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Lesson Starter 1. a) How many cm are in 23mm? b) How many mm in 34 cm?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter 1. a) How many cm are in 23mm? b) How many mm in 34 cm?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter 1. a) How many cm are in 23mm? b) How many mm in 34 cm?
c) How many mm in a metre? 2. Make as many new words as you can using the letters in the word: a) Temperature b) Thermometer c) Measurement

2 Heat

3 To understand how heat travels through conducting material
Learning Intention To understand how heat travels through conducting material

4 Make a mate date Draw a circle on the post it provided and mark 12 and 6 on the circle (like a clock face) You must “make a date” with two other pupils in the class- one at 12 and one at 6- write each others name down at the agreed time 12 6

5 Conduction: 12 oclock partners
What is the meaning of the word Conductor? Think- 30 seconds think time, nobody speaking Pair- Take it in turns- listen to your partners definition before giving your own- decide together on a joint answer Share- Answers will be shared to the class

6 Conduction

7 Conduction: 6 oclock partners
What is the meaning of the word insulator? Think- 30 seconds think time, nobody speaking Pair- Take it in turns- listen to your partners definition before giving your own- decide together on a joint answer Share- Answers will be shared to the class

8 Insulators Don’t allow heat to pass through

9 Double date What materials can you think of that are: Conductors

10 Experiment: learning intention
To find out which material conducts heat the best

11 Time taken for pin to fall (minutes)
Results table: Copy Metal Time taken for pin to fall (minutes) steel brass aluminium copper

12 Apparatus Method Safety goggles
Conductivity star bunsen burner Vaseline Tacks clamp stand Attach the tacks to each piece of metal using Vaseline. Light the bunsen. Place the centre of the conductivity star over a Bunsen with tripod. Start timer Record the time taken for the tack to fall from each metal

13 Bar graph Remember our rules! Always use a ruler and sharp pencil
Draw and label axis Give axis a title (from your table) Use a scale Plot points accurately

14 Lab report Aim Method (apparatus list, instructions, diagram)
Results (re-draw table and glue graph in) Conclusion (which metal is the best conductor? What evidence do you have to prove this?) Evaluation (did the experiment work well? Did your results agree with the rest of the class? how could we have did the experiment differently?)

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