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Industrial Process Gas Analysis & Monitoring Solution

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1 Industrial Process Gas Analysis & Monitoring Solution

2 What is Syngas? Typical composition of syngas
Syngas (synthesis gas), which is also called as coal gas or producer gas, is a kind of combustible gas mixture of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen, mainly generated by passing air with steam over burning coke or coal in a gasifier and used as fuel for different industries like steel making, cement, power plant, and other high fuel consumption industries. Typical composition of syngas CO CO2 H2 O2 CH4 C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 Biomass Gasification 28% 15% 18% 1% 12% <0.5% <1% 2% Coal Gasification 30% 6% 48% 0.2% MSW gasification 19.8% 13.2% 14.7% 16.4% 3% 5.4% 1.2% **Pictures from internet

3 Why need to measure Syngas?
Production process control Gas composition: CO, CO2, H2, O2, CH4, CnHm, C2H2, C2H4 Gas heating value monitoring Process safety monitoring CO, O2 concentration control Combustion and treating optimization CO, CO2, O2 measurement for air/fuel ratio adjustment CO, CO2, CH4 for carbon potential check

4 What’s the challenge? Cross-sensitivity between CO and CO2.
Cross-sensitivity between CH4 and C2+ hydrocarbons . H2 measurement in complicated background gases. Laser Raman Analysis result for syngas from biomass pyrolysis

5 Gasboard Solution Correction Correction CO CO2 CH4 CnHm H2 O2
NDIR CO NDIR CO2 NDIR CH4 NDIR CnHm TCD H2 ECD O2 CO CO2 CH4 CnHm H2 O2 With the combination of TCD H2 sensor and other NDIR CO,CO2,CH4,CnHm sensors, a corrected H2 reading can be resulted: H2 = H2 + K0*CO+ K1*CO2+ K2*CH4+ K3* CnHm Gas Heating value

6 Patents & Copyrights

7 Technologies & Strengths
NDIR dual beam sensor CO, CO2, CH4, C3H8 and other molecules that composed of heterogeneous atoms, have an absorption spectrum in the infrared wavelength region. When the light with the typical absorption wavelength of a certain gas passes through the gas to be measured, its intensity will be obviously weakened, and the degree of intensity attenuation depends on the gas concentration. The relationship between them is complying with the Lambert-Beer law. NDIR sensor structure

8 Technologies & Strengths
Modular Design Each modular sensor equipped with a separate mini CPU to save its calibration and compensation data. Modular design analyzer need no factory return maintenance any longer.

9 Technologies & Strengths
CH4 & CnHm measurement The absorption spectrum of Hydrocarbons has much cross-interference (3.3μm). Gasboard syngas analyzer used a special filter on CH4 sensor to eliminate interference from C2+ hydrocarbons. CnHm can be measured directly with correction from the correct CH4 reading

10 Technologies & Strengths
Standard Gas (%)Vol CH4 CnHm 99.9 99.88 2.83 62.64 62.35 1.77 15.23 15.16 0.42 3.65 3.73 0.09 C2H6 1.01 0.64 2.03 1.47 3.98 2.86 6.58 4.49 10.06 6.81 C3H8 0.43 1.76 0.01 1.78 6.66 0.05 6.63 9.99 0.08 9.98 nC4 1.51 2 2.91 iC4 1.26 1.99 0.03 2.4 nC5 0.998 1.71 iC5 1 0.02 1.94 CH4 & CnHm measurement Interference from other hydrocarbons on CH4 reading is negligible. Heating value factor of C2+hydrocarbons are in direct proportion to number of “C” element. Measurement on C2, C3, C4 will be expressed as C3H8 reading.

11 Technologies & Strengths
CO & CO2 interference The absorption wavelength of CO is near to 4.6μm, while CO2 near to 4.3μm; Water vapor has almost continuous absorption zone in the range of 1 ~ 9μm wavelength; Gasboard adopted special filter for CO to effectively reduce the cross-sensitivity from CO2 and vapor.

12 Technologies & Strengths
H2 measurement in gas mixture Using Thermal Conductivity Detection technology. CO & O2 slightly effect on H2 reading, but CO2, CH4 will affect H2 reading significantly. Gasboard make linear correction on all background gases.

