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Comparison: The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins

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1 Comparison: The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins

2 Learning Intentions KNOW: I know the themes and ideas in the text
I know the reading strategies and can use them to comprehend a text I know the choices the author makes in relation to characters DO I can analyse the themes, ideas and values in a text I can focus on where the text is set (time and place) and how it impacts on the storyline I can examine how characters are established and developed Learning Intentions

3 What would happen if you came into school tomorrow and you knew that there were cameras all throughout the school and that you were being watched at all times and it was being televised? Quick Write

4 Understanding Key Characters
Character motivations (why they do what they do) make characters’ paths credible. When a character’s behaviour reveals their deeper drives, urges and impulses, they feel fully human. Understanding Key Characters

5 5 questions to ask about characters Question 1
What is the character’s history or backstory? Backstory is the character’s history. Every person has a past. The characters experiences shape their personalities to some extent. (these can be both the good and the bad events) In your books take 4 quick dot point notes for each. What is Katniss’ backstory? What is Peeta’s? What is Hamitch’s? 5 questions to ask about characters Question 1

6 Question 2 What does the character want?
The character always seems to want something more than anything else in the world. Turn and talk What does Katniss want most in the world? Question 2

7 Question 3 What does the character fear?
Fear is a valuable emotion for building complex character motivations. Characters’ fears supply the stakes for the story.  Answer in quick dot point notes in your books What does Katniss fear the most? What does Peeta fear? Question 3

8 What are the character’s immediate and long-range goals
What are the character’s immediate and long-range goals? We need to think about immediate goals as well as ultimate goals Turn and talk. What is Katniss’ immediate goal? What is her ultimate goal? Question 4

9 Question 5 What dominant emotions drive the character?
What are the primary emotions driving each character? Anger may drive some characters. Others have fear as their big driver. Others still may act from more virtuous emotions such as compassion and love. Answer in quick dot point notes in your books What is Katniss’ dominant emotion? How do you know? Question 5

10 We need to build our knowledge base about Katniss because she DRIVES the story – she narrates the story so everything is shown to us from her point of view. Take brief dot point notes on the following questions Who are her family? What are her skills? What sort of person is she? Who is important to her? KATNISS EVERDENE

11 Katniss: Using evidence to gain an understanding
Copy this table in your books and fill it in. Katniss: Using evidence to gain an understanding Quote What does this tell you about Katniss? Answer in detail In the woods waits the only person with whom I can be myself. Gale … The sight of him waiting there brings on a smile. Gale and I agree that if we have to choose between dying of hunger and a bullet in the head, the bullet would be much quicker. “Prim, let go,” I say harshly, because this is upsetting me and I don’t want to cry. At eleven years old, with Prim just seven, I took over as head of the family

12 Building our understanding of Katniss.
Suzanne Collins was providing information in the first 10 chapters of the novel that shows us that Katniss will win The Hunger Games. Complete the table that you have been given with the evidence. Building our understanding of Katniss. Chapter Evidence (quote) Significance (what does it show?) 1 2 3 4 5    6 7 8 9 10

13 Answer the following questions
What are Peeta’s skills? What sort of person is he? Do you think that he genuinely loves Katniss or it is a ploy to win the games? Explain Peeta Mellark

14 It has been suggested that Peeta is an abused child.
What evidence is there to support that idea? Explain Quick Write

15 Take some notes in your books under the following
What is Hamitch’s job? What sort of person is he? Why do you think that he is an alcoholic? Explain How did he win the Hunger Games the year he completed? Haymitch Abernathy

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