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Multicast Support in the NSP (the “low-level” details)

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1 Multicast Support in the NSP (the “low-level” details)
NSP Meeting 28 October 2002 Alex Chandra, Yuhua Chen, Sarang Dharmapurikar, John Lockwood, Todd Sproull, Wen-Jing Tang, David Taylor, Jon Turner

2 Multicast Tree Support
Support binary copy multicast without pruning Extra complexity needed to avoid re-ordering Example: If leaf E is removed from tree (a), then the tree will be maintained as shown in (b). Note that recycling node B will only forward one copy to leaf C Upstream copy suppression is possible

3 Multicast Use of InterPort Shim
InputVIN stamped at packet arrival OutputVIN used to forward to next port Previous Port Number (PPN) stamped by multicast recycling port Used to suppress upstream copies Added Multicast Tree Position (MTP) field Denotes position of filter/packet in multicast tree Allows multiple filters per port for a single multicast session

4 Multicast Tree Position (MTP)
Initialized by ISAR to 0x7F ( ) CARL performs exact match on 5-tuple and MTP Returns a single bit (MB) as a branch indicator Prior to send, MTP is modified by OSAR Replace rightmost (least significant) zero with bit returned by CARL/QM Change the bit to the right of this bit from 1 to 0

5 Classification & Route Lookup (CARL)

6 EM/FIPL Shared Memory Map
~38.5k FIPL entrieds 20,480 exact match filters “Forced” pre-allocation of ingress/egress filter pairs Head and list entries managed separately All EM buffers must be aligned on 6 word boundaries relative to start of buffer All EM pointers are entry pointers

7 Exact Match Search Engine

8 Exact Match Filter Entry Format

9 Exact Match Filter Entry Format
Multicast filters must set Filter Type field to 001 MB (Multicast Branch) bit identifies the branch of the multicast tree corresponding to the filter Identifies which OutputVIN/QID pair to bind to packet Forwarded to QM and used by OSAR to update MTP Default = 0 NB (Number of Branches) bit indicates the number of branches exiting node Needed for maintaining incomplete (non-pruned) trees MTP field replaces Rate2 field for multicast filters

10 End of Presentation

11 MSR Configuration with FPX
SPC handles exceptional, optional, and “active” packet processing FPX handles SAR, classification, and queueing “Plain” ingress packets Route lookup, exact match, general match classification  DQ “Plain” egress packets Exact match classification DRR Supports 1 Gb/s links with 4 Sub-Port Identifiers (SPIs) per port Dedicated ingress & egress comm. channels with SPC Dedicated CP, SPC, and DQ control channels

12 RAD Logical Block Diagram

13 RAD Physical Block Diagram

14 NID Virtual Circuit Map
All traffic arriving from SW switched to RAD_SW port Traffic arriving from SP0-SP3 switched to RAD_LC port Due to physical partitioning of PSM and ISAR, require unique VCs for ingress and egress SPC traffic Unique control VCIs for CP, SPC, and DQ rate distribution

15 InterPort Shim (FPX/SW)
5-bit Input and Output VINs (8 ports w/ 4 sub-ports) Previous Port Number (PPN) stamped by multicast recycling port Used to suppress upstream copies Flags not defined for InterPort shim Should we compress to 8 bytes? (Answer: No)

16 IntraPort Shim (FPX/SPC)
Same format for full-packet or header-only processing Queue Identifier (QID) pins packet to a specific queue Dedicated queue ranges for SPC traffic, LFS flows, etc. Queue Length of the return queue for associated QID Return SPC QIDs = transmit SPC queue + index Only holds if the Re-Classify (RC) flag is not set

17 IntraPort Shim Flags DP (Drop Packet): This flag is set when a packet should be dropped due to failed checksums, mismatched length fields, filters, or SPC directives. RC (Re-Classify packet): This flag is set by the SPC when a packet requires re-classification in the FPX due to processing in the SPC. NM (No Match): This flag is set when no filter or lookup entry exists for the packet. The packet is sent to the SPC for classification. EX (Exception): This flag is set by ISAR when IP Options exist in the packet or the packet is not IPv4. The packet is sent to SPC for processing. HO (Header-Only processing): This flag is set by CARL when only the packet header must be sent to the SPC for processing and the packet is more than 120B. HR, FM, and TO flags are FPX-specific state Must be retained with the packet (not modified by the SPC)

