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KS5 Drama and Theatre Creative, Performance and Media Arts

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1 KS5 Drama and Theatre Creative, Performance and Media Arts
Curriculum Map KS5 Drama and Theatre Creative, Performance and Media Arts

2 Subject: Drama and Theatre Academic Year: 2019-20
Statement of intent Key Stage: KS5 Subject: Drama and Theatre Academic Year: Drama and Theatre Studies gives students an in-depth understanding of Drama in both practical and theoretical contexts. Students learn performance and directing skills will also study important classic and contemporary plays, which will develop their analytical and evaluative skills. Student will attend a variety of live performances across London enabling them to evaluate live theatre. Becoming an expert in Drama involves the students developing and learning a wide variety of skills including: Appreciation and study of Drama as a fine art Performance and presentation to an audience Communication skills – team work and leaderships skills through taking on the role of a director Organisation and problem solving skills - production work involves complicated management of people, technical aspects and businesses. In addition, students will also acquire time management and planning skills, and the ability to work under pressure Problem solving, reasoning and enquiry skills Creative writing, literacy, writing, analysis and research Historical and cultural understanding – a wide knowledge of drama and theatre of many different cultures and periods Dealing with current social themes and political issues Technical skills of the industry – video/DVD editing, lighting, sound and design. A recent report found that studying drama improves students’ creativity and risk taking, skills that are highly valuable in later life. Drama will provide students with useful life and employment skills as there is a heavy emphasis on teamwork, planning projects, thorough research and imaginative presentation. Performance is about communication; our society is one where communication is now extremely important. The Cultural Learning Alliance (2017) also found that Creative Arts subject found that Cultural learning has a significant part to play in addressing social inequality and showed a marked increase in students cognitive abilities across all subjects. Students study the Pearson Edexcel A level Drama and Theatre Specification

3 Curriculum Overview Key Stage: KS5 Subject: Drama
Academic Year Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 12 Component 1: Devising Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice Section A Live theatre visit Mock devising of original performance from stimulus using Frantic Assembly as practitioner Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice Section B - That Face text study Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice Section B - That Face text study for performance Component 2: Text in Performance Developing vocal and physical skills, interpretation and realisation of artistic intentions for performance Practitioner study of Artaud and begin devising and portfolio Complete devising performance and portfolio Assessment Component 1: Devising process -research and exploration Component 3: 500 words live theatre evaluation notes Component 1: Mock - Devised exam and Portfolio questions 5 & 6 Component 3: Detailed study of the play text and realising the text in performance as a performer and designer Component 2: Mock group performance of one key extract of That Face as a performance text Preview performance and portfolio work 40% Assessment 1) Portfolio 3000 words 2) Devised performance Mock – Section A: Live Theatre Evaluation Section B: From Page to Stage – That Face

4 Curriculum Overview Key Stage: KS5 Subject: Drama
Academic Year Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 & Spring 1 Spring 2 & Summer 13 Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice Section C Interpreting a Performance Text -Woyzeck Component 2: Text in Performance Developing vocal and physical skills, interpretation and realisation of artistic intentions for performance Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice Section A Live theatre visit – 20 marks Section B Page to Stage: Realising a Performance Text – That Face – 36 marks Section C Interpreting a Performance Text – Woyzeck marks Assessment Component 3: Text study of Woyzeck Component 2: 20% Text in Performance Group performance of one key extract from a performance text Monologue/duologue from one key extract of different performance text Externally assessed by visiting examiner Component 3 40% Theatre Makers in Practice Section B Page to Stage: Realising a Performance Text – That Face Section C Interpreting a Performance Text – Woyzeck Externally assessed written exam

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