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Journal reviews 2015. 1. 14 이승호.

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1 Journal reviews 이승호

2 Journal hEX-Tox

3 Introduction Biomarkers in specific matrices
UER (urinary excretion rate) : Chemical conc. * volume / duration rate Creatinine adjustment : better relation with blood/serum conc. In case of children, HOWEVER, smaller blood vol. and lower urinary creatinine level  increase the adjusted concentration level hEX-Tox

4 Introduction Guideline values WHO : 30 ~ 300 mg/dL
US. Department of Transportation : < 5 mg/dL and ~1.020 SG Influential Factor Increasing age GFR(glomerular filtration rate) Seasonal variation hEX-Tox

5 Objectives To document the normal range of urinary creatinine concentrations among various demographic groups To evaluate the influence demographic variations in creatinine concentrations To explore methods to appropriately adjust urinary analytes using creatinine that take into account demographic differences hEX-Tox

6 Materials and Methods NHANES Ⅲ (1988-1994) Creatinine analysis
Conducted by NCHS of CDC US population (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Mexican American) ≥ 2 months of age A household interview, physical examination Creatinine analysis Beckman Synchron AS/ASTRA clinical analyzer hEX-Tox

7 Materials and Methods Demographic covariates Health status definitions
Age: 6-11, 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, ≥ 70 years Non-Hispanic black, Non-Hispanic white, Mexican American, others Health status definitions tested for physical conditions GFR: 신장기능검사의 지표 glomerular filtration rate hEX-Tox

8 Statistical analysis SAS 8, SUDAAN
Survey sample weights for cluster design (Proc descript) Skewed to the higher values (right), not log-transformation Analysis of covariance: to correct demographic covariates Multiple linear regression: to study the influence of variables (race, sex, age, BMI, FFM, clinical parameters) N=22,245 creatinine values in urine Evaluated the potential effects of differential nonresponse FFM is calculated by sex, and age-specific equation (height, weight, age, sex, react hEX-Tox

9 Results hEX-Tox

10 Results Non-Hispanic blacks greater than others (Fig 1.)
※ Normal range (30 ~ 300 mg/dL) Non-Hispanic blacks greater than others (Fig 1.) Since 12% of all children below than guideline  should be re-evaluated Up to 8% of all had < 30 mg/dL, under 3% had > 300 mg/dL Urinary creatinine between morning and evening is significantly differed (Table 4.) hEX-Tox

11 Results ≥ 20 subjects, almost of independent variables were significant interaction terms ( depends on the race & age group, bias exists.) Those who suffer diabetes have lower than others, and the magnitude varied. Kidney dysfunction All age subjects, (Table 5.) Race, sex, age group & BMI were significant interaction term ( age group * (race, sex)) Age groups differ across the race The higher FFM, the smaller BMI effect hEX-Tox

12 Discussion WHO guideline  for occupational monitoring
Low conc. too dilute and impair detection of toxicants. High conc. Dehydration (kidney’s secretion, excretion, reabsorption) Typical rules for outliers: 1~99 % (or 5~95 %) of popul. In specific group, it would make bias (Mexican female over 70 yr.) This criteria might be established using less diversity workforce such as non-Hispanic white male  women, other ethnic, and older workers need to be considered hEX-Tox

13 Discussion morning urine (no info for first voids) > afternoon & evening Chemical exposures among children and adults are differ, so that creatinine adjustment elevates the urinary conc. in children compare to adults. Lean muscle mass (produces the majority of creatinine) Fat free mass (FFM) associate with creatinine (r=0.222) Separate normal/reference range for specific rather for total Model1. predictor of exposure - possibility - solution Model2. predictor of disease - possibility - solution hEX-Tox

14 Discussion & Conclusions
Limitation FFM and creatinine data existed only for > 12yr. No dietary data Not evaluate for children < 6 yr. Not exactly first morning void samples Not established the upper bound CI for 90th percentiles Conclusion 1. ( fill in the blank ) 2. ( fill in the blank ) hEX-Tox

15 QnA ? hEX-Tox

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