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The Declaration of Independence

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1 The Declaration of Independence
A Breakup Letter

2 Law – The principles and regulations issued from a government and applicable to a people
Principles – The fundamental truths Truth – That which is true Idea – A thought existing in the mind Document – Written or printed paper furnishing information or evidence

3 “No other event in American History seemed so impossible at the time, yet so inevitable when we look back, as the American Revolution.” - Ellis

4 Belief – An accepted opinion
Rights – That which is due to anyone by just claim Reason – A ground or cause as for a belief, action, or fact Unalienable – Not capable of being transferred Independence – Freedom from subjection, or from the influence of others

5 Why Rebel? British policies became stricter in the later 1700’s
Colonists felt that the King had gone too far Taxation without representation Violation of individual rights Interfering with colonial self-gov’t Abusing power Unfair trials Olive Branch Petition/ King's response/Too Late to Apologize

6 Declaration – A formal statement or announcement
Government – The ruling or managing of people in a country, community, society, or state Proclamation – That which is announced or declared publicly Sentiment – A mental feeling; emotion Ideal – A concept of something in its highest perfection

7 It's Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration (with lyrics)

8 Resolution – A determination
Treason – Violation by a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state Abolish – To do away with Self-evident – Evident in itself without proof Endowed – Provided

9 The Declaration Written by Thomas Jefferson
Adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 Major Themes Human Equality Natural Rights Purpose of Gov’t Right of Revolution Abuses of Power

10 Translate this sentences:
We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.


12 4 parts 1. Preamble- explains their rights and role of gov’t
2. Declaration of Rights: lists natural rights 3. Grievances- list of abuses against the king 4. Resolution of Independence (declares independence) 1. First time in history!

13 Assignment: Annotate the Declaration
Directions: - Part 1: Label the different sections of the Declaration of Independence (draw a bracket where the titles apply): Preamble, Grievances, Natural Rights, and Resolution of Independence. -Part 2: Highlight/underline all Enlightenment Philosophy ideas and write the name of the philosopher in the margin. -Part 3: Draw a square around the 5 worst abuses (in your opinion). Rank them 1-5 (1 being the worst of all) and write your ranking number in the margin. -Part 4: Write a key word/phrase in the margin next to each paragraph (5 total; excludes grievances) that represents the main concept of each paragraph in the last section.

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