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Disabling e-Card New feature added to BIS on 15th May 2019 | Draft Training Material prepared on 14th May 2019, final approved on 22nd May 2019 .

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Presentation on theme: "Disabling e-Card New feature added to BIS on 15th May 2019 | Draft Training Material prepared on 14th May 2019, final approved on 22nd May 2019 ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disabling e-Card New feature added to BIS on 15th May 2019 | Draft Training Material prepared on 14th May 2019, final approved on 22nd May

2 Reasons for disabling Human Error Fraud
e.g. : unintentional error while creating BIS record e.g. : Beneficiary impersonation

3 What SHA should know Ground Rule: “No PMJAY eligible beneficiary should be penalized” WHO can disable: SHA for the State where beneficiary is residing The rationale is that since the appellate authority for approval / rejection of the BIS record lies with the SHA, the same entity should have the authority to disable the approved card. HOW to Disable: Go to SHA login in BIS Search by PM-JAY e-Card / Family ID / Mobile No. Select the reason for disabling (Fraud/Unintentional Error) An SMS will be sent on the registered mobile numbers with the message - “Ayushman Bharat PMJAY ID XXXXXXXX has been disabled on directions of your State Health Agency. Please recheck your eligibility by visiting the nearest empaneled hospital. Please carry a valid Govt. photo ID like Aadhaar and your Ration Card/PM Letter when visiting the hospital. Call or for assistance” SHA has to take a case to case decision on disabling the card of a beneficiary who is undergoing treatment in PM-JAY. SHA also have the authority to replenish the exhausted wallet of the disabled card. All approved claims should be settled.

4 What happens to the record after disabling?
PM-JAY ID is made inactive PM-JAY ID is delinked from the family Printing of e-Card will be disabled (including pdf) E-Cards of other family members created using the disabled PM-JAY ID will also be disabled

5 What hospitals should know?
TMS upon entering the PM-JAY e-Card will display an error message “This PMJAY ID has been disabled on directions of <<Name of the State>> State Health Agency”. This error message will be also be displayed in BIS while searching (Main Search / Add Member / Print All) Treatment provided before disabling the PM-JAY ID will be paid to the Hospital like any other normal claim.

6 Disable Process in BIS application using SHA login

7 Click on the “Disable Golden Card” from the menu list.

8 Select Search Parameter from the dropdown menu
Select Search Parameter from the dropdown menu. The search parameters are Mobile Number/PMJAY ID/Family ID

9 Enter Mobile number – and then click “Search”
Enter Mobile number – and then click “Search”. The results will be displayed with a disable button on the right side of each card

10 Upon clicking the disable button, a pop-up will come where you have to select the reason for disabling the Golden Record. The option are a) Unintentional Error & b) Suspected Fraud

11 Once reason is selected and clicked on “Submit” another pop-up will confirm disabling the record

12 When an invalid PMJAY ID is entered, following pop message would appear

13 Contact Tech Support if you require any assistance or you face any problem while initiating the process

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