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TCU and the Presidents Climate Commitment:

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1 TCU and the Presidents Climate Commitment:
Learning to Change the World “To educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community”

2 TCU 2009 Statistics Enrollment = 8,696 :
7,471 undergraduates 1,225 graduate 116 undergrad & 58 graduate areas of study 16 graduate degrees 13 areas of doctoral study 1,752 employees 529 F.T. faculty 14:1 student/faculty ratio Campus is 277 acres 3.5 million square feet of air conditioned space TCU Fall 2008 Fact book. and Chasing Carbon Draft Action Plan. TCU Landscape Facts (as of Sep 08) TCU Fiscal Year Report FY 2009 TCU website.


4 ACUPCC Agreement Signed while TCU students were studying climate change from the European perspective at the University of Oxford

5 DONE TCU’s Need ACUPCC* means that TCU must:
Within 2 months, create a structure to comply with the agreement. Within 1 year, complete the comprehensive inventory of emissions. Within 2 years, complete the plan for becoming carbon neutral. Initiate at least 2 actions to reduce GHGE. New construction will be LEED silver Public transportation provided to all students & faculty/staff Publish the plan & progress reports thru AASHE** *American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment **Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education DONE

6 TCU GHG Emissions Inventory
94,150.4 metric tons of eCO2 (FY 08/09) Scope 1: 9,968.9 metric tons eCO2, or 11% of total (on-campus , natural gas) Scope 2: 49,804.9 metric tons eCO2 or 53% (indirect, purchase of electricity) Scope 3: 34,376.7 metric tons eCO2 or 36% (indirect, travel) Since 1997: GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) increased 71.68% Total square footage has increased by 34.6% Total community population has increased by 21.9%

7 TCU Launched Major Changes in 2005
MAJOR building campaign. MAJOR energy conservation program. Results: Increased total square footage by 440, 431 sf Increased enrollment by 309 students Increased faculty / staff by 58/113 DECREASED natural gas purchases by 7,342 Mmbtu DECREASED electricity purchases by 13,047,438 KWh DECREASED total energy budget by $1.6 million

8 TCU’s Efforts TCU compiled all of this through a new, award-winning course called CHASING CARBON to capitalize on student brain trust.

9 Chasing Carbon Launched in Jan 09, the students teams:
Evaluated carbon offset options for campus-wide study abroad travel. Gathered baseline information for TCU’s existing efforts, including a baseline inventory of TCU’s greenhouse gas emissions. Wrote the draft Institutional Action Plan for meeting year two and beyond goals. Developed initiatives for incorporating sustainability into every TCU student’s educational curriculum.

10 TCU’s Efforts TCU is proud to announce (for the first time):
Certificate in Environmental Sustainability Both grad & undergrad certificates Available to all majors/degrees 10 hour program Can be completed in 3 semesters

11 Contact: Becky Richards, P.G. 817-257-7271
TCU’s Efforts Contact: Becky Richards, P.G Questions?


13 Energy Reduction Efforts
Energy conservation and the Physical Plant Infrared surveys are conducted periodically to determine energy loss and then correct Motion detectors have been installed on lights throughout the campus to reduce wasted electricity Lights and ballasts have been replaced with higher efficiency models As needed old windows are replaced by new energy efficient windows Usage of 3 high efficiency chiller plants, one with ice storage. The chillers operate on two closed loop systems, east campus, and west campus, providing a very efficient way to condition the buildings and ensure good air quality levels. Rain and freeze sensors installed on irrigation systems Some conference rooms equipped with CO2 sensors to adjust heating and cooling by occupancy need Energy Management and Control System (EMCS) system used to monitor and control building energy on a 24/7 basis. Comprehensive energy audit for Winton Scott.

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