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What is SkillBridgE? Linking Transitioning Service Members w/ Civilian Training Opportunities through: JOB TRAINING EMPLOYMENT SKILLS TRAINING APPRENTICESHIPS.

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2 What is SkillBridgE? Linking Transitioning Service Members w/ Civilian Training Opportunities through: JOB TRAINING EMPLOYMENT SKILLS TRAINING APPRENTICESHIPS & INTERNSHIPS ( JTEST-AI ) For Eligible Service Members – DODI 1) The DOD SkillBridge Initiative is guided by the DODI , titled JTEST-AI. JTEST-AI simply outlines the “type” programming that may occur 2) The DOD, Navy, and USAF refers to programming as SkillBridge, but Army refers to it as Career Skills Program (CSP) 3) Each service has established additional guidelines associated with program implementation. These guidelines “add to” the DODI eligibility and vetting criteria

3 NAVY Eligibility & approval
Those who meet certain qualifications with command approval, can participate in a SkillBridge approved training program up to 180 days prior to separation. Additional participation eligibility criteria for Sailors is outlined in the NAVADMIN 222/15 OPNAV UPDATES (9/26/18): DoD approved tracking of training N/A at this time…Contact your local FFSC transition office If there is a known training program or internship that meets the requirements outlined in DODI and para 2 of the NAVADMIN the CO can vet and authorize participation, providing the member meets all eligibility criteria outlined in para 4 of NAVADMIN If participation is authorized for a program that is not covered by local FFSC or another Service, then the command must have formal documentation (ex. MOU) with the company/organization If the CO approves a program outside the geographical area of the members duty station (no-cost TDY orders), the member is responsible for their own travel and must return to the command for out processing It is important that all command personnel involved in the review/approval process understand the Navy guidelines associated with SkillBridge NAVADMIN provides specific guidelines regarding Sailor participation in a SkillBridge program, to include additional eligibility criteria and command approval to allow for no-cost permissive TDY. These items and additional content are NOT outlined in the DODI and so it’s important to reference both OPNAV UPDATES: This additional clarification/guidance was been provided by OPNAV via , but is NOT included for reference in the current NAVADMIN

CNRMA Vetted & Approved Programs: CNRMA approved (MOU) program offerings available here in Hampton Roads FY18 metrics reflect 64% increase in participation in CNRMA approved programs, yet that number still accounts for less than 2% of TSMs here in Hampton Roads Additionally available through the Army (Ft. Eustis) are 2 SkillBridge/Career Skills Programs (CSPs): ARC Welding & CDL Process of inquiry and enrollment may differ between services: When requesting to participate in an Army facilitated program, you will need to work through the details of enrollment with the installation CSP Coordinator and/or the training program POC When seeking participation in a CNRMA approved program, there will be a program POC for inquiries, and application required for enrollment. This application will provide program specs for command consideration, note affiliation as a CNRMA approved (MOU) SkillBridge program, collect contact info, and require commander signature

5 SO What is your ROLE? Program Promotion Resource Referral
Eligibility Verification Approval Authority PROGRAM PROMOTION: Initiated by the CCC during pre-sep; re-enforced by FFSC in their Career Centers and during TGPS RESOURCE REFERRAL: At minimum, CCCs should refer TSMs to their local transition office for a “list” of currently approved programs available on or near the installation. Though CCCs initiate the conversation, Service Members have to do the work in identifying programs, communicating with vendors, and requesting command approval to participate ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION: Development and/or standardization of command processes associated with info dissemination, and request chit routing, has proven helpful for many commands to date. Some have even developed a command SOP to outline associated protocol. See SLIDE 7 for sample index APPROVAL AUTHORITY: Commanding Officers and OICs with NJP authority have final approval authority. Per OPNAV, participant eligibility must be verified, program eligibility must be verified, and there must be formal documentation between the command and training provider if there isn’t an existing agreement (MOU) with one of the Services. Lastly, no-cost TAD/TDY orders must be issued when training commences

6 NOW WHAT? Increase Navy awareness and participation in the DOD SkillBridge Program initiative: CCCs: Initiate the conversation, and teach your Sailors how to IDENTIFY, INQUIRE, ASK & APPLY! Leadership: Ensure full chain of command SA of this program, develop a standardized process for submission/routing, and allow eligible applicants to participate when/if performance and mission readiness can support it FFSC: CNRMA Program Promotion. Facilitated Networking Opportunities On-Base. SkillBridge Application/Enrollment Support . See Slide 7 for local contact information. CNRMA: POC for command (CCC & Leadership) inquiries is as follows: Amanda Slosson Regional TAP/SkillBridge Coordinator Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, Fleet and Family Support Program (N91) Norfolk, VA / .

7 ADDITIONAL SLIDE: Hampton Roads FFSC Contact Information **Primary referral for transitioning Service Member’s is to the transition staff at your local FFSC. FFSC can provide general program information, and enrollment support as applicable

8 Back-Up Slides

DOD Military Installations Directory Resource Referral: To inquire about programs available on or near a particular military installation, contact that installation’s transition office. If looking into programs available outside your local area, you can use the DOD Military Installations Directory to identify contact information at other installation. Search contact information based on the transition office program names listed below. When calling, state that you are inquiring about SkillBridge and/or Career Skills Programs available on or near that identified base. Navy – Fleet & Family Support Center Army – Soldier For Life Air Force – Airman & Family Readiness Center Marines – Marine Corps Community Services. Unfortunately, there is no “master” list complied and/or promoted electronically by DOD and/or the Navy at this time. You must network with the installation POCs for this type information.

10 Request Package documentation
Cover Letter Explain what you are requesting and include list of supporting materials enclosed Instructions DoDI NAVADMIN 222/15 Eligibility Criteria Documentation (show proof as outlined in the NAVADMIN) Individual Program Participant Application (if applicable – applies to all CNRMA programs) Training Program Materials (as applicable) Program Flyer, Employer Information, Training Outline, Internship Offer/Intent Letter, etc… DRAFT MOU - Formal Documentation (only applies if program isn’t already operating off formal agreement with Navy or one of the other Services) Use command preferred format, or samples provided by your regional POC or OPNAV Additional Command Required Documents * Sample items to include in a SkillBridge request package

11 DOD vetting criteria DoDI 1322.29 – Outlined in Enclosure 4:
General Criteria for Determination of Approved JTEST-AI Providers (Minimum criteria for ALL training programs) Specific to Training, Pre-Apprenticeship, and Apprenticeship Programs (Additional criteria, but N/A to internships ) Criteria Specific to Internships (Additional criteria, ONLY applicable to internships) FYSA (Program Vetting Criteria): If participating in a program already operating off an existing MOU (such as the current CNRMA approved programs), there is no command requirement to vet the program As outlined by OPNAV though, if a command opts to allow for participation in a program that doesn’t have an existing MOU, than the command is responsible for vetting the program/internship again the DOD criteria 3) All programs (JTEST-AI) should meet the criteria outlined in 1., along with either the criteria in 2. or 3., depending on type program request

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