 1.03 M 1.21 M 2.67 M 0.67 M 2.84 M Correct bugs in reconstruction clients R3D tpc_error Open cuts and/or correct bugs in V0 fitter/finder and Ξ finder and use new 13 par. Ξ fitter

7 all tracks are +- 3 s (dE/dX)
 cuts (by)2 + (bx/2)2 < x2 proton p rap < -2.25 z - zmain < 0 cm x = 1 -2.35 < rap < -2.25 z - zmain < 1 cm x = 1 all tracks are +- 3 s (dE/dX) -1.75 < rap < 0.25 z - zmain < 3 cm x = 1 2 MeV/bin 0.25< rap < 0.75 z - zmain < 5 cm x = 1 about 125k 0.75 < rap < 1.25 z - zmain < 5 cm x = 0.25 1.25 < rap < 1.75 z - zmain < 10 cm x = 0.25 Minv(pπ-)[GeV]

8  signal comparison 96 + 99 + 00 data sets New Old about 68 k
2 MeV/bin 2 MeV/bin New Old Minv(pπ-)[GeV] Minv(pπ-)[GeV] about 68 k about 35k

9 Both include losses due
 correction factors 1./CF New Old rat Both include losses due to the vertex cut

10  signal - rapidity dσ/dpt[mb/GeV] dσ/dy[mb] w/o feed. corr.

11  rapidity comparison feed. corr. dσ/dy[mb] new old rapidity

12  pt comparison y=-1.5 y=-1 y=-0.5 y=0 new old y=1.5 y=1 y=0.5

13  signal – inv. xf dσ/dpt[mb/GeV] dσ/dy[mb] w/o feed. corr.

14  inv. xf comparison feed. corr. dσ/dy[mb] new old xf

15 Comparison with world data

16 Some quality checks on the new data
Check sensitivity of L yield on behaviour of: Vertex cut S4 trigger loss Geometry and residual distorsion corrections Stability across years

17 Vertex cut CUT nev/nevorig vtx. fitted 81%
≈ 18% of data: background interactions CUT nev/nevorig vtx. fitted % |z-zcent| < 9 cm % (|z-zcent| < 5.5 cm, 96 ) x2+y2 < 1 cm % Loss of the p+p event ≈ 25% (10% geom. effect) Corrected with VENUS

18 Non-reconstructed vertex (2000)
rec. vtx. non-rec. vtx. FULL # of Λ in hydrogen nnorec/nrec ≈ 3.1% EMPTY

19 Non-reconstructed vertex (2002)
rec. vtx. non-rec. vtx. FULL # of Λ in hydrogen nnorec/nrec ≈ 1.2% EMPTY

20 Non-reconstructed vertex (MC)
rec. vtx. non-rec. vtx. minv(pπ-)[GeV] # of Λ in hydrogen nnorec/nrec ≈ 1.8 % Good agreement with data

21 In ideal case, FT-ET should be flat. Good agreement. Systematics on
Reconstructed vertex VENUS corrected |z-znom|[cm] σΛ/σΛ(9 cm cut) FT FT-ET All rapidities |y| < 0.25 In ideal case, FT-ET should be flat. Good agreement. Systematics on the order of about 1-2 %

22 Reconstructed vertex (MC)
Data (FT -ET) VENUS (MB) z[cm] n Additional check Good agreement of data with MC

23  trigger loss (VENUS S4 correction)
S4 correction comparison between VENUS and data (2002 using GAP TPC data) data VENUS Good agreement

24 Stability across the years
Midrapidity  yield ds/dy feed. corr. year Max difference 1996 (7%)

25 Geometry and residual distortion correction
w/o geom.corr. old V0 new V0 with geom. corr. Reconstructed 2000 data w/o geom. and res.corr. improved clients included MC data not corrected for residual distortion Run both old & new V0, Ξ finders/fitters mb Analysis type pt [GeV] Yield stable, geom., res. corr. and V0 finder/fitter not a source of differences

26 pA analysis status Geometry/Residuals corrected for 1999 and 2001
Data run for 1999 2001 in progress Analysis proceeding 1999 2001 events Centralities: events Centralities:

27 1999 pA geometry After corrections in: Geometry Residuals BPD
x residuals (cm) Before y residuals (cm) z (cm)

28 1999 pA impact paramters Main vertex tracks L cm cm cm cm
x impact parameter cm y impact parameter cm cm cm Main vertex tracks L

29 L invariant mass About 15% more Ls GeV

30 Conclusion L analysis in good progress
Systematic influence found small for: S4 main vertex geometry and distortion correction V0 finder/fitter pA analysis in progress

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