13 Technologies & Strengths
No effect from flow fluctuation Gas flow flunctuation cause heat loss. Big size, low precision and large sensor dead zone for traditional TCD sensor. Gasboard equipped with a TCD sensor based on MEMS technology, using a patented bypass diffusion TCD cell (patent No.: ZL ) TCD sensor structure Thermal Conductivity Detection tank SS sintered plate Seal ring Pre-Amplifier board TCD sensor Measurement chamber Bypass diffusion bore Main flow path

14 Syngas Series Products
Infrared Syngas Analyzer(Online/Portable) Online Syngas Monitoring System Laser Raman Gas Analyzer Ex-Proof type Infrared Gas Analyzer Portable Natural Gas Heating Value Analyzer Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter Gas Leakage Detector

15 Infrared Syngas Analyzer
Accredited national key new products by Ministry of Science and Technology 2017 Gold Award of Hubei Invention Patent 2016 Annual Product Excellence Award of China Instrument Society Accurately measure CH4 and CnHm gas concentration individually. Accurately measure H2 concentration in multiple gas mixture. Sampling gas flow fluctuation has no effect on TCD H2 measuring result. Measure gas composition and calculate heating value simultaneously. CO、CO2、CH4、H2、O2、CnHm 、C2H2、C2H4 Online Syngas Analyzer Gasboard-3100 Portable Syngas Analyzer Gasboard-3100P

16 Online Syngas Analysis System
Gasboard-9031 (For sample gas contains low dust and vapor only) Gasboard-9021 (For sample gas contains dust, vapor and tar) Imported solenoid valves and sampling pump Automatically PLC controlled sampling, draining and maintenance CO、CO2、CH4、H2、O2、CnHm 、C2H2、C2H4 Online continuous monitoring with high stability & accuracy in long term basis. No need for artificial attendant

17 Laser Raman Spectrum Gas Analyzer
LRGA-6000 One instrument to realize the detection of all components and calorific value of syngas in modern coal chemical process and furnace gas in metallurgical process. National special project for significant scientific equipment development Using Laser Raman gas characteristic fingerprint technology, less interference Online real-time measurement One instrument to solve all industrial process gas monitoring Full-scale gas concentration measurement, detection range from % No consumable parts, no carrier gas, low operation & maintenance cost Automatically compensation from temperature and pressure, no drift CO、CO2、H2、N2、O2、CH4、C2H2、C2H4、C2H6、 C3H8、H2S、H2O、iC4、nC4、NH3、COS...

18 Ex-Proof Infrared Gas Analyzer
National Ex-Proof Certificate (ExdⅡCT6 Gb) All parts contact with sample gas used particular stainless steel or PTFE material, good resistance to heat and corrosion Internal vapor & dust removal devices to achieve higher measurement accuracy and extend lifespan of analyzer. CO、CO2、CH4、H2、O2、CnHm Gasboard-3500(EX)

19 Portable Natural Gas Analyzer
Measure CH4 & CnHm concentration at the same time. Calculate gas heating value automatically, can replace calorimeter with combustion method. Online real time measurement, a more convenient and cost-effective way to replace Micro-GC. Automatically sampling and analysis Fast response, high accuracy No consumable parts, low operation & maintenance cost Compact design, easy to carry CH4、CnHm、CO2 、 H2S 、 Heating Value 、Wobbe Index Gasboard-3110P

20 Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter
National Ex-Proof Certificate(ExdIICT4 Gb) Ceramic gas flow sensor, high corrosion resistance Wide rangeability & extremely low pressure drop No moving parts, low maintenance Compensation with Temperature and Pressure Compact design & User friendly interface DN32~DN150 for different pipeline diameter Gas Flow Meter Gasboard-7200

21 Gas Leakage Transmitter
CTD-01/CLD-01 CH4 、 CO、H2S Gas Transmitter National Ex-Proof Certificate(ExdIICT6 Gb) Sampling: Diffusion Type Principle: NDIR miniature gas sensor or Long lifespan Electrochemical detection technology Auto-zeroing with air Stable performances, low drift, low maintenance

22 Typical Application Coking Furnace Sintering Furnace Lime Kiln
Coal Injection System Hot Air Furnace Gas holder Converter Heating Furnace

23 A1 behind Tar Precipitator
Application Field:Biomass Gasifier Process System Model Installation Point Composition & Range Analyzer Model Gasboard-9021 A1 behind Tar Precipitator O2:(0~2)% Gasboard-3100 A2 behind desulfurizer CH4:(0~5)% CO2:(0~10)% CO:(0~10)% O2:(0~5)% H2:(0~25)% CnHm:(0~5)% Heating Value Biomass Gasifier Process Flow Diagram

24 Biomass Gasification Project Reference
Site: Jingmen Thermal Power Plant Application: Coal coupled biomass power generation Feedstock: Rice Husk Solution: Gasboard-9021 Value: Effectively improved the utilization efficiency of biomass gas, saved energy, reduced consumption, and guaranteed safe production. Annually reduced carbon dioxide emission of nearly 60,000 tons.

