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ITT and SKE Recruitment Mark Crowley
May 2019
Review recent TSM targets and subsequent ITT recruitment
Objectives Review recent TSM targets and subsequent ITT recruitment Consider patterns in recruitment Review Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) usage Objectives for this presentation
Routes into Teaching – coverage for this presentation
University-led Postgraduate (PGCE/PGDE) School-centred ITT (SCITT) School Direct (salaried) School Direct (tuition fee) Teach First (Leadership) Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeships Undergraduate degrees (Integral QTS) Undergraduate opt-in degree (Final year) Now Teach Transition to Teach Troops into Teaching Researchers in Schools (RiS) Assessment Only Future Teaching Scholars Premier Pathways HMC Teacher Training PCET L5 Dip in Ed & Training EYITT Teacher Training routes Clarification about the scope for this presentation. Postgraduate courses for which the DfE have published data. Have approached RiS but unsuccessfully.
Teacher Supply Model TSM and initial teacher training allocations: The PG courses make up the bulk of the target ITT numbers, These are contained in the TSM – this is updated annually.
Teacher Supply Model TSM 2019-20 Current stock
of teachers and their wastage rates The model considers wastage rates. This has been highlighted in recent reports such as Wellcome trust. Key findings:
TSM – Turnover rates & Retention
Current stock of teachers and their wastage rates Years of service NQT 7 Years Number of teachers Issues with SWC/Compendium. Not by subject but by hours taught. Year qualified
TSM – Turnover rates & Retention
Secondary Physics This does not represent Physics NQTs. Instead, the number of NQTs teaching Physics (KS3-5) regardless of their ITT specialism.
47% 36% 12% 41% ITT target Teacher Supply Model TSM 2019-20
Current stock of teachers and their wastage rates Teaching hours per subject and DfE policies (EBacc) Growth of pupil population and additional teachers needed Net growth by comparing entrants versus leavers Success of ITT routes feeding NQTs into state schools PG Routes into Physics assumed to be Model expects 53% of entrants will be NQTs HEI SD SCITT 47% 36% 12% 41% 82% 84% 71% 77% 87% 76% Change from prior model which expected NQTs form 50% of entrants. However this assumption is applied regardless of the subject ITT target Completion and Employment
TSM: Attrition rates Physics
Completion and Employment 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 81% 82% 74% 79% 87% Attrition rates have changed with each version of the TSM. The current version is based on the four years up to 2015/16 60% 65% 69% Attrition rates included in each iteration of the model have changed – but data is dated. HEI School Direct SCITT
Attrition rates TSM Historic completion and employment rates are applied to the NQT need in order back- calculate the ITT target: Subject Target Attrition rates NQTs Entrants 90% 88% 83% 80% 78% 74% Biology 1190 1150 1265 855 790 775 1610 1480 1460 Chemistry Explanation of back-calculation Physics Completion and Employment
Recruitment vs Targets
Physics Target 1265 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 91% 71% 70% 65% 68% 80% EBITT/SD HEI/SCITT Number of trainees 47% How successful the targets have been met. Note Increase in Phys target for
Recruitment vs Targets
Chemistry Target 1152 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 EBITT/SD HEI/SCITT 110% 132% 94% 117% 82% 98% 79% Number of trainees Note Increase in Chem target for
Recruitment vs Targets
Biology 153% Target 1192 101% 96% 88% 84% 85% 115% 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 EBITT/SD HEI/SCITT Number of trainees Recruitment controls have clearly note been applied. Information here about when RC were supposed to be applied.
Consider the impact of hitting target but not the modelled
Shortfall in census TSM Has the shortfall in the TSM target by Physics and Chemistry been offset by massive gains in Biology? Consider if the NQT need is still being met : NQTs Subject 1815 830 575 Census Target 1190 1050 1265 Attrition rates Likely Model Consider the impact of hitting target but not the modelled 35%:33%:32% 90% 88% 83% 80% 78% 74% Biology 1310 590 350 850 790 780 Chemistry So even the massive over-recruitment in Biology does not balance out the shortfall in Chem/Phys. Retrograde step to the situation 10 years ago…. Physics Likely NQT 2250 :Model 2420
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry Over the last ten years, the ratio of separate sciences initially matched the move to more equitable allocations growing in favour of chemistry and more recently back toward Biology as the dominant subject DfE did not publish data for
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry Teach First data started to be included in the census but their data have been removed from the following pie-charts.
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry What is the likely ratio of science numbers for from UCAS data?
