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Welcome to the Arrow Academy Team!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Arrow Academy Team!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Arrow Academy Team!!!
Julie New HR Manager

2 Expectations TalentEd Records Employee Handbook Website Insurance
Tasks Blank Docs Files Employee Handbook Leave Position Start and End Dates Pay Dates First Report of Injury/Illness Form Website Insurance Deadlines – Two weeks or by the 21st of month, if possible THEbenefitsHUB Contact Information

3 TalentEd Records When the background and certification checks have been completed and you have been approved for hire, you will receive an from Arrow Academy/TalentEd Records asking you to log in to complete the online hiring requirements. You can use the link in that or: Go to select “Staff”,”HR Links”, “TalentEd”, then “Records”. Your username will be firstname.lastname and your password will be arrow123$.

4 Your tasks to be completed will be the first thing you see.

5 Under “BLANK DOCS”, the following forms can be found:
Emergency Contact Change of address/phone Name change W-4 Leave Request Form Insurance enrollment instructions FMLA information Under “FILES”, the employee can view all documents they have completed.

6 Employee Handbook

7 Directory Within the handbook, you will find the central administration phone numbers, addresses and campus information.

8 Leave and Payroll Benefits, holidays and leave begin on page 6 of the Employee Handbook. Payroll Procedures begin on page 12 and the payroll schedule is found on pages 15 and 16.

9 Payroll Procedures Methodology of Payroll For staff starting on the scheduled first day of work: Since school staff members do not typically work during the summer months, school wages are paid differently than a traditional business. Schools typically pay their full-time staff throughout the summer. This allows school personnel to participate in the employee benefits plans, such as medical and dental insurance, during the summer months and normalizes your pay over the full year versus just receiving checks for the nine-month school year. If you work the full school year, your monthly pay is as simple as dividing your annual salary by twelve. Most employees will receive their first check at the end of September.

10 For staff who start after the scheduled first day of work:
If you work only part of the school year, you will receive a prorated salary based upon the percentage of the school year you actually work. This is because most schools, including Arrow Academy, pay their employees on a fiscal year basis that begins on September 1 and ends on August 31 of each year. Therefore, if you do not work a full year your first year, your pay will be spread over the period from your first day of employment through August 31. (i.e. Daily Rate of Pay X Actual Days Worked / Number of Remaining Paychecks) For example: You work 8 hours per day at the rate of $15 per hour. Your daily rate would be $120. You started October 19 instead of August 18, so instead of working 177 days for your position, you would have the opportunity to work 134 days. We multiply $120 times 134 days for a total of $16, for the school year. We divide that amount by 11, the number of checks to be paid through August 31, for a monthly total of $

11 TIMESHEETS: If you are an hourly employee, you will keep timesheets using Time Clock Wizard and the administrative assistant on each campus can help if you need assistance. You will need to create these weekly and preview them at the end of the pay period for errors. The pay period schedule is found in the employee handbook. If you are absent, do not create a time record for that day and the leave request should match your timesheet. The administrative assistant can answer any questions you may have in regard to the timesheets and leave request forms.

12 Technology Damage and Misuse Report First report of injury/illness
If you ever have to report any damage to a laptop or other equipment, please use the Technology Damage and Misuse Report found on page 37. Please submit this to the director. Hopefully, you will never get injured on the job, but if you do, please complete the First Report of Injury form found on page 39. The Travel Procedures and Guidelines are found on page 43.

13 web page instructions Please follow the directions in TalentEd Records to set up your webpage. Go through the presentation for step-by-step instructions. A link to each campus site is found on the district homepage under “Staff”.

14 Enroll In or waive Insurance Benefits
Every employee is required to enroll in or waive insurance benefits. The link and the instructions for logging in are found in TalentEd Records under your tasks. You can find the link to the Benefits HUB on the Arrow Academy district home page, also. Go to Staff, HR Links and select the Insurance HUB link. Arrow Academy provides Basic Life and Long Term Disability for full-time employees, so you will automatically be enrolled in these two benefits, if you work 31 hours or more each week.

15 Summary You should now be familiar with TalentEd Records and be able to find the tasks you need to complete and where to find new W-4 forms, direct deposit forms and other documents required by HR. You know where to find the Employee Handbook and we reviewed some of the highlights in the handbook. You can set up your webpage by following the instructions in the presentation found in TalentEd and find the link to your campus under “Staff” on the website. You know where to find the instructions for enrolling or waiving insurance benefits. You need to enroll in or waive benefits within the first two weeks of hire or by the 21st of the month so we can set up your deductions in the payroll system. If you wait until the last minute, you can end up paying double premiums on your first pay check.

16 Contact Information Julie New HR Manager PO Box College Station, TX Phone: Fax:

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