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Table 2. Adjusted R-squared Comparison
GIM Index E Index Governance Index (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) Capital Expenditures / Total Assets 2.112 (0.000) 2.188 (0.000) 1.690 (0.000) 1.775 (0.000) ROA 3.986 (0.000) 4.004 (0.000) 4.310 (0.000) 4.326 (0.000) Ln(Total Assets ) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) Total Debt / Total Assets (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) R&D / Sales 8.934 (0.000) 8.997 (0.000) 7.993 (0.000) 8.025 (0.000) Ln(Firm Age) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) Institutional Ownership (0.000) (0.000) Institutional Ownership Squared 0.004 (0.000) 0.003 (0.000) Intercept 0.848 (0.000) 0.791 (0.000) 0.752 (0.000) 0.716 (0.000) Firm fixed effects Yes No Year fixed effects Number of firm-year observations 23018 R_squared 0.4072 0.4053 0.2642 0.2621 Adjusted R_squared 0.4035 0.2641 0.2620 This table reports the results of the comparison of the GIM index and the E index by comparing the adjusted R-squares in the following nonnested alternative models: Qit = α0 + α1 GIM Indexit + α2 [Capital Expenditures / Total Assets]it + α3 ROAit + α4 Ln [Total Assets]it + α5 [Long-term Debt / Total Assets]it + α6 [R&D / Sales]it + α7 Ln [Firm Age]it + α8 Insider Ownershipit + α9 Insider Ownership Squaredit + Ii + µi + ϒt + εi (1) Qit = α0 + α1 E Indexit + α2 [Capital Expenditures / Total Assets]it + α3 ROAit + α4 Ln [Total Assets]it + α5 [Long-term Debt / Total Assets]it + α6 [R&D / Sales]it + α7 Ln [Firm Age]it + α8 Insider Ownershipit + α9 Insider Ownership Squaredit + Ii + µi + ϒt + εi (2) where Qit is the industry-adjusted Tobin’s Q of firm i in year t, , Ii is the industry fixed effect for each three-digit SIC code, µi is the firm fixed effect, ϒt is the year fixed effect, and εi is a heteroskedastic error term. The last two columns are results of regressions without firm fixed effects. Frederick Adjei et al. Gompers versus Bebchuck Governance Measure and Firm Value. Journal of Finance and Economics, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 6, doi: /jfe-4-6-3 © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.
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