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The Programme of the Staff Week of the University of Ostrava

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1 The Programme of the Staff Week of the University of Ostrava
15/06 – 19/06/2015

2 presentation of OU followed by each participant presentation
Monday 15/06/2015 10:00 opening meeting welcome speech presentation of OU followed by each participant presentation coffee break*, snack* Dvořákova 7, rectorate building 3rd floor, door No. 307 13:00 lunch * 15:00 visit of Faculty of Science, Hladnov, rooftop view of the city

3 Tuesday 16/06/2015 09:00 job shadowing – individual visit to particular departments 15:00 visit of „The Dolní Vítkovice Area“* by tram 

4 08:00 trip to „Beskydy Mountains“*
Wednesday 17/06/2015 08:00 trip to „Beskydy Mountains“* meeting point: Dvořákova 7 solid boots, jacket, sunglasses, rucksack, snack, good mood  lunch paid by each participant

5 Thursday 18/06/2015 FREE MORNING 14:00 physical therapy massage* Faculty of Medicine 19:00 informal dinner with sampling regional cuisine and Czech beer paid by each participant

6 Friday 19/06/2015 09:00 final meeting and closure discussion, confirmation of stay (documents) coffee break, snack visit of Ostrava City Hall* (voluntary) departure *all activities are funded by OU

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