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Campfire News Around the Campfire Week of April 15-18, 2019 Camp

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1 Campfire News Around the Campfire Week of April 15-18, 2019 Camp
Spanish Phrase of the Week is: Vacaciones de primavera (Spring break) Inquiry into Math: We will continue to explore time to the hour and half-hour on both digital and analog clock. We will complete some seasonal cooperative group activities as well! Inquiry into Literacy: We will continue with Fairy Tales the week that we come back from break. This week, we are going to share and discuss a funny story called The Easter Bunny’s Assistant by Jan Thomas! Letterland Unit 27: Children learn two of the three sounds for suffix –ed. They learn that ed can say /ed/  and also can sound like /id/) or just /d/ (Example: waited, rested, and played). Writer’s Workshop: We will be writing about what qualities that someone would have to have in order to be the Easter Bunny’s Assistant. Inquiry into Science: We will study how humans can protect their environment and/or improve conditions for plants and animals. Inquiry into Social Studies: We will explore the various ways in which people earn and use money for goods and services. Week of April 15-18, 2019 Camp First Grade Phone: (704) Boosterthon is underway! Please continue to help your child collect pledges and help our school reach our fundraising goal Our Fun Run is set for this Wednesday. First Grade runs at 11:30. Please either send in payment or return Spring Picture packets and Yearbooks. Both need to be paid for or returned by Thursday, April 18. Diamond Del Permission Slips and $10 Payment need to be sent in by Thursday, April 18. Around the Campfire PYP Corner Our Current Unit of Study: Sharing the Planet Central Idea: Our actions impact the living things in our environment. Lines of Inquiry: Natural resources and conservation/Needs and wants of humans/How we can impact and change our environment. Learner Profile: Balanced Attitude: Commitment Let’s Take Action: Let’s Show Some School Spirit!!! Boosterthon is here! Let’s work together and make this one of our best FUN-draisers yet!!! All money raised will go to making our school an even more AMAZING place to learn!!! Upcoming Dates Apr. 17-Boosterthon GLOW RUN. We run at 11:30 Apr. 18-Spirit Day: Mismatch Day Apr : SPRING BREAK Stay Tuned for Upcoming May Dates to be Coming Soon!!! Created by Teaching Kids 1st

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