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Gabriela Kalocova Regional Council Moravia-Silesia (CZ)

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Presentation on theme: "Gabriela Kalocova Regional Council Moravia-Silesia (CZ)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gabriela Kalocova Regional Council Moravia-Silesia (CZ)
CABARET OF EUROPE Gabriela Kalocova Regional Council Moravia-Silesia (CZ) Date: Place: Brussels, Inform

2 CABARET OF EUROPE What Why How Where, when Recap

3 What Competition of the best literary, theater or music performance representing an EU country Public event informing on the European union in artistic and original way Public event briefly informing on Regional Operational Program Moravskoslezsko (ROP MS) Part of European Day celebration targeted at high school students

4 Why To inform on European union creatively
To combine general information on EU with real examples of EU cohesion policy and support in region To attract attention of wide public to our institution (relatively new in region) and its work

5 Why Cabaret of Europe is just one of many activities
promoting the outputs of ROP MS. Together with requisite promotion, we also want: To develop long-term extra cooperation with selected partner groups in the region (NGOs, schools, public institutions) To strenghten position and positive image of our organisation To support active students and highlight the work of the best schools

6 How promotion through direct mailing, posters, Facebook, routine information channels (web,bulletin,newsletter,…) Low-cost campaign (premises, refreshment, time) Cooperation with regional EP representatives: winner award = 4-day trip to Brussels Refreshment: typical products from presented countries (pizza, croissants, Gouda, feta,…) Winner selected by audience not by us Test year, continuation in 2011

7 premises reconstructed through ROP MS
Where and when 9th June 2010 Ostrava Castle – - recently opened premises reconstructed through ROP MS 200 participants, 14 EU countries presented


9 Promotion of ROP Location (premises recently supported by ERDF)
Short introduction on our organization and ROP MS Examples of the most distinctive projects Short quiz to highlight some ERDF projects in Moravia-Silesia („a)b)c) questions“, eg. how many schools were suported in region etc.) photo-exhibition on spot Thanks to attractive background and programme, event was promoted in regional media

10 Recap Mistakes: Information campaign focused on school representatives more than students Unfit timing (exam period) influenced by date of European Day and Castle agenda Benefits: IT WORKED. For little money, we have got: Media promotion New type of event – regarded as interesting and and entertaining New partners Appreciation of students

11 Thank you for your attention.
Gabriela Kalocova Regional Council Moravia-Silesia Ostrava, Czech Republic Tel.:

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