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Welcome to Barnes Farm Infant School

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1 Welcome to Barnes Farm Infant School

2 New Parent’s Guide to Barnes Farm Infant School Early Years Foundation Stage 2018-2019

3 Mrs Farmer – Headteacher
Mrs Speller - Deputy Headteacher Mrs Bentham - Early Years Foundation Stage Leader and Class Teacher Miss Dick Class Teacher Mrs Hanson - Class Teacher

4 Wellbeing Team at Barnes Farm Infant School
Mrs Robinson – SENCO/ Personalised Learning Leader Mrs Wilson – Family Wellbeing Mentor Mrs Elliott – Social Skills Lead LSA Mrs Andrews – SLCN Lead LSA

5 Your Child’s Class Teacher
Your child will be introduced to their new class teacher on Thursday 28th June at 9am. We would like you to bring your child into the hall and drop them off. From here, your child will be collected by their new class teacher and will stay with us until 10:20am. At 10:20am, we ask that you come into the Foundation playground (gate by the office) and wait here to collect your child. 5

6 Starting School Starting school is a scary time for both children and their parents! We aim to make this transition into school as smooth and happy as possible. To do this we stagger the children’s entry to school. On your child’s first day they will be encouraged to enter the class without their parents/carers as this helps them to settle more quickly and creates a calmer atmosphere for all the children. 6

7 Starting School The classes will be split into an A and B group for the first two days. Wednesday 5th September – Group A am Group B pm Thursday 6th September – Group A am and lunch Group B lunch and pm Friday 7th September – All pupils in school 7

8 Snacks and Lunch In KS1, the children receive a snack provided by the school and there is the option to have a free school dinner. 8

9 What to bring to school? The children need a named water bottle, book bag, Home School diary and a school reading book. They are expected to read/share a book with an adult 5 x a week. This is recorded in class and goes towards a whole school competition. 9

10 Open Door We very much like to keep you updated.
At Barnes Farm Infant School, we welcome the children into the class at the beginning of the day, and ensure that they are handed over to the adult at the end of the day. These are key times and an opportunity for you to catch the class teacher. Form - Adults 10

11 Keeping You Informed Diary of Events Class pages on the website
Weekly Headteacher Newsletter Letters ed out to you Headteacher Coffee Mornings Parent Council Updates 11

12 Parental Involvement You are an important partner in your child’s learning and we really value your knowledge and input. We encourage parents to be involved as much as possible. We have many ways of keeping in touch with you including: Termly parent consultations Written progress summaries Information meetings Parent via newsletter Weekly posts on the school website Informal discussions

13 School Uniform Information on how to order was sent in your welcome pack. Mrs Dukes – Office 13

14 PE White Polo Shirt Black shorts Trainers 14

15 Extra Curriculum Clubs
Later in the year, EYFS will be invited to our school clubs. 15

16 Before and After School Club
If you are interested, please take a form from the table. For those of you that have already applied, some of the policies have changed. Mrs Robinson, our SENCo will call you regarding any requests. 16

17 PTA The school has a very committed PTA who run a variety of events in the school. When you join the school, you automatically become a member of the PTA. 17

18 Our School Owl Code and Mission Statement
At Barnes Farm Infants: We provide a safe, welcoming and engaging place to learn. Each child is unique. Each child is special. We are happy, valued and achieving together. Building Futures, Inspiring Success

19 Daily Routine 8.45 Classroom doors open and the children
can come into the classroom 8:55 The school day begins with registration 3.15 Home time Throughout the week we use the hall for PE and the outside classroom.

20 General Information All children must wear school uniform. Please ensure everything is clearly named. Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times as the children go outside in all weathers. - Warm, waterproof coat, hat, scarf, gloves in winter. - Sun hat, sunglasses and sun cream in summer. - A pair of named wellies must be left at school. - A PE kit kept in school during the week. A school book bag to take home reading books, library books and important letters. A lunchbox if not having a school dinner. We ask that all children bring a named bottle filled with water to school every day. This will then be taken home at the end of each day to be refilled. Children can have access to this water at anytime during the day.

21 Additional Needs If your child has a medical condition (for example asthma, allergies etc.), please make an appointment to meet with Mrs Robinson to arrange for a care plan to be written. Sometimes children need a little extra support to get used to new people and places and may need help initially with settling into their new class and making friends. Our Wellbeing Team are always available if you have any concerns. If your child has any additional needs (which may include speech and language difficulties, barriers to learning, autism, ADHD etc., there is lots of support available for them and we are keen to work closely with our families to allow the best possible outcomes for them.

22 Any Queries or Concerns
If you have any queries or concerns about your child’s individual needs please speak to us and arrange a time to discuss these. 22

23 Thank you for coming We hope that you and your child will enjoy being a part of Barnes Farm Infant School community over the coming years.

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