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Agency Partnership Worker Individual

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Presentation on theme: "Agency Partnership Worker Individual"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agency Partnership Worker Individual
Modelling of good practice Skill sharing Community engagement Local knowledge Partnership Confidence Flexibility Lived experience Openness Hope Trust Worker Empathy “Can-do” attitude Natural networker Individual Ownership Enthusiasm Physical environment Community resources Social Network Knowledge Development Social Network Development Exposure to new ideas Building relationships Introduction to new people and activities Fostering trust Network assessment Objective development Inspiration Facilitation Meeting expectations Orientation/signposting Skill recognition Feedback Stigma Physical health Identifying opportunities Complicated external lives Barriers to social network development tackled and eventually overcome Development of skills and interests Engaging with local community Attitude: self/ organisation Developing own networks and resources Access to service ‘Bad’ social capital Development of social confidence Lack of information Adapting to new ideas Utilising contacts Building currency Extra Support Reassessment Advice Seeking Self awareness

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