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Tier 3 – Our Students are Counting on US

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2 Tier 3 – Our Students are Counting on US
Rachel Saladis Karen O’Donnell @rspbis @KODonnell_

3 Assessment Connection
The content of this session connects to TFI, Tier 3

4 Agenda Using the Tier 3 TFI Examining and applying subscales Resources and activities Tier 3 Practices Road map for success Protocol for dilemmas Consultancy protocol practice Question/Answer


6 Introductions Please share a personal map that includes: Name, role, school/district The focus of your tier 3 work Any other interesting tidbits about yourself

7 TFI Using What We Know to Inform Where We Go
Team Resources Support Plan Support Plan worksheet Evaluation

8 TFI Using What We Know to Inform Where We Go
TFI Tier 1, Tier 2 TFI Tier 3 Team Interventions Resources Evaluation Support Plan * Support Plan worksheet Team Resources Support Plan Evaluation Interventions

9 Two different types of team
Sub-scale: Teams Two different types of team Systems team Necessary expertise Specific operating procedures/agenda/action plan Data rules/multiple data sources Individual student support/planning team Specific to student and family Responsible for creating and progress monitoring plan

10 Individual Student Teams
Individual student support teams exist, are uniquely designed with active input /approval from student/family ( with a clear link of team membership to student strengths and needs), and meet regularly to review progress data.

11 10 Principles Family voice and choice Team-based Natural supports
Collaboration Community-based Culturally responsive Individualized Strengths-based Unconditional care Outcome-based Self Determination Flexible resources NWI standardized the 10 principles in 2004; 2008–revised persistent to unconditional; revised 2018 to include RENEW/youth centered language

12 Extending your Learning Story Board
Find a triad Grab a paper and technology Create a story board for your assigned principle/s Share with group 3 people per group, and w principles per triad

13 Resources Administrative plan – adequate staffing Student/family/community involvement Professional development plan for all staff

14 Addressing Staffing Concerns
Facilitator name and current role Current responsibility Negotiable? Who else could provide this? How will we make it happen? How, when and who will share decision?

15 Plan includes a hypothesis statement
Support Plan Plan informed by quality of life indicators, as well as academic, social and physical indicators Plan includes a hypothesis statement Operational description of behavior Identification of context where behavior is most likely Maintaining reinforcers in this context ( function)

16 Support Plan con’t. Plan includes comprehensive supports
Prevention Teaching Rewarding Safety Action plan for putting supports in place Process for assessing fidelity and impact Includes both formal and natural supports Includes access to tier 1 and tier 2 supports

17 What Does this Mean for Me?
Systems Team Facilitators: Ind. Student Teams – Planning templates Support plan worksheet - TFI RENEW planning template Wraparound planning template FBA/BIP Full group – pull up support plan worksheet from TFI; read through worksheet and record any questions/comments on

18 Learning and Leading Read through the TFI Support Plan worksheet
Record any questions/comments on a note card Read through the applicable template/rubric Notice any alignment between the worksheet and the template/rubric Record any further questions/comments Plan how you are going to share this info with your systems team/facilitators

19 Evaluation Aggregated data shared with staff regularly
Individual support teams meet regularly to make data based decisions. Team tracks proportion of students accessing Tier 3 supports, and access is proportionate. Annual team evaluation: Are supports meeting needs? Action plan around data.

20 Implementation TFI as the Litmus Test
What questions do you have to help clarify your understanding of the specific TFI line items? What questions do you have about how the items relate to any intensive, individualize support plan? What have you learned that you will use as you move forward in your work as a system and/or facilitator?

21 Guiding your Practice SWAP MEET
Wraparound ----RENEW----FBA/BIP Read the applicable checklist/rubric Record 3 or more benefits of using the document, or ideas for it’s use SWAP MEET!!! Link checklists

22 Cruising Ports of Call


24 Cruising Ports of Call

25 Consultancy Protocol PURPOSE A Consultancy is a structured process for helping individuals or teams think more expansively about a particular, concrete dilemma. TIME Approximately minutes ROLES Presenter: Whose work dilemma is discussed by the group Facilitator: Who guides Presenter and Consultancy Group members through the process; may or may not participate in the Consultancy, depending on the size of the group Consultancy Group members: Who ask questions and discuss the dilemma of the Presenter

26 Steps in the Consultancy Protocol
The Presenter gives an overview of the dilemma with which s/he is struggling, and offers a related question for the Consultancy Group to consider.  The framing of this question, as well as the quality of the presenter’s reflection on the dilemma being discussed are key features of this protocol.  If the presenter has brought student work, educator work or other artifacts, there is a pause to silently examine them.

27 The Consultancy Group asks clarifying questions of the Presenter
The Consultancy Group asks clarifying questions of the Presenter. The Consultancy Group asks probing questions of the Presenter. These questions help the presenter to clarify and expand his/her thinking about the dilemma that has been presented. The goal of this step is to have the presenter learn more about the question s/he has framed and do further analysis of the dilemma that has been presented. The Presenter responds to the probing questions, but there is no discussion by the Consultancy Group about the responses. At the end of this step, the Facilitator asks the Presenter to restate his/her question for the Consultancy Group.

28 The Consultancy Group talks about the dilemma and the presenter’s responses to their questions. The Presenter listens in. Guiding questions for this discussion include: What did we hear? What didn’t we hear that might be relevant? What assumptions seem to be operating? What do we think about the dilemma? What questions does the dilemma raise for us? What is particularly striking about this dilemma? What might we do/have we done if faced with a similar dilemma?

29 Members of the group sometimes offer suggestions for action to the presenter.  Most often, they work to define the issues more thoroughly and objectively. The presenter doesn’t speak during this discussion, but sits apart from the group, listens, and takes notes.  

30 The Presenter reflects out loud about what s/he has heard and what s/he is now thinking, sharing anything that particularly resonated for him/her during the Consultancy. The Facilitator leads a short debriefing about the Consultancy Protocol.

31 Preparing Re-read the consultancy protocol
2. Questions about protocol?

32 Dilemma 1

33 Let’s talk What is the benefit of using the protocol? What questions do you have about the protocol? What type of dilemma would be appropriate for this protocol? Your turn: Is there a dilemma that you would like to present?

34 Dilemma 2

35 Let’s Talk 2,2,2 When would you utilize this protocol? How would you teach others this protocol? How will the use of the protocol benefit your implementation?



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