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Resources are available at

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1 Resources are available at
System Implementation and Monitoring Regional Session Spring, 2014

2 8:45 - Dividing into groups of 4 or 5

3 Changes to Spring K-12 SIM

4 FEEDBACK @ the SIM K-12 site or

5 Goals Inquire and co-learn about implementation and monitoring of your plan within your learning team Build and mobilize knowledge through outside and in-the-room thinking Build our capacity to monitor our progress and impact Consider how educator and student mind-sets influence our actions Support coherence building by connecting the work of the province and district with the schools

6 Agenda Mindsets Learning from the Student Achievement Division Math Forum Sharing evidence of impact Lunch Readings Feedback

7 The Mindset to Succeed

8 How might these messages
Students and educators need a mentor, a coach who pushes them at a critical time. Someone who has a belief in their future more than they do. You can’t go it alone. It takes a team. Your legacy is the belief you generate in the students you teach. It is your ultimate responsibility. How might these messages influence your role?

9 Math Forum A Provincial Monitoring Moment
Setting the Context: The Ministry of Education designed a two day conversation - a Forum for Action - to mine the best thinking of researchers and practitioners with the goal of improving mathematics teaching and learning in Ontario schools. The key considerations for improvement emerged from their discussions.

10 Excerpts from Math Forum

11 Key Considerations for Improvement Math Forum
While reading the “Key Considerations for Improvement” think about how it relates to your math plan. What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding on to as you revisit your plan? What changes in attitudes, thinking or action are suggested?

12 Adapted from Utilization Focused Evaluation, M. Patton
Monitoring “Monitoring is the ongoing gathering, reviewing and assessing of information to track and document progress towards achieving results and goals.” Adapted from Utilization Focused Evaluation, M. Patton

13 From Data to Evidence

14 Monitor and Reflect on Student and Educator Learning

15 Some methods of ongoing monitoring include:
Discussing the School Improvement Plan at staff, division, department and/or Professional Learning Community meetings Planning professional learning based on the specific actions/strategies in the School Improvement Plan Assessing progress according to established checkpoints and timelines Collaborative analysis of a wide range of student data Reflecting on targets and the results of instruction to determine the next steps. ( School Effectiveness Framework 2013, p 8)

16 Examining the evidence on the table

17 Thinking Together About Our Work
Share the evidence you brought with you today with your board team.

18 Thinking Together About Our Work
Conversation #1 As Group A shares, group B is thinking about questions from the Monitoring Through Implementation graphic that will provoke thinking and invite further discussion. Group B then shares and Group A asks questions from the graphic.

19 12:00 – 12:45 Members of trusting teams:
Have discussions, with the encouragement of different viewpoints, about how to reach goals. Team members have the courage to share their viewpoint, even if it varies from the majority of the group. Team members are open-minded, listen, and give colleagues a chance to speak. Respectful dialogue is the norm. Are able to engage in “unfiltered conflict” around ideas. Admit weaknesses and mistakes and ask for help. Accept questions and input about their areas of responsibility. Give one another the benefit of the doubt before arriving at a negative conclusion. Take risks in offering feedback and assistance. Appreciate and tap into one another’s skills and experiences. Offer and accept apologies without hesitation. Look forward to meetings and opportunities to work as a group.

20 Becoming A Learning Organization
Lucy West: Becoming A Learning Organization 12:45-12:50 Lucy West – 6:15 minutes

21 Readings

22 How does what you discovered in these resources as well as resources from previous SIM sessions extend your thinking about your board plan? What ideas, positions or assumptions might you challenge within the resources you reviewed and explain why? How could you use the key messages from the resources to help inform and deepen your monitoring of student, teacher, and leader learning? How do the key messages from the articles support your beliefs and/or question your thinking and how might your beliefs inform your next actions to support implementation of your board’s plan?

23 Learning Dialogues Select one resource of interest Move to the area with the resource of interest and the guiding questions. Capture the collective thinking on e.g. chart paper, using technology, etc. Submit a copy of your thinking to the Regional Team. (to collate and distribute)

24 Like-Role Dialogue How might the readings support your actions moving forward? Reflect on your SIM learning over the course of the year. In your role, what will inform your practice moving forward?

25 Individual Reflection and Commitment
What action(s) will you commit to in an effort to increase the impact of your mathematics goals? Write your commitment(s) on a sticky note. 2:00-2: minutes

26 Team Commitments to Action
Each team member shares their individual commitment(s) to action On the template provided, place stickies closer to the centre if the team determines they have the greatest possibility of impact or need the greatest attention Reflection: How do our commitments connect in order to build coherence within our Families of Schools/Board?

27 Lucy West: Creating A Learning Organization

28 Please complete your feedback survey
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