18 Classification & Route Lookup (CARL)
Route lookup, general filter match, exact filter match on ingress packets 64 priority levels General filters have per-filter priority Route lookup results have fixed priority (register config.) Exact filter match results have fixed priority (register config.) Exact filter match on egress packets ISAR checks Protocol field, port numbers zeroed for non-TCP/UDP packets Setup filter send ICMP packets directly to SPC… anything else? General filter match on 5-tuple returns one exclusive and one non-exclusive filter 32-bit counter for matching packets Exact filter match on 5-tuple returns OVINs and QIDs (2 for multicast packets), LFS rates, and flags 16-bit packet and 32-bit byte counters for matching packets Route lookup on IPv4 destination address returns OVIN 16-bit packet counter for matching packets

19 Exact Filter Match

20 Exact Filter Match Entries (in SRAM)

21 Queue Manager (QMGR) DQ for switch-bound packets
DRR for link-bound packets Dedicated SPC-bound packet queues QID determines destination 0-127: to SPC : from SPC : reserved flow queues : switch datagram queues : line card datagram queues

22 Guidelines for SPC Processing
Must NOT modify the following fields Lower 3-bits of flags and TOT Chunks Packet and Second Chunk Pointers May set the drop flag for any packet May opt to drop a full packet locally Must have consistent treatment of RC (Re-Classify) flag for all packets of a flow for uniform queuing treatment If RC is not set, the QID currently in the shim will be used RC bit must be set for LFS packets returned to FPX Currently, ALL packets containing options bypass CARL and are sent to the SPC for processing

23 Guidelines for Header-Only Processing
FPX transmits first 120B of packet in three ATM cells If filter specifies header-only processing, but the packet is less than 120B; the entire packet will be sent to the SPC Must ALWAYS return one copy of header to FPX Must NOT modify the length of header/data May decide to set the drop flag Must NOT modify the following fields Lower 3-bits of flags and TTL Chunks Packet and Second Chunk Pointers Refer to previous slide regarding RC flag

24 Control Functions NID VCXT configuration
Register configuration (pass register number, operation, and value) Read, write, reset all to default values System counters and flags (pass counter number) Read and reset all Per-VCI input and output packet counters For SPC traffic VCIs, full-packet and header-only counters Per-VCI input and output control cell counters Drop counters Cell drops due to congestion at ISAR (no SDRAM, etc.) Packet drops due to AAL5 checksum failures Flags for IP Header checksum failure and IP and AAL5 length mismatch Queue drop counters (SPC, LC, SW)

25 Control Functions (2) CARL SRAM updates
Maintain route database and exact match filter entries Pass command, address, data Read/write 32- or 36-bit words Exact Filter Match hash table updates Pass command, address (hash key), and data (pointer) Maintain correct order of operations for adds/deletes Adds: write entry in SRAM, update hash table entry Deletes: update hash table entry, deallocate SRAM entry General Filter Match Pass filter table and priority resolution table entries Consult document for details and data formats

26 Control Registers

27 References FPX Support for the MSR, Version 1.0 Team members
Detailed technical report documenting the hardware design All interfaces, formats, control cells, OpCodes, etc. Team members Design still flexible in certain areas, however… Coding has begun

28 “External” Shim Flag Definitions
AF (Active Flow): This flag is set when a lookup result returns a non-zero Stream Identifier (SID). The packet is sent to the SPC for active processing. NR (No Route in table): This flag is set when no filter or lookup entry exists for the packet. The packet is sent to the SPC for classification. OP (IP Options present): This flag is set when IP Options (other than Lightweight Flow Setup) exist in the packet header. The packet is sent to the SPC for options processing. UK (Unknown packet type): This flag is set when a packet arrives that is not IPv4. The packet is sent to the SPC for processing. RC (Re-Classify packet): This flag is set by the SPC when a packet requires re-classification in the FPX due to processing in the SPC. HO (Header-Only processing): This flag is set when only the packet header must be sent to the SPC for processing. HL (Header Lenth): This flag specifies how much packet data to send to the SPC for header only processing (0 = first 56 bytes of packet; 1 = first 116 bytes of packet). This flag is valid when only the packet header must be sent to the SPC for processing (HO = 1). DP (Drop Packet): This flag is set when a packet should be dropped due to failed checksums, mismatched length fields, or filter directives.

29 “Internal” Shim Flag Definitions
IE (Ingress/Egress packet): This flag provides for implementation efficiency by allowing internal components to identify ingress and egress packets via a single bit compare. 0 = Ingress, 1 = Egress. LP (LFS option present): Flag set to 1 when LFS is present. LR (LFS rate request): Flag denotes requested rate type (0 = soft/transient, 1 = firm/constant). Flag is only valid when LP = 1. SB (SPC-bound packet or header): Flag set to 1 when packet or header is to be sent to SPC.