Recruitment Placed+ Conditional
Expect a drop off with conditions not being met
Recruitment Placed+ Conditional Generic Expect a drop off with conditions not being met 1000 900 800 700 Conditional 600 Number of applicants 500 400 Holding offer Placed 300 Explaining the following charts 200 100 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep End of cycle
Recruitment Placed+ Conditional Biology 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 UCAS data drop Number of applicants UCAS cycles have started as early as 9th Oct and as late as 26th Oct Change from publication date into day within recruitment cycle. Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Census
Biology Recruitment 2015-19 *4th May 18 26th April 17 55 75 4th May 16
Placed+ Conditional Biology 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Day 190 *4th May 18 26th April 17 Placed 55 Conditional Firm 75 4th May 16 90 520 825 835 17th April 19 40 875 Number of applicants Days since UCAS opened 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Census
Chemistry Recruitment 2015-19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Placed+ Conditional Chemistry 1200 UCAS data drop Number of applicants 1000 800 600 400 200 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Census
Chemistry Recruitment 2015-19 *4th May 18 26th April 17 55 20
Placed+ Conditional Chemistry 1200 Day 190 *4th May 18 26th April 17 Placed 55 Conditional Firm 20 4th May 16 60 400 350 560 17th April 19 15 360 Number of applicants 1000 800 600 400 200 Days since UCAS opened 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Census
Physics Recruitment 2015-19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Number of
1000 900 UCAS data drop Number of applicants 800 700 600 500 400 300 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept EoC Census 200 100
Physics Recruitment 2015-19 *4th May 18 26th April 17 20 15 4th May 16
1000 Day 190 *4th May 18 26th April 17 Placed 20 Conditional Firm 15 4th May 16 40 310 260 395 17th April 19 10 225 900 Number of applicants Number of applicants 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Days since UCAS opened 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Census
Physics Recruitment 2015-19 120 HEI 100 SD (fee) 80 60 SCITT 40 20
20 40 60 80 100 120 HEI SD (fee) SCITT SD (sal) Physics 1000 900 Number of applicants Number of applicants 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Days since UCAS opened 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Census
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry What is the likely ratio of science numbers for from UCAS data?
ITT Census - Science ratio
Biology Physics Chemistry *Based on current UCAS data Are particular ITT routes more successful than others at recruitment?
ITT Census – numbers by route
Physics 100 200 300 400 500 HEI SCITT SD (Fee) SD (Sal) Teach First Number in Nov census
ITT Census – proportions by route
Physics UCAS for currently shows approximately: HEI 46% SCITT 21% SD Fee 30% SD Sal 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% HEI SCITT SD (Fee) SD (Sal) Teach First Proportion in Nov census
ITT Census – number by route
Biology 200 400 600 800 1000 HEI SCITT SD (Fee) SD (Sal) Teach First Number in Nov census
ITT Census – proportions by route
Biology UCAS for currently shows approximately: HEI 53% SCITT 14% SD Fee 31% SD Sal 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% HEI SCITT SD (Fee) SD (Sal) Teach First Proportion in Nov census
ITT Census – numbers by route
Chemistry 100 200 300 400 500 600 HEI SCITT SD (Fee) SD (Sal) Teach First Number in Nov census
ITT Census – proportions by route
Chemistry UCAS for currently shows approximately: HEI 49% SCITT 17% SD Fee 32% SD Sal 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% HEI SCITT SD (Fee) SD (Sal) Teach First Proportion in Nov census
Subject Knowledge Enhancement
April 2018
SKE – recent guide 10. SKE funding is … available for courses of 8 weeks … for those applying to PE with EBacc ITT courses. 20. PG ITT courses… the completion of a SKE course must be a specific condition of the conditional ITT offer. 21. Teach First candidates. Teach First participants are eligible for SKE funding, providing they meet the criteria set by Teach First. 22. UG courses. Programme and bursary funding is available for eligible participants on designated UG courses in secondary maths and physics that lead to QTS (including opt-in). For PE with EBacc, the ‘with’ subject must be one where SKE funding is available. All places on PE with Ebacc ITT courses must also be agreed in advance with the ITT allocations team.
SKE - courses TSM and initial teacher training allocations:2019-2020
TSM and initial teacher training allocations:
SKE Directory Rather than published as an excel spreadsheet, provided by the DfE as a webpage. What do the expert advisers on Freephone or via our online chat service between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday.
Teachers Analysis Compendium
TSM and initial teacher training allocations:
SKE uptake – overall figures
ITT Data yet to be released for SKE – Paul Steele from DfE has responded to recent to agree to provide this shortly. Subject SKE 16-17 ITT 17-18 SKE/ITT Biology 343 327 332 1025 875 715 33% 37% 46% Chemistry Table 1.5: Subject Knowledge Enhancement by subject 2017/181 ITT year: 2017/18 Coverage: England SKE Subject Total SKE Trainees Total ITT Trainees in Census for SKE Subjects Proportion of all ITT trainees taking SKE Biology 343 1,025 33% Chemistry % Classics % Computing % Design & Technology % English 288 2,175 13% Geography 367 1,225 30% Mathematics 1,148 2,450 47% Modern Foreign Languages 775 1,405 55% Physics % Total 3,921 10,715 37% Note: ITT is initial teacher training 1 Total in Census – Table 1: Provisional data on postgraduate ITT new entrants (including forecast new entrants) and training places by subject, Initial teacher training: trainee number census to 2018 Physics
SKE uptake – by length of course
66% 400 60% 55% 350 300 250 Short 8-12 Number of partticipants 200 150 Med 16-20 100 Big four across the sciences are: VIDLEARN (100) Bradford College*(100) University of Sussex (100) TES Institute (340) About 66% of all science SKE. 50 Long 24+ Biology Physics Chemistry
Marketing SKE The Department (for Education) has increased marketing investment; intensified marketing activities; introduced more frequent bursts of TV advertising; and added new marketing channels. TV & Video, Social Media and paid Search have been the strongest drivers of website sessions in the latest period; with paid Search and Social Media also being the most cost-effective marketing drivers.
Any questions? Mark Crowley Senior Lecturer in Science Education Nottingham Trent University +(44) Remember to register with the Free National Vacancy Service for teachers and schools:
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