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AUTOS Jan. 14/15.

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Presentation on theme: "AUTOS Jan. 14/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUTOS Jan. 14/15

2 self autograph - (graph - write) - writing the name of oneself
automobile - ((L.) mobilis - movable) - self moving autocrat - (kratos - power, strength) - power in one person autonomy - (nomos - law) - being a law to oneself autodynamic - (dynamikos - power) - supplying its own power

3 DIY autobiography - (bios - life) - automatic - (matos - think) -
autopsy - (optos - seen) -

4 photos Jan. 16/17

5 light photograph - (graph - write, draw) - picture drawn by light
photometer - (metron - measure) - a device which measures light phototropic - (tropos - turn) - turning toward light photophobia - (phobos - fear) - fear or dislike of light

6 DIY telephoto - (tele - distant) - photophilia - (philia - love) -
photosynthesis - (syn - together, thesis - putting) -

7 kinesis Jan. 18/23

8 movement kinetic - relating to movement of bodies
kinesiology - (logos - word or study) - study of human movement cinema - motion pictures (Greeks had no “c”. They used “k”.) cinematographer - motion picture photographer

9 DIY kinescope - (skopeo - look at) - kinetophone - (phone - sound) -

10 skopeo Jan. 28/29

11 Look at, inspect, consider, examine
scope - all that the eye can see periscope - (peri - around) - device for seeing around episcopal - (epi - on, over) - overseen by bishops or “overseers” bishop - a church overseer

12 DIY microscope - (mikros - small) - telescope - (tele - distant) -
kaleidoscope - (kalos - beautiful; eidos - form) -

13 helios Jan. 30/31

14 sun Helios - sun god; also called Apollo or Phaethon
heliotrope - (tropos - turn) - plant which turns toward the sun. helium - light gas used in balloons perihelion - (peri - around, near) - closest point to the sun in earth’s orbit aphelion - (apo - away from) - furthest point from the sun in earth’s orbit

15 DIY helioscope - (skopeo - look) - heliometer - (metron - measure) -

16 pathos Feb. 11/12

17 Feeling, Suffering pathos - dramatic device to cause pity, sympathy, or sorrow pathetic - marked by suffering or sorrow pathometer - (metron - measure) - measures feeling; a lie detector antipathy - (anti - against) - feeling against telepathy - (tele - far away) - knowing how someone far away feels

18 DIY pathology - (logos - word or study) - apathy - (a - not) -
sympathy - (syn - together) -

19 Vivo victum Feb. 13/14

20 live vivid - lively, animated, spirited vivacity - liveliness, vigor
viand - food to support life victual - (pronounced “vit’l”) - food to support life victim - religious sacrifice of live animal or person

21 DIY revive - (re - back again) - survive - (sur/super - over) -

22 luna Feb. 19/20

23 moon lunar - of or pertaining to the moon
lunatic - mad; affected by the moon lunacy - madness caused by the moon clair de lune - (French) - moonlight lunambulist - (ambulo, ambulatum - walk) - one whose sleep- walking is caused by the moon

24 DIY interlunar - (inter - between) -

25 digitus Feb. 21/22

26 Finger, Toe, Inch digit - finger, numerals from 0-9, unit of measure the width of a finger (¾ of an inch) digital computer - a computer which uses numerals to mean whole numbers and decimal fractions digitalis - the “foxglove” plant from which heart medicine is made

27 DIY prestidigitation - (praesto - at hand, prompt) -

28 tempus temporis Feb. 25/26

29 time temporal - pertaining to time temporary - for a limited time
temporize - play for time; stall tempo - (Italian from Latin) - time in music; rate of speed at which a piece of music moves tense - (French: temps) - verb forms which indicate past, present, or future time

30 DIY extemporaneous - (ex - out) -
contemporary - (cum - together, with)- contemporaries - (cum - together, with)-

31 manus Mar. 11/26

32 hand manufacture - (facio, factum - making) - make by hand
manifest - (festus - hit) - hit by hand, easily perceived manicotti - (manica - sleeve) - sleeve-like pasta manumit - (mitto, missum - send) - to send forth or release from one’s hand.

33 DIY manuscript - (scribo, scriptum - write) - manual -

34 sonus Mar. 29/Apr 1

35 sound sonic - relating to what we can hear
sonnet - a form of rhyming Italian poetry sonovox - a machine that makes sound effect voices sonar - a device that hears sound under water sonata - an instrumental (not vocal) musical composition with three or four movements

36 DIY consonant - (con - with) -

37 chronos Apr. 8/12

38 time chronometer - (metron - measure) - device to measure time
chronic - over a period of time; “from time to time” chronograph - (graph - write, draw) - device to measure and record time

39 DIY synchronize - (syn - together, same) -
chronology - (logos - word, study) -

40 astron Apr. 15/16

41 star aster - star-shaped flower
asteroid - (eidos - form) - in the form of a star disaster - (dis - separation or parting from) - separation form the good influence of friendly stars asteral - pertaining to the stars (asteral navigation - navigating by the stars) astrodome - covered stadium where sports stars perform

42 DIY astronomer - (onoma - name) -
astrologer - (logos - word, knowledge) - astronaut - (nauta - sailor) -

43 jacio jactum Apr. 17/18

44 throw object - (ob - against) - throw against
objection - arguments “thrown against” a situation project - (pro - forward) - throw forward projectile - a thing thrown forward (arrow, bullet, rock)

45 DIY eject - (e, ex - out) - interject - (inter - between) -
reject - (re - back, again) -

46 caput capitis Apr. 30/May 1

47 head caput - “off with his head”
capital - top of a column; head, chief or foundation money captain - head of a group of soldiers capitulate - put headings on chapters or divisions in a piece of writing cabbage - vegetable “head”

48 DIY recapitulate - (re - back, again) -

49 philia May. 2/3

50 Love, friendship philosopher - (sophia - wisdom) - one who loves wisdom philanthropist - (anthropos - man) - one who cares about his fellow man phillumenist - (lumen - light) - one who collects match covers philtre - love potion Anglophile - (Angli - English) - one who loves England

51 DIY Philadelphia - (adelphos - brother) -
philologist - (logos - word) - Francophile - (Francus - France) -

52 bios May. 6/7

53 life biography - (graph - write, draw) - written life story
autobiography - (autos - self) - written life story of one’s own life amphibian - (amphi - both) - creature who can live both on land and in water bionic - life-like biotic - pertaining to life

54 DIY biology - (logos - word, study) - microbe - (micro - small) -
antibiotic - (anti - against) -

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