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Armistice World War I.

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1 Armistice World War I

2 *Rationing During World War I
*System of rationing designed to limit purchases of consumer goods such as: Coffee, sugar, gas, meats, butter, cheese, fruit, & vegetables

3 End of World WAR I

4 *Armistice* “The fighting stopped on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.” – Nov. 11, 1918

5 Casualty Figures - Great War
**What relationship exist between the battlefronts and the war deaths?**

6 Revenge

7 HUMAN COST OF THE WAR *The major characteristic of warfare in World War I was high causality rates were suffered on BOTH sides SOLDIERS INVOLVED 65,038,810 MILITARY DEATHS 8,020,780 CIVILIAN DEATHS 6,642,633 MILITARY WOUNDED 21,228,813

8 Cost of the War in Today’s Money Amounts
$ 281,887,000,000.00

9 WORLD WAR I: Allies Win the First World WAR. U.S. involved April 1917-Nov. 1918 Cost of the War in Today’s Money Amounts $ 281,887,000,000.00

10 England and France England and France wanted revenge! They had fought for 5 years, lost 2 million men, and suffered from damaged land and economies. They were not interested in Wilson’s plans for peace. Battle Scene - Ypres

11 Not Allowed... German representatives & representatives from the new Soviet Union not allowed to attend the negotiations at Versailles. Germany pinned her hopes on the American President. German Armistice site

12 The Big Four President Woodrow Wilson (U.S.)
Prime Minister L. George, U.K. (= Great Britain) President G. Clemenceau (France) President V. Orlando (Italy)

13 *Wilson’s Fourteen Points
*Fourteen Points - Plan for the postwar world GOALS – Wants a fair and lasting peace Reduce navies and armies *National Self determination for different nationalities (allowing people to decide for themselves under what government they wished to live) *League of Nations (international attempt to resolve conflicts without warfare) “ A free, open minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such question of sovereignty the interest of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the claims of the government whose title is to be determined”-President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points

14 *The Treaty of Versailles
Allies agreed to a League of Nations (international group that will attempt to resolve conflicts without warfare) Limit German armed forces Germany & USSR lose territory *Germany is solely responsible for the war = WAR GUILT CLAUSE *Germany must pay for 33 billion in REPARATIONS-(payment of war debt)  German citizens turned against the leaders of the Weimar Republic for signing *Mandate system-League of nations established guidelines for the Allies to follow when governing the former German and Ottoman territories. The expectation for the territories was for them to ultimately gain their independence *Created Yugoslavia by combining Serbia with parts of Austria-Hungarian Empire

15 Treaty of Versailles impact on Germany
*WWI and Treaty of Versailles caused EXTREME hardships in Germany *Had to restore its own economy while paying restitution to Allied nations *Lost raw materials that were located in their colonies now controlled by the Allies *The high male causality rate resulted in an inadequate labor force needed to rebuild Germany

16 *The Failure of the Treaty*
*The Treaty of Versailles contained provisions that contributed to the political and economic problem of Europe (instability of Europe) War Guilt Clause and High Reparations made Germany ANGRY AND BITTER! *Larger nations (Germany, Austria-Hungary) divided into smaller nations. *Austria was mad because it was left smaller and landlocked *Germany mad because of reparations and demilitarization (Treaty of Versailles) *Japan angry – because it did not receive as much territory as defeated Germany USSR angry because lost more land than Germany! Plants the seeds for World War Two

17 America: Life After World War I

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