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English as Foreign Language Grade 9 Designed by Ali Al Agri

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1 English as Foreign Language Grade 9 Designed by Ali Al Agri
Three Countries English as Foreign Language Grade 9 Designed by Ali Al Agri

2 Three Countries In this unit you will be introduced to three different countries (India, Oman and France). You will practice describing and comparing countries using different adjectives (big, small, hot and cold)

3 Navigation This icon will take you to the “Main Menu” where you can choose a topic. This icon will take you back to the previous page. This icon will take you forward to the next page.

4 Main Menu Lesson 1 (India) Lesson 2 (Oman) Lesson 3 (France)
Lesson 4 (Comparing Countries) Related links Quiz

5 Three Countries - India
Description India is a very big country with a huge population. It is mainly agricultural, but industry is also very important. The people grow rice, tea, cotton and many other things. They also make cars, buses and clothes.

6 Three Countries - India
Tourist attractions Visitors can do a lot of things. They can ride elephants, see wild animals, visit old temples and climb mountains

7 Three Countries - India
Map of India

8 Three Countries - India
Indian Flag Indian National anthem (click this icon to listen to the anthem)

9 Three Countries - India
Fast facts: Name: Republic of India Capital: New Delhi Largest city: Mumbai Area: 3,287,590 sq km(1,269,346 sq miles) Population:  1,103,371,000 

10 Three Countries - India
Pictures from India

11 Three Countries - India
Congratulations! You have finished the first part of the “Three countries” unit. Click on the main menu icon to choose another country or to take a quiz

12 Three Countries - Oman Description
Oman is quite small and it has a small population. It is mainly a desert country. The people are mainly fishermen or farmers. The farmers grow fruit and vegetables. Oman also produces oil.

13 Three Countries - Oman Tourist attractions
Visitors go to Oman to buy traditional jewelry and to visit interesting old forts. They can also go swimming, sailing and mountain-climbing

14 Three Countries - Oman Map of Oman

15 Three Countries - Oman Omani Flag Omani National anthem
(click this icon to listen to the anthem)

16 Three Countries - Oman Fast facts: Name: Sultanate of Oman
Capital: Muscat Largest city: Muscat Area: 309,500 sq km(119,498 sq miles) Population:  2,567,000  

17 Three Countries - Oman Pictures from Oman

18 You have finished the Second part of the “Three countries” unit.
Three Countries - Oman Congratulations! You have finished the Second part of the “Three countries” unit. Click on the main menu icon to choose another country or to take a quiz

19 Three Countries – France
Description France is a big country, the population is quite small. Industry and agriculture are both very important. In France they make cars and planes. The also grow a lot of fruit and vegetables.

20 Three Countries – France
Tourist attractions France is famous for its shops and restaurants. It also has many interesting museums and old buildings.

21 Three Countries – France
Map of France

22 Three Countries – France
French Flag French National anthem (click this icon to listen to the anthem)

23 Three Countries – France
Fast facts: Name: French Republic Capital: Paris Largest city: Paris Area: 674,843 sq km(260,558 sq miles) Population:  63,587,700  

24 Three Countries – France
Pictures from France

25 Three Countries – France
Congratulations! You have finished the third part of the “Three countries” unit. Click on the main menu icon to choose another lesson or to take a quiz

26 Three Countries – Comparing countries
France is bigger than Oman, but India is the biggest. India has got a larger population than France. Oman has got the smallest population. Oman is hotter than France. France is colder than India.

27 Three Countries – Comparing countries
Congratulations! You have finished all the tutorial parts of the “Three countries” unit. Click on the main menu icon to review any of the lessons or to take a quiz

28 Three Countries – Related Links
Learn more about India, Oman or France Learn about tourist places and services around the world Download the application in this page to be able to have a satellite map of anywhere on earth

29 Three Countries - Quiz India is a ------------------ country. very big
very small small

30 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
India is not a very small country. Please try another answer.

31 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
India is not a small country. Please try another answer.

32 This is the correct answer;
Three Countries - Quiz This is the correct answer; India is a very big country. Remember that the area of India is 3,287,590 sq km(1,269,346 sq miles), which is very big Please click the button to go to the next question Bravo!

33 Three Countries - Quiz The capital of Oman is ------------------.
New Delhi Paris Muscat

34 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
New Delhi is he capital of India. Please try another answer.

35 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
Paris is the capital of France. Please try another answer.

36 This is the correct answer; Muscat is the capital of Oman
Three Countries - Quiz This is the correct answer; Muscat is the capital of Oman Please click the button to go to the next question Bravo!

37 Three Countries - Quiz The is the flag of ------------------. France
India Oman

38 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
This is the flag of India. Please try another answer.

39 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
This is the flag of Oman. Please try another answer.

40 This is the correct answer; This is the flag of France.
Three Countries - Quiz This is the correct answer; This is the flag of France. Please click the button to go to the next question Bravo!

41 Three Countries - Quiz ------------------ is bigger than France. India

42 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
Oman is smaller than France. Please try another answer.

43 This is the correct answer; India is bigger than France
Three Countries - Quiz This is the correct answer; India is bigger than France Please click the button to go to the next question Bravo!

44 Three Countries - Quiz France is ------------------ India. bigger than
colder than hotter than

45 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
France is smaller than India. Please try another answer.

46 Three Countries - Quiz Good job! But this is not the right answer,
India is hotter than France. Please try another answer.

47 This is the correct answer; France is colder than India.
Three Countries - Quiz Bravo! This is the correct answer; France is colder than India. This is the end of this unit. You have done a great job. Please click on the home button to go back to the main menu.

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