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The Office Copier (MFP) Paper Billing Process. Paper Billing Introduction Paper for the Office Copiers is provided free of charge, as long as it is used.

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Presentation on theme: "The Office Copier (MFP) Paper Billing Process. Paper Billing Introduction Paper for the Office Copiers is provided free of charge, as long as it is used."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Office Copier (MFP) Paper Billing Process

2 Paper Billing Introduction Paper for the Office Copiers is provided free of charge, as long as it is used for its intended purpose. The amount of paper delivered to each copier is reconciled, quarterly or bi-annually, by comparing it to the usage of each copier (prints/copies).

3 Paper Billing Introduction (cont.) Departments only receive a Paper Bill Notice when there is a discrepancy between their copiers usage and paper delivered. Before the beginning of each Paper Billing cycle, an informational e-mail is sent out informing Key Operators of an upcoming Paper Billing Cycle.

4 The Visuals The next several slides will show the steps that are completed by the Print department when reconciling the paper provided for each Office Copier.

5 This is a sample Invoice that is sent to departments when they are required to pay for Office Copier Paper due to paper discrepancies. The Invoice is setup on a worksheet and double checked for accuracy before being emailed to the department contact. Paper Billing Notice term, with start and end dates. Account Number on file that is used to pay for the Office Copier paper, and the month in which billing will occur.

6 Contact information of who will receive Paper Bill Invoice via email. Beginning Paper Inventory is the Ending Inventory from the previous paper billing cycle.

7 Location RMC ID DEPT First Name Last Name Ext. ZIP FAX Inv. Date Inv. Count Verifying Signature (in reams) Paper Inventory is completed via email or physically by our student assistant, and verified by a department contact. Below is a sample of the worksheet used to record paper inventory. This shows the ending inventory from Dec. 2011, where 10.5 reams were recorded and verified, which is now the beginning inventory for the March 2012 paper billing cycle. Paper Inventory Verification

8 The 10.5 reams is converted to total sheets by multiplying reams x 500 (sheets per ream). Beginning Inventory = Previous (Dec. 2011) Inventory Count. In this case the beginning inventory sheet count is 5,250

9 Total Paper Delivered = all delivered reams x 500 sheets (sheets per ream) In this case, 12 reams were delivered between Jan. 1 to March 31, 2012, for a total of 6,000 sheets When paper is delivered to a location, an Office Copier Supply form is signed by the department contact who received the supplies. The department is left with a yellow carbon copy of the form for their records. The PRNT department tracks all paper delivered to a location, which is entered into an internal worksheet.

10 An Ending Paper Inventory is conducted and recorded. Ending Inventory = Reams recorded x 500 sheets (sheets per ream) In this case, 2 reams were recorded at the end of March 2012, for a total of 1,000 sheets

11 Total Paper Used = Beginning Inventory + Total Paper Delivered – Ending Inventory In this case, 10,250 sheets of paper were used between Jan. 1, - March 31, 2012

12 A report is generated for each copier showing total Copies and Prints made during the Paper Billing Cycle. The totals are entered here and added together for a total impressions count.

13 From the same report, impressions that were printed or copied back to back (duplexed) are entered here. The duplexed impressions are subtracted from the total impressions, giving the count of paper that was actually used.

14 Total Paper Used – Total Copies Made = Billable Sheets Comparing the Total Paper Used to the Accounted Paper for C&P gives the number of sheets that are unaccounted for and are billable.

15 Net billable sheets = Billable sheets – 1 ream allowance (or 500 sheets) Each Office Copier location is given a one ream allowance (500 sheets)

16 Net billable sheets is converted back to a rounded reams count. Rounded to reams = Net billable sheets divided by 500 (# of sheets in a ream)

17 $6.50 x Rounded to Reams = Invoice Amount The charge for a ream of paper is $6.50, which includes the cost of paper, tax, shipping, handling and delivery.

18 Note: If a department does not have unaccounted paper during the Paper Billing Cycle, the Invoice Amount will be zero or less and no invoice is sent.

19 Paper Billing Final Steps When a balance is due for the copier location, the worksheet is double checked for accuracy before emailing to the Key operator. Departments that receive an Invoice are given one week to review their invoice and contact us if there are questions or concerns. If a department has questions about the charges, the worksheet will be audited and all back-up documentation for the copier location will be sent to the department.

20 Paper Billing Final Steps (cont.) Once a copier location has approved the billing, the Print department will charge the department through the Office Copier NowPrint account. *Note: The department being billed will not need to submit any paperwork for billing Final billing charges will appear on the departments Insight report.

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