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SAS9.4, SPSS16.0, STATA/IC12.1, ARC-GIS10: Please do not try to update

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Presentation on theme: "SAS9.4, SPSS16.0, STATA/IC12.1, ARC-GIS10: Please do not try to update"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAS9.4, SPSS16.0, STATA/IC12.1, ARC-GIS10: Please do not try to update
Write N Cite Workshop Wednesday, October 3 Elaine R. Hicks, MS/LIS, MPH, MCHES SPHTM liaison and Public Health Librarian SAS9.4, SPSS16.0, STATA/IC12.1, ARC-GIS10: Please do not try to update 2nd floor of medical school. This room in the 24/7 space has the same statistical packages as Tidewater: SAS9.4, ARCGIS and SPSS . Note: the computers and software are neither the property of the library nor are maintained by librarians. 9/27/2013

2 What we do: the 10 Essential Public Health Services
30% of the 70 services described as essential public health services are information skills (20 of 70) Crosswalk of the core competencies for public health professionals with the essential public health services. (7/23/2010). Retrieved 9/19/2010, 2010, from

3 Analytical/Assessment Skills Tier 1: Diploma or Bachelor
How do information skills fit in? Competencies for Public Health Professionals Analytical/Assessment Skills Tier 1: Diploma or Bachelor Tier 2: MPH, etc. Tier 3:MD/MPH, DrPH, PhD 1A2. Identifies quantitative and qualitative data and information 1A3. Applies ethical principles in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1B3. Applies ethical principles in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1C3. Ensures ethical principles are applied in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1A4. Uses information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1B4. Uses information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1C4. Uses information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1A14. Describes how evidence is used in decision making 1B14. Makes evidence-based decisions 1C14. Makes evidence-based decisions 1B15. Advocates fur the use of evidence in decision making that affects the health of a community 1C15. Advocates fur the use of evidence in decision making that affects the health of a community

4 First…Formulate a topic as a question and format it on a worksheet
Example Topic: Sexual assault and female high school students Question: What social supports are available for victims of sexual assault?

5 Command Line Searching: PubMed
Topic: Sexual assault and female high school students Question: What social supports are available for victims of sexual assault? Concept 1: Social Supports Concept 2: sexual assault Concept 3: victims Concept 4: female Synonyms: MESH terms AND AND AND OR OR OR C o n c e p t s: keywords Tip: Go from broad terms to narrow terms, Use both keywords and controlled vocabulary combined using AND and OR, think of alternative spellings, use of plurals, and capital letters for proper nouns

6 Second… Get ready to search and save
In PubMed, register or sign in to your MyNCBI account Open the MeSH database Open PubMed database Set preferences: Highlighting: select a bright color Format: Select Abstract 200 records Most Recent

7 Select a reference manager
EndNoteOnline has no access after graduation but you can export files to Refworks Our Refworks licence grants alumni perpetual access. Before you graduate, change status from student to alumni 8/4/2019

8 RefWorks: Create an accout Download tools to your machine: WriteNCite and RefGrabIt
WriteNCite captures bibliographic files (.nbib). RefGrabIt captures website metadata. 8/4/2019

9 In RefWorks, create a folder to receive bibliographic files

10 This slide summarizes the steps for effective searching
This slide summarizes the steps for effective searching. Please read each box carefully as this outline is invaluable for effective searching. Formulate your topic and question prior to accessing the Internet and a specific database or resource. This is ESPECIALLY advisable when working globally (when there is low-bandwidth and high-cost for Internet access), and generally a good practice. 8/4/2019

11 Command Line Searching: PubMed
Topic: Sexual assault and female high school students Question: What social supports are available for victims of sexual assault? Concept 1: Social Supports Concept 2: sexual assault Concept 3: victims Concept 4: female Synonyms: MESH terms AND AND AND OR OR OR C o n c e p t s: keywords Tip: Go from broad terms to narrow terms, Use both keywords and controlled vocabulary combined using AND and OR, think of alternative spellings, use of plurals, and capital letters for proper nouns

12 Databases relevant for public health questions have been selected through a biannual survey of faculty which asks them to state the journals which are most important for their area of study 8/4/2019


14 In PubMed Advanced Search (command line searching), build your search: Use the controlled vocabulary (MESH database) in combination with the entry terms found to build your search (i.e. Social support[MESH] OR Social Support[TitleAbstract] or social network[TitleAbstract] AND Rape[MESH] OR rape[TitleAbstract] or sexual assault[TitleAbstract]… 8/4/2019

15 Command Line Searching: PubMed
Topic: Sexual assault and female high school students Question: What social supports are available for victims of sexual assault? Concept 1: Social Supports Concept 2: sexual assault Concept 3: victims Concept 4: female Synonyms: MESH terms AND AND AND Social Support[MESH] Social support[TIAB] Social supports[TIAB] Social Networks[MESH] Social Network[TIAB] Social Networks[TIAB] Sexual Assault[TIAB] Crime Victims[MESH] Female[MESH] Rape[MESH] Crime Victims[TIAB] Rape[TIAB] Crime Victim[TIAB] Women[MESH] OR OR OR Use the controlled vocabulary (MESH database) in combination with the entry terms found to build your search (i.e. Social support[MESH] OR Social Support[TitleAbstract] or social network[TitleAbstract] AND Rape[MESH] OR rape[TitleAbstract] or sexual assault[TitleAbstract]… Girl[TIAB] Girls[TIAB] C o n c e p t s: keywords Tip: Go from broad terms to narrow terms, Use both keywords and controlled vocabulary combined using AND and OR, think of alternative spellings, use of plurals, and capital letters for proper nouns

