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Science Bell work 09/19/16-09/30/16

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Presentation on theme: "Science Bell work 09/19/16-09/30/16"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Bell work 09/19/16-09/30/16

2 Monday, 9/19/16 All Make-up work and redo/retake work is due by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, 9/27

3 Tuesday 09/20/16 F the steepness of the hill
All Make-up work and redo/retake work is due by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, 9/27 1. NASA is developing a new deep- space telescope to replace the Hubble Space Telescope. Which will best help NASA determine whether the new telescope is an improvement over the Hubble Space Telescope? A.comparing  the  capabilities  of  the  new  telescope  to  those  of  the  Hu bble  Space Telescope B..researching  different  types  of  le nses  that  can  be  used  in  space  tel escopes C.interviewing  scientists  about  their   opinion  on  the  new  telescope  and   the  Hubble  Space Telescope D.analyzing  how  much  it  costs  to  b uild  space  telescopes 2. 1. Karl wants to see which skateboard has the greatest rolling friction, so he rolls each of his three skateboards down a hill from a fixed starting point. Then he measures their stopping distance. What is his variable? F the steepness of the hill G the distance the skateboards roll H the condition of the road J the particular skateboard used 2. Jodi wants to test the law of conservation of mass by performing an experiment with charcoal. Which instrument should she use to measure the mass of her materials? A ammeter B volumetric flask C triple-beam balance D Bunsen burner

4 All Make-up work and redo/retake work is due by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, 9/27
Wednesday, 9/21/16

5 Thursday, 9/22/16 All Make-up work and redo/retake work is due by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, 9/27 When you finish, study the engineering design process and tools. Examples: Triple beam balance, Spring Scale, Litmus Paper, Microscope, Thermometer, graduated cylinder, generator, pH paper,

6 Friday 9/23/16 All Make-up work and redo/retake work is due by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, 9/27

7 Monday 9/26/16 Begin making your vocab cards for the next section:
All Make-up work and redo/retake work is due by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, 9/27 Begin making your vocab cards for the next section: On the front (Side with no line) Vocabulary word Picture Initial and class period On the back Definition Evidence of finding definition Use the word in a sentence Words Engineering Design Process Prototype Assistive Bioengineering Adaptive Bioengineering Intended Consequences Unintended Consequences

8 Tuesday 9/27/16 Finish making your vocab cards for the next section:
On the front (Side with no line) Vocabulary word Picture Initial and class period On the back Definition Evidence of finding definition Use the word in a sentence Words Engineering Design Process Prototype Assistive Bioengineering Adaptive Bioengineering Intended Consequences Unintended Consequences

9 Wednesday, 9/28/16 1. A student designs an experiment to measure the mass and volume of rocks found in a nearby cliff side. Which tools would best help a student obtain accurate data? 2. A  bronchodilator  is  a  type  of  m edicine  used  by  people  with  asth ma.  This  type  of  medicine quickly  relaxes  tightened  muscles   around  airways  to  allow  air  to  fl ow  through.  This medicine  is  best  described  as  assistive  product. B. an  electronic  product. C. an  adaptive  product. D. a  magnetic  product.

10 Thursday, 9/29/16 1.

11 Friday 9/30/16 The diagram below shows a rock suspended above an overflow container filled with water up to the overflow spout. A graduated cylinder is positioned next to the container to collect water that comes out of the overflow spout. Which property of the rock can be directly determined when the rock is placed in the overflow container? a. hardness b. mass c. volume d. denisty

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