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Four Fierce Ways Meetings Move Ideas to Action

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2 Four Fierce Ways Meetings Move Ideas to Action
Beth Helmueller Perkins Jill Kufalk @bhpwirticenter @jillkufalk

3 Assessment Connection
The content of this session connects to TFI: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2 SIR: 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42 and 59

4 Key Features of an Equitable Multi-Level System of Support



7 Norms and Working Agreements
*Start and End on Time *Equity of Voice *Assume Positive Intent *Be a Fully Present Participant

8 Role Selection Choose an object from the bag
You are “assigned” to the role associated with that item for the next protocol Read the “role” description and responsibilities handout


10 Case Study

11 Process Activity for Case Study
Read case study Individually answer What do you think you know about this team? What questions do you have about this team? Share with elbow partner


13 PRIORITIZE Definition: determine the order of dealing with something based on importance Equity Purpose Tasks Importance Intentional Time Decisions

14 Brainstorm Protocol Identifying purpose of meeting
Brainstorm on own purpose of meeting Write each idea on a post it note Share all ideas and make visible Categorize like ideas Reminders: Equity of voice Lean into different ways of thinking and sharing


16 ORGANIZE Definition: arrange into a structure Equity Agenda Roles
Norms Structure Protocols Voice

17 Rule of One-Third Decision Making Protocol
From the list of meeting purposes, members each select a third plus one as most important to them personally. (For example, if there are 12 items on a list, each person selects 5 items. They do not need to be in ranked order.) The facilitator asks to see hands for the first item on flip chart. The recorder counts and records these in a color distinct from other colors on the chart. Repeat until all items have been accounted for. Facilitator has the group name which items were selected most often. The group adopts the purpose

18 Agenda Creation and Organization
Begin to populate the agenda handout with the following information: The roles 2 objectives for the meeting based on the outcome (What do you want to accomplish during the meeting based on the agreed upon purpose?) The tasks or topics required in order to meet the objectives The purpose of each task/topic (as they relate to the outcomes)


20 STRATEGIZE Definition: devise a plan action Equity Time Purpose Vision
Resources Tasks People Intentional Importance

21 Action Planning Template
Rotate the ”role” object you have to the left 2 times and assume your new role. Begin to populate the action planning template with actions that are a result of the meeting Be sure tasks are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely) “Paint Done”


23 MOBILIZE Definition: bring (resources) into use in order to achieve a particular goal Equity Achieve Goals Adaptive Technical Leadership Survey

24 Read Behaviors That Foster and Undermine Effective Conversations
Identify Roadblocks Read Behaviors That Foster and Undermine Effective Conversations Circle one phrase that is a behavior you have exhibited yourself Underline one phrase that is a behavior you have observed in others Conversations.pdf

25 Chalk Talk Move around the room and respond to the prompts on the paper. No more than three people at a piece of paper at a time. The room will be silent. Write your response to the question on the paper. You don’t have to answer every question if you don’t want. As you move around also read what other people write. You can also respond to what other people write—as long as it is only about their ideas. You cannot correct spelling, grammar, or handwriting or make any comments that are disrespectful. You can use symbols to respond such as ! or ? or ***. When you are finished (you’ve responded to all the questions that you want to respond to and you’ve read over what other people have written), have a seat and rest quietly.


27 LOCALIZE Definition: make (something) local in character Equity
Make this process work for your school, district, community, role

28 I Used to Think . . . And Now I Think
Write your thoughts down responding to each prompt Share with your shoulder partner

29 Resources Adaptive Schools Live Binder Thinking Collaborative Strategies Elena Aguilar Coaching Team Tools Visible Thinking Routines School Reform Initiative Protocols


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