16 Command Line Searching (on October 2, 2018)

17 Apply database features: limits
80 records reduced to 40 (on October 2, 2018) 8/4/2019

18 This slide summarizes the steps for effective searching
This slide summarizes the steps for effective searching. Please read each box carefully as this outline is invaluable for effective searching. The initial steps can be completed prior to accessing the Internet and a specific database or resource. This is ESPECIALLY advisable when working globally (when there is low-bandwidth and high-cost for Internet access), and generally a good practice. 8/4/2019

19 Because you set your preferences, your search words are highlighted, you can read the abstract and view other MESH terms which describe the content of the article. If this is a relevant record, you need to save it in your citation management account in a folder specific to the topic. 8/4/2019

20 4th: Turn bibliographic records into your reference list using database features (not by hand)

21 In PubMed, select the article(s) you want to save and send [them] to your machine the bibliographic record. It/they will download as a .nbib file 8/4/2019

22 Import file from computer to RefWorks folder

23 The .nbib file has been converted and lives in RefWorks
You can add the PDF file to the record Save PDF in the file Share it with group partners Consider making a group account for a project 8/4/2019

24 Share file with TA, professor, and/orb group partners

25 5th: Format your paper

26 Using WriteNCite Because you downloaded WriteNCite to your machine, it loaded an “add in” to your Word program (called ProQuest for Word) In Word, place your cursor where you want to leave a citation. Select ‘Insert Citation’. You will see all your folders and files Select your style (APA or AMA). This example is APHA style Continue until you are finished. Place your cursor where you want your bibliography. Select “Bibliography Options” to create the bibliography.

27 Check your references Your name guarantees that they are correct What’s wrong with these references?
CDC-youth online-high school YRBS louisiana 2009 results Retrieved from  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) high school youth risk behavior survey data. Retrieved from  You are responsible for correct references (even if machine-processed). 8/4/2019

28 Other topics Why you can’t find the majority of scholarly work on Google/Google Scholar? The publication process

29 Scholars write articles and submit for publication to Societies, Associations

30 Sage contracts for printing and electronically distributing to database vendors

31 How MEDLINE records are organized in PubMed so that you can find journal articles QUICKLY

32 Medical Subject Headings
Organizing 26M: Medical Subject Headings MESH Index Medicus MEDLINE Index Medicus is a paper directory. It was an index of medical literature and terms produced by the National Library of Medicine and was published between 1879 and 1926. It is the precursor to MEDLINE, an electronic database, which has literature beginning in 1946. MEDLINE is accessible through PubMed, the name of the interface which contains many databases. PubMed is the literature database. Note the use of controlled vocabulary (i.e. the relationship between ‘lead-poisoning’ and ‘insanity’. “See also” became the MESH database (medical subject headings) in MEDLINE. 8/4/2019

33 PubMed® is the interface designed by the National Library of Medicine.
Through it you can search MEDLINE, a database of bibliographic information, the information about peer-reviewed journal articles. MEDLINE M citations and abstracts biomedical journals published in U.S. and 80 other countries. PubMed® provides free access to MEDLINE @61% are linked to full text articles. About 5M articles are linked to free full text.

34 Change Abstract format to MEDLINE
A Medline record of the first result in our sample search: Raehsler, S. L., Choung, R. S., Marietta, E. V., & Murray, J. A. (2017). Accumulation of Heavy Metals in People on a Gluten-Free Diet. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology : The Official Clinical Practice Journal of the American Gastroenterological Association

35 Fields indexed in this record PMID STAT (status) DA (date created
LR (date last revised) IS (ISSN) DP (date of publication) TI (title) LID (location identifier) AB (abstract) CI (copyright information) FAU (first author) AU (author) AD (author affiliation) MEDLINE Format A Medline record of the first result in our sample search: Raehsler, S. L., Choung, R. S., Marietta, E. V., & Murray, J. A. (2017). Accumulation of Heavy Metals in People on a Gluten-Free Diet. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology : The Official Clinical Practice Journal of the American Gastroenterological Association

36 Workshops 8/4/2019

37 Workshops Noon – 1:00 pm | Tidewater 2212
Thursday, October 18 Introduction to Literature Searching Why are citation styles important? Using RefWorks to format a paper using APA AMA This is the schedule for on-campus information skill workshops.

38 Communicating Send an email to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.TULANE.EDU
Substitute your FirstName LastName in the body

39 Contact Us Reference | 988.5155 Circulation
Circulation | Interlibrary Loan | Elaine Hicks |

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