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Issues for the Local Coordinators

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1 Issues for the Local Coordinators
15th Meeting of the Working Group of Local Coordinators for Data Transmission 20-21 October 2005 Agenda Item 8 Issues for the Local Coordinators Vincent Tronet 2

2 2 main pillars: DMA and LCO
100 MAN eDAMIS 3000 SEN 400 REC 50 DMA 1 ADM 1 CCO 30 LCO LCO and DMA have the knowledge: Users Domains/datasets Organisations

3 2 main objects: Domains and CNA
100 500 15.000 1.000 ? 3.000 DAT DCS DOM DAT DCS CNA DAT DCS DOM CNA GRP DAT DCS CNA GRP DOM DAT DCS CNA GRP DAT DCS DOM CNA GRP DAT DCS CNA GRP DAT DCS CNA GRP DAT DCS CNA GRP DCS CNA DCS DCS DCS Exemple: DCS RAIL_C_A Rail RAIL_D_A Jean Martin France RAIL_E_Q France INSEE France France Patrick Durant France ROAD_A1_Q Road Transport_Quarterly Marianne Dupont ROAD_A2_Q

4 3 main issues Management of Domains, Datasets and Organisations
Management of users Migration from eWA 1.x and SWA clients to eWA 2.x client

5 LCO, DMA, who does what ? Domains, Datasets
Owner: Eurostat Domain MAnager (DMA) Organisations Owner: Local COordinator (LCO) Users Owner: LCO and DMA (shares responsibility)

6 Part 1: Management of Domains & datasets
eDAMIS Central Coordinator (CCO) creates domains Eurostat Domain manager (DMA): Can update domains: description, reference to legal basis, public encryption key Can create and update datasets: periodicities, end of first period, maximum delay, indicative deadline used from,.. Can create and update dataset country specifications: link with CNA (on highest level only), obligation to send, confidentiality Eurostat Domain manager (DMA) asks for activation of a dataset eDAMIS administrator (ADM) approves datasets becomes visible in the eDAMIS clients (eWA & eWP) for senders

7 Management of Organisations
eDAMIS Central Coordinator (CCO) creates a new organisation Local Coordinator: Can manage the organisation chart of the CNA Can link users involved in data transmission to all the levels of the CNA Can Indicate the administrative position (manager, director, collaborator) of a user Maintenance is similar as it was in EDIFLOW Maintenance of organisations is optional (update has « no operational consequences ») Information will appear in appropriate reports of the eDAMIS Management Information System Reports will be similar to the ones available in EDIFLOW

8 Reconciliation EDIFLOW producer view & eDAMIS
Before: EDIFLOW Prod. View STADIUM Organisation Chart Producers Datasets CNA (SNN) Datasets Persons (roles) Users (roles) After: eDAMIS Optional information * Organisation chart * Link person-Unit * Admin position person CNA (SNN) Datasets Users (roles)

9 Part2: Power given to the users !!!
Before: Stadium VB Eurostat After: Eurostat eDAMIS optimised for users who are persons: As (who sends what, to whom to send the ACK) As CIRCA (leaders grant rights to users).

10 Why CIRCA User-ID is used ?
Single user-id and password for access to all value added services of the Commission, All members of the Commission are automatically CIRCA users, Simple and secure management of all users (creation, password), Security: password only known by the user (except if functional user-id is used), eDAMIS users can use the same user ID for eWA and eWP, address known, so easy transmission of acknowledgements and notifications.

11 How many CIRCA users in my NSI ?
4484 CIRCA users in 32 NSI (EU25+Candidates+EFTA) Average 140 CIRCA users per NSI (from 13 to 754) At least half of them should be data senders There should be between 50 and 200 data senders per NSI. Number of CIRCA users per country


13 First connection to eDAMIS flowchart
LCO (Local Coordinator) DMA (Domain Manager) SEN (Sender) CIRCA User-ID ? No Yes CIRCA Self Registration Rights defined In eDAMIS ? No User asks for Transmission rights DMA/LCO grants/approves rights (can correct/change rights) Yes User can send data to Eurostat Remark: at first login on eWA, the user is requested to initiate his/her password (it could be different from the CIRCA Password)

14 Part3: Migration towards eWA 2 5 Sources (List)
eWA 1.x or SWA: user-id and links to datasets (via “Dataflow Group”), CIRCA LDAP: User-ID & address, EDIFLOW producer view: and links to datasets (dataflow roles or request roles), Stadium ACK (Acknowledgement list): and links to datasets (via “Dataflow Group”), Stadium NOT (Notification list): and links to datasets (via “Dataflow Group”).

15 5 Sources 1 recapitulative table

16 Summary of the migration stages
Possible scenario (see document for more precisions) eWA 2.x is installed for test purposes, Eurostat makes a first list of users and rights that combines the 5 sources, LCO completes/validates the list and contacts users who have no CIRCA User-ID/Password to ask them to create it, Migration planned, D-1: eWA 2.x test installation cleaned and SWA local database is checked for controls of last changes, End of D-1: SWA is closed, eWA 2.x local database is initiated with the validated list of users and rights, Tests are made by LCO, If problem, then restore SWA, else go home, D Day: Users login for the first time on eWA: they must use their CIRCA User-ID and they must initiate their password.

17 Conclusion The “Single Entry Point” at Eurostat could become effective if: eDAMIS approaches are simple and bring value added, The LCO and DMA are convinced and sell the approaches to the data senders, The users can use eDAMIS as easily as the , The users can easily and quickly register on eDAMIS, The LCO and DMA can easily manage rights to users (as easily as with CIRCA). Advices for the LCO: Use one user-id per sender (no functional user-id), Accept that the Eurostat DMA grants rights to users (facilitates and accelerate registrations, shares the burden on several shoulders, the LCO has always the last word on the DMA), The last day of the months/quarters, be available to support your users (to grant them rights): end of periods see a very important increase in traffic.

18 Questions ? Where to start in the future?
Where to obtain support ?

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