25 A1 Behind Electrical Tar Precipitator
Application Field: Producer Gas System Model Installation Point Composition & Range Analyzer Model Gasboard-9021 A1 Behind Electrical Tar Precipitator O2:(0~2)% Gasboard-3100 A2 Behind cyclone dust  collector  CH4:(0~5)% CO2:(0~10)% CO:(0~10)% O2:(0~5)% H2:(0~25)% CnHm:(0~5)% Gas generator process Flow Diagram

26 Application field: Producer gas
Site: Shanxi Shanhua Coal Chemical Group Co., Ltd. Application: O2 monitoring before electrical tar precipitator Gas media : producer gas from coal gasification Solution: Gasboard-9021 Value: O2 content exceeding 0.8% may lead to the electric tar precipitator explosion, so requires strict and high precision monitoring of the O2 content, to ensure of the safety of operation and production.

27 Application field: Blast Furnace Iron-making Process
System Model Installation Point Composition & Range Analyzer Model Gasboard-9031 A1 inlet /outlet of gravity dust collector CH4:(0~30)% CO2:(0~50)% CO:(0~30)% H2:(0~10)% O2:(0~5)% Gasboard-3100 A2 inlet /outlet of dust collector Blast Furnace Iron-making Process Flow Diagram

28 Application field: Blast Furnace Iron-making Process
Site: Yunnan Haolong Group Application: Blast furnace top gas Solution: Gasboard-9031 Value: Simultaneously monitor CO, CO2, H2, CH4, O2 and calorific value, helping operators to control the CO and CO2 content and their distribution in the furnace in real time. Control the air and feedstock intake technology to achieve the purpose of protecting the furnace body, reducing the proportion of coke & iron, and reducing energy consumption. H2 monitoring can effectively judge whether there is water leakage in the furnace.

29 Application field: Calcium carbide furnace
System Model Installation Point Composition & Range Analyzer Model Gasboard-9031 A1/A2 Furnace off-gas CH4:(0~5)% CO2:(0~10)% CO:(0~100)% O2:(0~5)% H2:(0~25)% Heating Value Gasboard-3100

30 Application field: Calcium carbide furnace
Site: Tianye (Group) Co., Ltd Application: Calcium carbide furnace off-gas utilization Solution: Gasboard-9031 Value: Monitor CO, CO2, H2, O2 and calorific value online, achieving 24 hours of uninterrupted operation. , continuous monitoring. It provides a real-time basis for the adjustment of the process, and at the same time verifies the exhaust gas standard of the calcium carbide plant. The accurate measurement index is an indispensable equipment for improving the utilization efficiency of the calcium carbide furnace gas, saving energy and reducing the consumption.

31 Gas composition monitoring point
Application field: Coal to MEG System Model Installation Point Composition & Range Analyzer Model Gasboard-9021Ex Gas composition monitoring point CO/CO2/H2/N2/O2/ CH4/C2H2/C2H4/ C2H6/C3H8/H2S/iC4/nC4/H2O/NH3/COS/C2H4O/CH3OH/ CH3O-NO LRGA-6000 **Above picture comes from internet.

32 Application field: Coal to MEG
Site: Yangmei Chemical Co., Ltd Application: Coal to MEG Solution: LRGA-6000 Value: Laser Raman Gas Analyzer LRGA-6000 is used for online real-time continuous monitoring of H2, N2, O2, CO, CO2, CH4, NO, CH3OH, CH3O-NO, H2S, COS and so on recyclable gas components that generated during the entire coal to MEG production process, and need to be controlled to emission with low pollution. It can help improve the purity of ethylene glycol in production, ensure the synthesis rate of oxalate ester and the recovery rate of nitrite ester, reduce pollution gas emissions and achieve green, clean and environment-friendly production.

33 Ex-Proof Infrared Gas Analyzer
Coal Bed Methane Ex-Proof Infrared Gas Analyzer Gasboard-3500

34 Laser Raman Gas Analyzer
Biomass Gasification Laser Raman Gas Analyzer LRGA-6000

35 Natural Gas Grid Portable Natural Gas Analyzer
Gasboard-3110P Laser Raman Gas Analyzer LRGA-6000

36 Hubei Cubic-Ruiyi Instrument Co., Ltd
Add:Fenghuang No.3 Road, Fenghuang Industrial Park Eastlake Hi-tech Development Zone Wuhan , Hubei Province, China Tel: / Fax: Web: Web :

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