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Proposed changes in ESF monitoring – Omnibus Regulation

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1 Proposed changes in ESF monitoring – Omnibus Regulation
TÓTH Gábor DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit ESF Evaluation Partnership meeting, 19 October 2016, Milan

2 Legislative proposal Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and amending Regulation … No 1304/2013 … of the European Parliament and of the Council … Changes concerning ESF indicators Part Two - Amendments to sector specific legislation, Article 266(3) Part Three - Final and transitional provisions, Article 280 Entry into force and application COM(2016) 605 final

3 What is proposed? For household indicators
Representative sampling (minimum requirement) Reporting twice (2019 and final report) Similarly to "homeless or affected by housing exclusion" and "from rural areas" But 2019 instead of 2017

4 Justification Objective: simplify reporting
Justification/expected benefits Less discouragement Less under-reporting Cost Loss of info on relevance Accountability

5 Retroactive application
From 1 January 2014 Estimated entry into force: end beginning 2018 Expectation: 2016 AIR (June 2017): use of current rules 2017 AIR (May 2018): use of new rules

6 Updating vs correcting data (1)
Updating data: changing data that have been correctly reported Examples: updated results for participants who re-enter the same operation additional participants following completion of the data on all indicators in a participant's record always possible without any implications

7 Updating vs correcting data (2)
Correcting data: changing data that has been erroneously reported and needs to be corrected Examples: ineligible participant has been reported Under which conditions can this be corrected so as to avoid that it constitutes a serious deficiency in the quality and reliability of the monitoring system or of the data on common and programme specific indicators ? Correction of the reported data to be done at the latest when the expenditure related to the erroneously reported participant is included in a payment application submitted to the Commission Specific case : Action Plan for general ex ante conditionality 7

8 Updating vs correcting data (3)
More info : 'Reporting on indicators in the April 2015 report on the Youth Employment Initiative (YERI) and I the Annual Implementation reports – Follow-up to the ESF Technical Working Group meeting of 26 February 2015'

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