30 Input Segmentation and Reassembly
Process IP traffic on 4 input sub-port VCs, 8 output port VCs, and 2 SPC VCs Other traffic arriving from SW passes through control path Reassemble IP packet Check ATM HEC, IP Header checksum, and AAL5 checksum Drop corrupt packets identified by checksum mismatches => set drop flag in shim Compare IP Total Length and AAL5 length Drop corrupt packets identified by length mismatches => set drop flag in shim Check for IP Options If not LFS Option, set option flag in shim for forwarding to SPC Store payload in SDRAM Maintain 14 contexts using local Packet Identifiers (PID) generated by Output Segmentation and Reassembly (OSAR) Using BlockRAM as on-chip buffers, pass 60 byte “chunks” of packet to PSM Packet Storage Manger (PSM) returns a packet pointer after first “chunk” of packet is transferred Ingress traffic: insert 8-byte shim prior to IP header in first chunk Write Input VIN based on packet arrival from SP0 – SP3 Forward header fields to CARL after entire packet is received De-multiplex control cells to CCP

31 Output Segmentation and Reassembly
Dequeue packets based on packet pointers passed from Queue Manager Select ingress/egress PSM based on shim flag Create AAL5 frame for dequeued packets Decrement IP TTL for egress packets Update IP Header Checksum using incremental update algorithm Generate AAL5 checksum Ingress traffic: clear shim internal flags and SID to create InterPort Shim Egress traffic: remove shim Update rate field(s) for LFS option packets Check for multicast count Translate VCI of cells of outgoing AAL5 frames based on the shim fields and register set Case 1: (Ingress traffic) Output VIN PN /= Local PN Switch traffic VCI = Output VIN PN + Obase_VCI SPC traffic (flags set) VCI = SPC VCI Case 2: (Egress traffic) Output VIN PN = Local PN Link traffic VCI = Output VIN SPI + Ibase_VCI Multiplex control cell responses from CCP onto SW port

32 CARL Block Diagram

33 CARL Performance Line rate packet classification (3 Gb/s)
Assuming single-chunk (64B) packet I/O => 5.86M lookups/s Route lookup = concatenate destination and source addresses (64-bits), perform longest-prefix match Tree Bitmap w/ 4-bit stride => 16 nodes deep for exact match Worst case memory accesses = 20 @ 75 MHz w/ 8 FIPL engines => 3.75M lookups/s For typical 24-bit prefix lookups => 8.33M lookups/s Returns Output VIN and SID For multicast (binary copy), returns two Output VINs and one SID SID2 = SID1 + 1 All results have fixed priority

34 CARL Performance (2) General filter match = linear search over 64 filters using 5-tuple @ 75 MHz => 1.17M table scans/s Pipeline of 8 packet headers => 9.375M lookups/s Provides for 37.5% overhead (62.5% efficiency) Returns one exclusive filter match and up to three non-exclusive filter matches Each filter has specific priority May be relative to route lookup priority Filter table under software control Exact Filter Match = exact match over 5-tuple Algorithm to be selected… Must share SRAM capacity and bandwidth with Route Lookup Dynamic filter updates based on implicit flow setup and tear-down for LFS support Handled by on-chip hardware Software filter insertion for reserved flows

35 SPC “Triggers” Packet exception cases Filter directives Others?
Not IPv4 Options other than LFS present Filter directives Exclusive/non-exclusive general filter or exact match filter specifies packet or packet header must be sent to SPC Network monitoring, active processing, etc. No matching filter or route Will this ever happen? Others?

36 Full-packet SPC Processing
SPC must have consistent treatment of RC flag for all packets of a given flow Maintain uniform queuing treatment

37 Header Only SPC Processing
First cell contains reserved space for chunk pointers 12 bytes reserved regardless of HL Single chunk = 56 bytes of packet Requires 2 cells Double chunk = 116 bytes of packet Requires 3 cells SPC may decide to drop packet by setting DP flag SPC must NOT send copies of packet headers back to FPX SPC must return header on the arrival VC SPC_IN_VCI or SPC_EG_VCI

38 Task Assignments Overview (David) ISAR (Alex) OSAR (Yuhua)
PSM (Sarang) CCP (David) SRAM Interface (David) SDRAM Interface (Sarang) CARL (Alex & David) General Filter Match (Alex) Exact Filter Match (Alex/David) Route Lookup (David) I/O logic & priority resolution (Alex/David) QM (Yuhua, Wen-Jing, Sarang) DQ (Yuhua/Wen-Jing) DRR (Yuhua/Wen-Jing/Sarang) SPC/PFQ (Yuhua/Wen-Jing) Document: /project/arl/fpx/papers/msr_design/msr_design_v1.pdf Slides: /project/arl/fpx/papers/msr_design/talks/

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