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NO GERMS ON ME Wash your hands with soap and water often to get rid of germs so you don’t get sick.

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Presentation on theme: "NO GERMS ON ME Wash your hands with soap and water often to get rid of germs so you don’t get sick."— Presentation transcript:

1 NO GERMS ON ME Wash your hands with soap and water often to get rid of germs so you don’t get sick.

2 NO GERMS ON ME Our bodies are pretty amazing. Day after day, they work hard — digesting food, pumping blood and oxygen, sending signals from our brains and our nerves, and much more. But there is a group of tiny invaders that can make our bodies sick — they're called germs.

3 What do you think GERMS are?
NO GERMS ON ME What do you think GERMS are?

4 NO GERMS ON ME Germs are tiny organisms, or living things, that can cause disease. Germs are so small and sneaky that they creep into our bodies without being noticed.

5 NO GERMS ON ME In fact, germs are so tiny that you need to use a microscope to see them. When they get in our bodies, we don't know what hit us until we have symptoms that say we've been attacked!

6 How do you think Germs are spread?
NO GERMS ON ME How do you think Germs are spread?

7 coughing, sneezing or spitting on other people.
NO GERMS ON ME Germs can be spread by coughing, sneezing or spitting on other people.

8 Not washing your hands after going to the toilet.
NO GERMS ON ME Not washing your hands after going to the toilet.

9 Not washing your hands before eating.
NO GERMS ON ME Not washing your hands before eating.

10 Not washing your hands after playing outside.
NO GERMS ON ME Not washing your hands after playing outside.

11 Not washing your hands after playing with your pet.
NO GERMS ON ME Not washing your hands after playing with your pet.

12 NO GERMS ON ME Coming into contact with other peoples body fluids such as blood and saliva.

13 Leaving dirty tissues around after you have used them.
NO GERMS ON ME Leaving dirty tissues around after you have used them.

14 Eating food that has not been stored properly.
NO GERMS ON ME Eating food that has not been stored properly.

15 Sharing food, drinks and utensils with other people.
NO GERMS ON ME Sharing food, drinks and utensils with other people.

16 Not washing your hands after blowing your nose.
NO GERMS ON ME Not washing your hands after blowing your nose.

17 How do you think we can stop the spread of germs?
NO GERMS ON ME How do you think we can stop the spread of germs?


19 Lets all practice washing our hands and meet Gerry the Germ.
NO GERMS ON ME Lets all practice washing our hands and meet Gerry the Germ.

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